Class FileEntityProviderConfig

    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public static FileEntityProviderConfig parse​( is,
                                                     boolean strict,
                                                     java.lang.String parentPath)
        Parses an input stream.
        is - the input stream
        strict - if true, parses in strict mode
        parentPath - if not null, resolves relative paths against this parentPath
        the parsed graph config
        Throws: - Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
      • parse

        public static FileEntityProviderConfig parse​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> raw,
                                                     boolean strict,
                                                     java.lang.String parentPath)
        Parses a raw key/value mapping.
        raw - the raw key/value mapping to parse
        strict - if true, parses in strict mode
        parentPath - if not null, resolves relative paths against this parentPath
        the parsed graph config
      • parse

        public static FileEntityProviderConfig parse​(java.util.Properties props,
                                                     boolean strict)
        Parses a properties file.
        props - the properties to parse
        strict - if true, parses in strict mode
        the parsed graph config
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Checks if it's empty.
        true, if the Map 'values' is empty.
      • hasDefaultValue

        public boolean hasDefaultValue​(FileEntityProviderConfig.Field field)
        Checks for default value.
        field - the field
        true, if value for given field is the default value
      • getValuesWithoutDefaults

        public java.util.Map<FileEntityProviderConfig.Field,​java.lang.Object> getValuesWithoutDefaults()
        Gets the values without defaults.
        the values without defaults
      • getLeftoverValues

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getLeftoverValues()
        Gets the values that do not belong to any field.
        the values that do not belong to any field
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString​(boolean hideSensitiveData)
      • getSeparator

        public java.lang.String getSeparator()
        a series of single-character separators for tokenizing. The characters ", {, } and \n cannot be used as separators. Default value is "," for CSV files, and "\t " for other formats. The first character will be used as a separator when storing.
        Specified by:
        getSeparator in class AbstractFileEntityProviderConfig
        the separator
      • isHeader

        public java.lang.Boolean isHeader()
        first line of file is meant for headers, e.g. 'EdgeId, SourceId, DestId, EdgeProp1, EdgeProp2'
        Specified by:
        isHeader in class AbstractFileEntityProviderConfig
        Whether the file has a header or not
      • isDetectGzip

        public java.lang.Boolean isDetectGzip()
        enable/disable automatic gzip compression detection when loading graphs
        Specified by:
        isDetectGzip in class AbstractFileEntityProviderConfig
        true if GZip file automatic detection is enabled, false otherwise.
      • getLabel

        public java.lang.String getLabel()
        label for the entities loaded from this provider
        Specified by:
        getLabel in class EntityProviderConfig
        the custom label
      • getFormat

        public ProviderFormat getFormat()
        provider format
        the format
      • getSourceVertexProvider

        public java.lang.String getSourceVertexProvider()
        name of the source vertex provider to be used for this edge provider
        Specified by:
        getSourceVertexProvider in class EntityProviderConfig
        the name of the source vertex provider
      • getDestinationVertexProvider

        public java.lang.String getDestinationVertexProvider()
        name of the destination vertex provider to be used for this edge provider
        Specified by:
        getDestinationVertexProvider in class EntityProviderConfig
        the name of the destination vertex provider
      • hasKeys

        public java.lang.Boolean hasKeys()
        indicates if the provided entities data have keys
        Specified by:
        hasKeys in class EntityProviderConfig
      • getErrorHandling

        public GraphErrorHandlingConfig getErrorHandling()
        error handling configuration
        the error handling configuration
      • getLocalDateFormat

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getLocalDateFormat()
        array of local_date formats to use when loading and storing local_date properties. Please see DateTimeFormatter for a documentation of the format string
        the date format
      • getTimeFormat

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getTimeFormat()
        the time format to use when loading and storing time properties. Please see DateTimeFormatter for a documentation of the format string
        the time format
      • getTimestampFormat

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getTimestampFormat()
        the timestamp format to use when loading and storing timestamp properties. Please see DateTimeFormatter for a documentation of the format string
        the timestamp format
      • getTimeWithTimezoneFormat

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getTimeWithTimezoneFormat()
        the time with timezone format to use when loading and storing time with timezone properties. Please see DateTimeFormatter for a documentation of the format string
        the time with timezone format
      • getTimestampWithTimezoneFormat

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> getTimestampWithTimezoneFormat()
        the timestamp with timezone format to use when loading and storing timestamp with timezone properties. Please see DateTimeFormatter for a documentation of the format string
        the timestamp with timezone format
      • getVectorComponentDelimiter

        public java.lang.Character getVectorComponentDelimiter()
        delimiter for the different components of vector properties
      • getPoint2d

        public java.lang.String getPoint2d()
        longitude and latitude as floating point values separated by a space
      • getKeystoreAlias

        public java.lang.String getKeystoreAlias()
        alias to the keystore to use when connecting to database
        the keystore alias or null if underlying format does not require a keystore