5.2 Creating a Collection That Has Custom Metadata

You use a PUT collection operation to create a document collection that has custom metadata. You provide the metadata in the request body.

The request body of a PUT collection operation is a SODA collection specification. It is JSON data that specifies the metadata for the new collection. If the body is empty then the collection is created using the default metadata.

If a collection with the same name already exists then it is simply opened. If the custom metadata provided does not match the metadata of the existing collection then the collection is not opened and an error is raised. (To match, all metadata fields must have the same values.)

Example 5-2 Creating a Collection That Has Custom Metadata

This example creates a collection with the custom metadata that is in file metadata.json.

curl -i -X PUT --data-binary @metadata.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/ords/database-schema/soda/latest/MyCustomCollection

Here is example content of file metadata.json. It is the same as the default metadata, except that the key column assignment method is set to CLIENT. (The default metadata for a collection is presented in Default Collection Metadata in Oracle Database Introduction to Simple Oracle Document Access (SODA).)

{ "keyColumn" : { "name" :  "ID",
  "assignmentMethod" : "CLIENT" },
  "contentColumn" : { "name" : "JSON_DOCUMENT"},
  "versionColumn" : { "name" : "VERSION",
                      "method" : "UUID" },
  "lastModifiedColumn" : { "name" : "LAST_MODIFIED" },
  "creationTimeColumn" : { "name" : "CREATED_ON" } }

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