Class CategoricalPropertyConfig

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    EmbeddingTableConfig, OneHotEncodingConfig

    public class CategoricalPropertyConfig
    extends InputPropertyConfig
    Configuration class for categorical feature handling. See CategoricalPropertyConfigBuilder for a description of the hyperparameters. Inhereted by the following currently supported config types: EmbeddingTableConfig See EmbeddingTableConfigBuilder for a description of the hyperparameters. OneHotEncodingConfig See OneHotEncodingConfigBuilder for a description of the hyperparameters.
    • Method Detail

      • setShared

        public void setShared​(boolean isShared)
      • getShared

        public boolean getShared()
      • setMaxVocabularySize

        public void setMaxVocabularySize​(int size)
      • getMaxVocabularySize

        public int getMaxVocabularySize()
      • validateProperties

        public void validateProperties()