5 Installing Oracle Secure Backup on Windows

Follow these steps to learn how to install Oracle Secure Backup on hosts that run the Windows operating system.

Prerequisites for Installing on Windows

Before starting Oracle Secure Backup installation on Windows, check the following prerequisites.

  • Complete the planning tasks described in Preparing to Install Oracle Secure Backup.

  • While installing Oracle Secure Backup on a host, if you want to use the host as a media server, then physically attach each tape library and tape drive to the host. Restart the system if required.

  • Before adding Oracle Secure Backup tape libraries and drives to an administrative domain, disable or stop any system software that scans and opens arbitrary SCSI targets (for example, tape library monitoring software).

  • For installing the administrative server or media server role, verify the physical and network requirements for the host as discussed in Choosing Secure Hosts for the Administrative and Media Servers.

  • Oracle Secure Backup requires NDMP port 10000 for installing on your host. If this port is not available on your host, for example other applications are using this port, then the installation cannot complete successfully. Therefore, Oracle Secure Backup provides an option to manually specify the NDMP Port for installation.

    For more information, see Table 5-1.

Obtain the Oracle Secure Backup installation media and store it in a directory that all hosts can access. You can download the installation media from Oracle Technology Network (OTN) and extract the contents of the archive file.

Options for Installing on Windows

For installing Oracle Secure Backup on Windows, you can use the following parameters.

Table 5-1 Installation Parameters for Windows

Parameter Description Required for Unattended Installation
ADD_HOST_INITIATOR_VALUE="myhostname.com" Specifies the adding host ID. Yes, if ADD_HOST_INITIATOR_ENABLE is not specified
INSTALL_ROLE="Client" Disables user prompts for advanced settings and automatically selects the client host role. Yes
ADD_HOST_INITIATOR_ENABLE="No" Disables administrative host identification check while adding a client to the administrative domain. Yes, if ADD_HOST_INITIATOR_VALUE is not specified
NDMP_PORT="12345" Specifies the port used by Oracle Secure Backup for NDMP communication. Yes, if the default port 10000 is not available
DISABLE_WEB_TOOL="Yes" Installs only the Oracle Secure Backup administrative server with the web server disabled. No

Interactive Installation on Windows

Follow these steps to perform an interactive installation of Oracle Secure Backup on Windows.

  1. Log in to your host as an administrator user.

  2. Go to the directory where the installation software is stored and run the setup.exe program to open Oracle Secure Backup setup wizard.


    To install Oracle Secure Backup on an alternate NDMP Port if the default port 10000 is not available, run the setup wizard with an additional option NDMP_PORT.
    setup.exe NDMP_PORT="12345"

    On this host, if you have uninstalled Oracle Secure Backup earlier or if this is a fresh installation, then the Clean Install window appears. Click Next to continue.

    Along with the install options, you can also use the following buttons in the setup wizard:

    • Help: to view detailed description for installation

    • Space: to check disk space for installation

  3. Specify user information as follows:

    • User Name: Enter a user name

    • Organization: Enter the name of your company

    • Select who can use Oracle Secure Backup on this host.

      • Anyone who uses this computer: Provides access to all users

      • Only for me: Restricts using Oracle Secure Backup only to you

    Click Next to continue.

  4. Select the host role as displayed in Figure 5-1.

    Figure 5-1 Oracle Secure Backup Setup Window

    Description of Figure 5-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 5-1 Oracle Secure Backup Setup Window"

    You can select from the following:


    Installation of Oracle Secure Backup on Windows also includes the client and media server packages.

    By default, a Windows host assumes the client role unless you specifically select the administrative role.

    A single host can have multiple roles, which are additive rather than exclusive.

  5. Verify that Oracle Secure Backup installs in the default directory, C:\Program Files\Oracle\Backup. If you want to select a different directory for the installation, then click Change and specify the location.

    Click Next to continue. The setup wizard displays the Ready to Install the Program window.

  6. Click Install to start the Oracle Secure Backup installation.

    The setup wizard displays a confirmation message that the installation is complete. Click Finish to close the setup wizard.

The installation generates a log file, namely osb_install.log, and stores it in the Windows temporary directory.

If you have enabled Windows Installer logging, then the installation also creates an additional Windows log in the same directory. For more information, see Enabling Installer Logging on Windows.

Similarly, you can install Oracle Secure Backup in unattended mode on your Windows host. For more information, see Noninteractive or Unattended Installation on Windows.


For installing in an Oracle Real Application Clusters (Oracle RAC) environment, install Oracle Secure Backup on each node in the cluster.

Installing Administrative Server on Windows

While running the Oracle Secure Backup setup wizard on a Windows host, you can install the administrative server .

  1. Select the host role as displayed in Figure 5-1.

    Figure 5-2 Oracle Secure Backup Setup Window

    Description of Figure 5-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 5-2 Oracle Secure Backup Setup Window"

    Under Oracle Secure Backup Client, select Administrative Server then select This feature will be installed on local hard drive.


    By default, a Windows host assumes the client role unless you specifically select the administrative role.

  2. Select whether you want to customize configuration parameters for the installation.

    Click Next to continue.

  3. Create a password for the Oracle Secure Backup Encryption Wallet. Enter the password in the given fields.


    Ensure to note the Encryption Wallet password and keep it safe. In case of a failure, you require this password to recover your administrative server.

    Click Next to continue. Oracle Secure Backup stores the password in the Cloud Wallet.

  4. Create a password for the Oracle Secure Backup administrative server. Enter the password in the given fields and click Next to continue.

    For both, Encryption Wallet password and administrative server password, Oracle recommends that you select a password of minimum eight characters with a combination of alphabetic and numeric values. You can also customize the minimum length of the password as a part of Configuring Advanced Settings for Windows.

  5. On the Admin Server Configuration Details window, you can enter configuration information for your email server.

    These fields are optional. If you do not want to specify these, then leave them blank and click Next to continue.

    Figure 5-3 Admin Server Configuration Details Page

    Description of Figure 5-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 5-3 Admin Server Configuration Details Page"
    • Email address for admin user: Specify an email address, if you want to receive notifications about jobs, operations, status, and so on from the administrative server. Leave this blank if you do not want to receive notifications.
    • SMTP Server: Enter details of your email server
    • SMTP Port: Enter the TCP/IP port number of your email server


    By default, Oracle Secure Backup sends email notifications from SYSTEM@FQDN address, where FQDN is the Fully Qualified Domain Name of the administrative server. You can change the default sender while configuring the installation parameters. For more information, see Oracle Secure Backup Reference.

  6. In the Web Server Account Details Window, enter the credentials for your Apache Web user account.


    Failure to log in to your Apache Web server account displays an error message and stops the Oracle Secure Backup installation.

    If you do not want to use your Web server account or do not have a Web server account, then use the Local System Account credentials for the installation.

    • Enter your Windows user account in the format domain\user. This user can run the Apache daemon.
    • Create a password for the Apache Web user account. Enter the password in the given fields.

Now, continue the installation of Oracle Secure Backup on your Windows host.

When you install the Oracle Secure Backup administrative server, it also installs the web server. However, while installing the administrative server Oracle Secure Backup provides an option to disable the web server using the following command:

msiexec /i "Oracle Secure Backup.msi" /qn /L*V "msi_install.log" DISABLE_WEB_TOOL="Yes"

Installing Client Role on Windows

While running the Oracle Secure Backup setup wizard on a Windows host, you can install the client or media server role.

  1. Select the host role as displayed in Figure 5-1.


    By default, a Windows host assumes the client role unless you specifically select the administrative role.

  2. Select whether you want to customize configuration parameters for the installation.
    Click Next to continue. The setup wizard displays the Adding Host Initiator Name window.
  3. Enter the host ID of the administrative server that adds the client to its domain.

    You can enter either the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or the IP address of the administrative server. Specifying the IP address avoids connectivity failures during problems with nameservice.

    The client stores the specified IP address or FQDN in C:\Program Files\Oracle\Backup\db\obconfig.txt file. This information is essential for authentication purpose and for establishing the initial connection between the client and the administrative server.

    For more information, see Configuring and Managing the Administrative Domain.

Now, continue the installation of Oracle Secure Backup on your Windows host.

Enabling Installer Logging on Windows

The Windows Installer logging helps in troubleshooting issues while installing Oracle Secure Backup.

To enable Windows Installer logging

  1. Open the Windows registry with Regedit.exe and create the following path and keys:


    Reg_SZ: Logging

    Value: voicewarmupx

  2. Select the required logging mode. Table 5-2 displays the letters you can enter in the value field to enable the corresponding logging options.

    These letters are not in a sequence, that is, you can enter them in any order.

    Table 5-2 Windows Installer Logging Values

    Value Description


    Verbose output


    Out-of-disk-space messages


    Status messages


    Initial UI parameters


    All error messages


    Non-fatal warnings


    Start up of actions


    Action-specific records


    Out-of-memory or fatal exit information


    User requests


    Terminal properties


    Append to existing file


    Flush each line to the log


    Extra debugging information


    Wildcard, log all information except for the v and the x options. To include the v and the x option, specify /l*vx.


    Use Windows Installer logging for troubleshooting purposes only. If you leave it running for a longer period, then it might affect the system performance and occupy more disk space.

    Each time you use the Add/Remove Programs tool in Windows Control Panel, it creates a new Msi*.log file.

Configuring Advanced Settings for Windows

Oracle Secure Backup provides default values for configuration parameters during installation unless you modify them and specify a different value.

Configuration Parameters for Administrative Server

While running the setup wizard on Windows, you can use the Display advanced settings option to view and modify the configuration parameters. Depending on the host role, whether it is an administrative server or a client, the setup wizard displays the Admin Host Advanced Settings or Client Host Advanced Settings window respectively.

You can modify the following parameters for both administrative server and client role.

  • Temporary directory: Specify the location to store transient files used while performing various operations. For more information, see Oracle Secure Backup Temporary Directory.

  • Start Oracle Secure Backup Services automatically: Select this option to automatically start all services after the system restarts.

You can modify the following parameters in the Admin Host Advanced Settings, that is, only for an administrative server.

Using Oracle Secure Backup with RMAN

To perform Oracle Database backup and restore operations with Recovery Manager (RMAN), Oracle Secure Backup requires a preauthorized Oracle Secure Backup user on the administrative server. This preauthorized user with the rights of the oracle class can perform backup and restore operations with RMAN.

  1. In the Admin Host Advanced Settings window, select the Create "oracle" user option to create the preauthorized user.
    The setup wizard automatically generates a password for the oracle user. Generally, you do not change this password because you do not log in to Oracle Secure Backup as the oracle user.
  2. In the Preauthorized User Details window, enter the account information for the preauthorized user.

    By default, the setup wizard provides the name oracle for the preauthorized user, which you can modify. You can perform backup of Oracle Database on both Linux or UNIX and on Windows client.

    To backup a database on a Linux or UNIX client, enter the following:

    • Preauthorized user account: The user name on Linux or UNIX associated with the preauthorized user.

    • Preauthorized Group: Name of the group on Linux or UNIX associated with the preauthorized user.

    To backup a database on a Windows client, in the Preauthorized Account field, enter the domain user account associated with the preauthorized user.


  • Create the oracle user only for using Oracle Secure Backup with RMAN.

  • To perform unprivileged backup operations on Windows clients using RMAN, you must modify the Oracle Secure Backup admin and oracle users and assign Windows credentials (a domain, user name, and password) to them. This is applicable to any platform that acts as the administrative server.

  • Creating an oracle user provides convenience but can also affect the security.

See Also:

Oracle Secure Backup Reference for more information about the oracle class

Noninteractive or Unattended Installation on Windows

Oracle Secure Backup supports noninteractive or unattended installation of client role on a Windows host.

You can perform unattended installation of Oracle Secure Backup client host role on Windows from the command-line interface (CLI).
For unattended installation of client role on Windows:
  1. Log in to your host as an administrator user.
  2. Open a CLI window, such as Windows Command Prompt or PowerShell, and go to the directory where the software package is stored.
  3. For unattended installation of client role, run the installer with an additional parameter, INSTALL_ROLE="Client".
    The INSTALL_ROLE="Client" parameter automatically selects the client host role. Using this parameter, the installer proceeds with the installation without displaying any prompts for advanced settings.
    Moreover, you have additional options for unattended installation.
    • With adding host ID: to specify an adding host ID, for example myhost.oracle.com
      msiexec /i "Oracle Secure Backup.msi" /qn /L*V "C:\msi_install.log" INSTALL_ROLE="Client" ADD_HOST_INITIATOR_VALUE="myhostname.com"
    • Without adding host ID: to disable the secure registration feature and install Oracle Secure Backup without specifying an adding host ID
      msiexec /i "Oracle Secure Backup.msi" /qn /L*V "msi_install.log" INSTALL_ROLE="Client" ADD_HOST_INITIATOR_ENABLE="No"
    • Specify NDMP Port: to use another NDMP Port for installation, if the default port 10000 is not available
      msiexec /i "Oracle Secure Backup.msi" /qn /L*V "msi_install.log" INSTALL_ROLE="Client" ADD_HOST_INITIATOR_ENABLE="No" NDMP_PORT="12345"
The setup wizard completes the installation and displays a confirmation message: Oracle Secure Backup was installed.

Configuring Firewalls for Oracle Secure Backup on Windows

Windows contains a built-in Windows Firewall which, in the default configuration, blocks inbound traffic on ports used by Oracle Secure Backup.

If your Windows host is protected by a firewall, then the firewall must be configured to permit Oracle Secure Backup daemons on the host to communicate with the other hosts in your administrative domain. Oracle Secure Backup includes daemon components that listen on port 400, port 10000, and other dynamically assigned ports.

Because the dynamically assigned ports used by Oracle Secure Backup span a broad range of port numbers, your firewall must be configured to allow executables for the Oracle Secure Backup daemons to listen on all ports.

The Oracle Secure Backup Windows installation provides a sample batch script called obfirewallconfig.bat in the bin directory under the Oracle Secure Backup home.

This script contains commands that make the required configuration changes for the Windows Firewall, the built-in firewall released with Windows. Review the script to determine whether it is suitable for your environment. You can run the script after the installation completes.

Local Policy for tcpkeepalive

As Oracle Secure Backup performs a backup, several network connections are opened across the nodes in the Oracle Secure Backup domain. For large backups, some of these connections may be idle for a long time. Your firewall or other network devices may be configured to terminate idle connections after a specific time. If a backup exceeds this time, the firewall terminates the idle connections, resulting in a failed backup.

The firewall terminates a connection in the following scenarios:

  • The firewall is configured to terminate network connections which are idle for a specified time, for example, 7200 seconds or 2 hours.

  • Oracle Secure Backup is performing large backups, which takes longer than the firewall setting for terminating connections.

Enable the local policy for tcpkeepalive to maintain the network connections and prevent idle socket timeouts, which causes failure of the backup jobs.

See Also:

See "Enable tcpkeepalive on local host" for more information about how to enable tcpkeepalive for network connections.

For details on configuration of other firewalls, see the documentation provided by the vendor. You can refer to the sample script for the Windows Firewall to determine the names of executables that need permission to listen on ports.

See Also:

My Oracle Support note 727528.1 for more information on how to configure firewall ports for use with Oracle Secure Backup. My Oracle Support is available at http://support.oracle.com/.