3 Using Oracle Spatial Studio

Using Oracle Spatial Studio, you can create one or more projects, each of which can define one or more spatial datasets on which you can perform various spatial operations.

It is important you understand the following terminologies when working on Spatial Studio:

  • A project contains Spatial Studio objects, such as datasets, that are logically related to some intended usage. For example, a project might be named New England Sales Territories, or Sales Territories and Customers, or Ohio Airports and Counties. When creating a project, you should know the purposes for which you want to identify and analyze spatial data in a geographic area.
  • A dataset is a collection of spatial features of a specific usage type and geometry type. For example, datasets might include Airports represented by polygon geometries, or Roadways represented by LRS line string geometries, or Accidents represented by point geometries.
  • A connection specifies information for connecting to an Oracle Database schema where spatial data of interest resides: user name, password, system, port, database name, and so on. (It is similar to a SQL Developer connection.)


See also Spatial Studio Terminology for more information.

The main landing page for Spatial Studio for a new user is as shown:

Figure 3-1 Spatial Studio Main Page

Description of Figure 3-1 follows
Description of "Figure 3-1 Spatial Studio Main Page"

The overall layout of the Spatial Studio user interface comprises of:

  • Header: The header at the top of the page contains the following buttons:
    • toggle_menu: to display or hide the side navigation menu
    • help_icon : to help you get started on Spatial Studio by providing an overview of the tool and links to other tutorial resources
    • avatar: displays the user profile details
  • Side Navigation Menu: A navigation panel on the left displays the menu items. You can expand or collapse the navigation drawer.
  • User Workspace: The page specific details for the selected menu option is displayed on the right.

The navigation menu consists of the following menu options:

  • Active Project: Directs you to the Active Project page where your recent working project is displayed.
  • Projects: Directs you to the Projects page where all your existing projects and published projects are listed.
  • Datasets: Directs you to the Datasets page where all the datasets available to you are listed.
  • Connections: Directs you to the Connections page where all the existing connections (data sources) available to you are listed.
  • Jobs: Directs you to the Jobs page where the various background jobs started by Spatial Studio to process various requests are listed.
  • Administration: Directs you to the Administration page where you can monitor the status and activity of Spatial Studio. It contains tabs for Settings, Maintenance, and Monitoring.