
B  C  D  F  G  I  J  L  M  O  P  Q  R  S  U  


  • bulk insert of JSON documents 3.5
  • bulk patch (update) of JSON documents 3.14
  • bulk update (patch) of JSON documents 3.14


  • cachingEnabled configuration parameter A
  • collection configuration 5
  • collection metadata
  • collections
    • creating 3.1
      • with custom metadata 5.2
    • deleting 3.3
    • listing 3.2
    • listing documents in 3.10
    • removing documents from 3.8
  • configuration file, default.xml A
  • creating collections
    • with custom metadata 5.2


  • database role
    • SODA_APP 6
  • defaultLimit configuration parameter A
  • DELETE collection operation 4.9
  • DELETE object operation 4.10
  • deleting a single document from a collection 3.8
  • deleting collections 3.3
  • deleting documents from a collection 4.15
  • disableDropCollection configuration parameter A
  • documents
    • filtering in collections 3.12
    • inserting into a collection
      • in bulk from JSON array 3.5
    • inserting into collections
      • one at a time 3.4
    • listing in collections 3.10
    • removing from collections 3.8
    • replacing in collections 3.7
    • retrieving from collections 3.6


  • filtering documents in collections 3.12


  • GET actions operation 4.6
  • GET catalog operation 5.1
  • GET collection operation 4.7
  • GET object operation 4.8
  • getting collection metadata 5.1
  • GET user collections operation 4.4


  • inserting documents into a collection
    • in bulk from JSON array 3.5
  • inserting documents into collections
    • one at a time 3.4
  • installing SODA for REST 2



  • listing collections in a database schema 3.2
  • listing documents in collections 3.10


  • maxLimit configuration parameter A
  • metadata, custom 5, 5.2
  • metadata of collections


  • ORDS configuration file, default.xml A


  • patching (updating) multiple JSON documents 3.14
  • patching a single JSON document 3.13
  • PATCH operation for a JSON document 4.11
  • POST bulk delete operation 4.15
  • POST bulk insert operation 4.14
  • POST bulk patch (update) operation 4.16
  • POST bulk truncate (delete all) operation 4.15
  • POST bulk update (patch) operation 4.16
  • POST index operation 4.17
  • POST object operation 4.12
  • POST query operation 4.13
  • POST unindex operation 4.18
  • PUT collection operation 4.19
  • PUT object operation 4.20


  • query-by-example (QBE)


  • removing a single document from a collection 3.8
  • replacing a document in a collection 3.7
  • REST architectural style 1.1
  • retrieving documents from collections 3.6


  • security 6
  • SODA_APP database role 6
  • soda.cachingEnabled configuration parameter A
  • soda.defaultLimit configuration parameter A
  • soda.disableDropCollection configuration parameter A
  • soda.maxLimit configuration parameter A
  • SODA for REST HTTP operations 4
    • response bodies 4.2
    • URI forms for 4.1


  • updating (patching) a single JSON document 3.13
  • updating (patching) multiple JSON documents 3.14
  • URIs used for SODA for REST operations 4.1