Changes in This Release for Oracle Secure Backup Installation and Configuration Guide

This section highlights new features, fixes, and enhancements in Oracle Secure Backup for the current release.

Oracle Secure Backup 19.1 Release 1

The following are the changes in this document for Oracle Secure Backup 19.1.

New Features, Enhancements, and Updates

Additional options while installing Oracle Secure Backup

See Options for Installing on Linux or UNIX and Options for Installing on Windows.

Oracle Secure Backup Client Backward Compatibility

Oracle Secure Backup client supports backward compatibility and interoperability with the earlier versions. For more information, see Support for Client Backward Compatibility and Upgrading Oracle Secure Backup.

Deprecated Functionality

  • Support for physical tape drives and libraries, including VTLs emulating libraries and tape drives is deprecated. These may not be supported in future releases of Oracle Secure Backup.

  • Support for administrative server and media server on non-Linux platforms is deprecated. Future releases of Oracle Secure Backup will support administrative server and media server only on Linux platform.

  • Support for Oracle Secure Backup client will continue on all platforms, that is, Linux, Solaris, Windows, HP-UX, and AIX.

Desupported Functionality

The Oracle Secure Backup 19.1 software is not interoperable with Oracle Secure Backup 12.2 and earlier version clients.