3.5.1 About Published Projects

You can share your Spatial Studio project with other users by publishing it.

Once your project is completed on the Active Project page, then you can save and publish the project. The published project gets displayed on the Projects page under Published Projects.

You can perform the following actions on a published project:

  • Open: Opens the project.
  • URL: Provides the URL for the published project. You can use the URL to embed the project in an external web application through iFrames.

    However, note that this is typically only used for published projects that contain only public datasets. A public published project can be accessed through its URL by any user on the internet without logging into the Spatial Studio application.

  • Sync with source project: Keeps the project synchronized with the source.
  • Permissions: Allows you to make a published project public (or private if it is already public).

    Note that this option will be enabled only if all the datasets that are in the published project themselves are already public. In such cases, you may choose to use the Permissions option to make the published project itself also be public.

  • Edit: Allows you to edit the project name and description.
  • Delete: Deletes the published project.