3.9 Spatial Studio Jobs Page

The Jobs page displays details of all the background jobs that run in Spatial Studio.

The following figure shows a layout of the Jobs page:

You can perform the following actions on the Jobs page:

  • Select a job to be displayed in the grid: Active, Past or All.
  • Select a refresh interval for the jobs grid.
  • View details of a specific job.
  • Terminate a job.

    Also, note the following about terminating a job:

    • You can terminate a Processing or Pending job.
    • You can terminate all job types except Create lon-lat index jobs.
    • Upon termination of a job, partial execution results of the job are maintained. You can choose to clear the partial results. For example, you can perform Clear Address Geocode after terminating a Geocode job.
    • Only jobs related to H3 aggregations such as Build H3 Index are completely rolled back when terminated.

The grid table displays the following properties for each job entry row:

  • Type: The job type, such as "Geocode", "Reverse geocode dataset" and so on.
  • Object: The entity being altered by the job, which can be a Dataset, Table, Index or other.
  • Created by: The user that submitted the job.


    System maintenance jobs are created by “$system” account
  • Start Time: The scheduled next run time for jobs with Pending status or the actual job start time for any other job status.
  • End Time: The time at which a job completed.
  • Status: Indicates the state or progress of a job, which can be:
    • Pending
    • Processing
    • Done
    • Error
    • Terminating
    • Terminated

By clicking additional_options_icon against any job row, you can perform the following actions :

  • View Details: To view extra information, such as the step at which a Processing job is currently running or error details for Error or Terminated jobs. Also, you can terminate a Processing job by clicking Terminate when viewing the job details.
  • Terminate: To terminate a Processing or Pending job directly. It remains disabled for any other job status.