1 Oracle Secure Backup Product Family

This chapter describes the two Oracle Secure Backup tape management editions along with feature availability and the Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module.

This chapter contains these sections:


This Licensing Information document is a part of the product or program documentation under the terms of your Oracle license agreement and is intended to help you understand the program editions, entitlements, restrictions, prerequisites, special license rights, and/or separately licensed third party technology terms associated with the Oracle software program(s) covered by this document (the "Program(s)"). Entitled or restricted use products or components identified in this document that are not provided with the particular Program may be obtained from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud website (https://edelivery.oracle.com) or from media Oracle may provide. If you have a question about your license rights and obligations, please contact your Oracle sales representative, review the information provided in Oracle’s Software Investment Guide (http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/pricing/software-investment-guide/index.html), and/or contact the applicable Oracle License Management Services representative listed on http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/license-management-services/index.html.

Introducing the Oracle Secure Backup Product Family

Oracle Secure Backup is a centralized backup management solution providing high performance, heterogeneous data protection in distributed UNIX, Linux, Windows, and Network Attached Storage (NAS) environments. Protecting file-system and Oracle Database data, Oracle Secure Backup provides a complete tape backup solution for your IT environment. In addition to providing tape backups, disk pool backups, and backups to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, Oracle Secure Backup delivers an integrated Oracle Database backup to third-party cloud (Internet) storage, through the Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module.

Oracle Secure Backup offers two centralized backup management editions for the data center, each suitable for different development and deployment scenarios:

  • Oracle Secure Backup is ideally suited for distributed environments consisting of multiple heterogeneous servers with advanced data protection requirements such as encryption, automated rotation of tapes between multiple locations, and protection of NAS devices. This edition allows the use of tape devices, disk pool devices, and cloud storage devices as backup targets.

  • Oracle Secure Backup Express edition provides reliable data protection for single-server Oracle Database environments backing up to tape. Oracle Secure Backup Express is available free with the Oracle Database and is the same core product as Oracle Secure Backup. The Express edition is limited to a single host with one direct-attached tape drive and has some restrictions on advanced feature usage, as shown in Table 1-1.

Oracle Secure Backup is licensed per simultaneous backup or restore operation to an Oracle Secure Backup disk pool, configured tape drive and/or Cloud. When using the Oracle Secure Backup centralized backup management solution, a backup or restore operation would include Oracle database or MySQL jobs via integration with the Oracle System Backup Tape (SBT) API as well as file-system jobs. An Oracle Secure Backup license is required for each configured tape drive as one backup or restore stream is in progress at any one time. Oracle Secure Backup disk pools and cloud devices accommodate simultaneous backup and restore streams and therefore a license is required for each concurrent job (user-defined maximum number of concurrent jobs) per disk pool and/or cloud device. For example, if an Oracle Secure Backup domain included 4 tape drives, one disk pool configured to allow 10 concurrent jobs, and one cloud device configured to allow 10 concurrent jobs, a total of 24 licenses would be needed.

The Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module provides Oracle Database backup to cloud storage using Recovery Manager (RMAN) and is independent of the Oracle Secure Backup data protection management editions at the data center. The Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module can be used as a complement or replacement for the Oracle Secure Backup centralized management solution or other third-party media-management products.

Feature Availability by Centralized Management Edition

Table 1-1 lists the features available in Oracle Secure Backup and Oracle Secure Backup Express. This table explains the differences between Oracle Secure Backup and Oracle Secure Backup Express and helps you to determine which deployment is best for your business.

Table 1-1 Feature Availability of Oracle Secure Backup and Oracle Secure Backup Express

Feature Oracle Secure Backup Express Oracle Secure Backup

Integrated with RMAN for online tape backup and restore of Oracle Database



Backup and restore of non-database file-system data to tape



Backup and restore to/from disk



Backup and restore to/from cloud No Yes

Backup of Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) environments



Integrated with Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control starting with Oracle Database 10g Release 2



Multiple tape drive usage within the backup environment



Fibre attached device support



Backup encryption to tape



RMAN advanced backup compression levels



ACSLS support



Vaulting support (automates rotation of tapes between multiple locations)



Networked backup of distributed servers and/or tape devices



Support for backup to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Classic No Yes
Support for backup to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage No Yes

Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module

The Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module delivers Oracle RMAN integration with Amazon S3 using an SBT library specific to Amazon S3.

The Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module is licensed for each RMAN channel simultaneously used by the backup domain to an Amazon S3 destination. An Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module license can be shared among multiple Oracle Database backups, as long as the number of RMAN channels for backup to the cloud does not exceed the number of Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module licenses. For example, if one environment has 12 Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module licenses, then 3 Oracle Database backups could each use 4 RMAN channels simultaneously or 1 Oracle Database backup could use all 12 RMAN channels at one time as long as no other RMAN channels were being used.

Cloud storage costs associated with Oracle Database backups are set by Amazon S3 and are independent of Oracle. An Amazon S3 user account must be established before performing Oracle RMAN backups directly to Amazon S3 using the Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module.


The Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module is not available with Oracle Secure Backup Express edition.

Special-Use Licensing

The Oracle Database Enterprise Edition (EE) offers licensed options for some advanced database management technologies. Oracle Secure Backup includes use of two optimizations at no additional cost. These optimizations are normally available only with the purchase of the Oracle Advanced Security Option or the Oracle Advanced Compression Option. This Oracle Secure Backup special-use licensing includes:

  • RMAN backup encryption beginning with Oracle Database 10g Release 2

    Direct to tape is available only when using Oracle Secure Backup. It is not available when using third-party media-management products.

    Direct to cloud storage, using Amazon S3, is available when using the Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module.

    Direct to cloud storage, using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, is available when using Oracle Secure Backup.

  • RMAN backup compression algorithms that would otherwise require Oracle Advanced Compression option

    The RMAN backup compression special-use licensing is available when using the Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module or the Oracle Secure Backup management solution and is not available with the Oracle Secure Backup Express edition.

    The Oracle Secure Backup special-use licenses apply to RMAN backup encryption, which is a component of the Oracle Advanced Security Option, and RMAN backup compression levels, which are components of the Oracle Advanced Compression Option. To use additional features of the Oracle Advanced Security Option or the Oracle Advanced Compression Option, you must license those options separately.

  • Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module on ZDLRA

    Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module can be used free of charge on Oracle Zero Data Loss Recovery Appliance (ZDLRA) for the sole purpose of backing up data to and restoring data from S3-compatible storage devices that are in the same campus as ZDLRA.

    This special use license does not allow you to move such data to or from Non-Oracle Public Cloud Environments, either directly or through gateway devices.

    You are allowed to move such data to and from Oracle databases that do not have ZDLRA, however, Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module must be licensed on those Oracle databases. For example, if you use Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module free of charge on ZDLRA to back up data to an S3-compatible storage device, you can then use Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module to restore that data to an Oracle database without ZDLRA, but only if Oracle Secure Backup Cloud Module is licensed on that Oracle database.

    To move data to or from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure the ZDLRA provides an integration with the OCI Backup Cloud Module which does not require a license.

Packaging and Support

Oracle Secure Backup Express is bundled with the Oracle Database. Support for Oracle Secure Backup Express is provided exclusively through a free Oracle Discussion Forum monitored by Oracle employees as well as community experts.

Updates and technical support are provided only to customers who maintain technical support services for their Oracle licenses in accordance with Oracle's Technical Support Policies. Oracle Secure Backup is a separately licensed product and is supported in accordance with Oracle's Technical Support Policies.

Third-Party Notices and/or Licenses

Open Source or Other Separately Licensed Software Included in Oracle Secure Backup

Open Source or Other Separately Licensed Software Included in Oracle Secure Backup

Required notices for open source or other separately licensed software products or components distributed in Oracle Secure Backup 18c are identified in the following table along with the applicable licensing information. Additional notices and/or licenses may be found in the included documentation or readme files of the individual third party software.

Table 1-2 Open Source or Other Separately Licensed Software Included in Oracle Secure Backup

Provider Component(s) Licensing Information


OpenSSL, Version: 1.1.1l

OpenSSL Version 1.1.1l License

PHP Group

PHP, Version: 7.4.26

PHP Version 7.4.26 License

The Apache Software Foundation

Apache HTTP Server, Version 2.4.52

Apache HTTP Server Version 2.4.52 License