3.8.4 Managing System Notifications

As the Spatial Studio administrator, you can create, edit, or delete system notifications.

Spatial Studio supports two types of notifications:

  • Banner: These notifications are typically used to display informative message such as planned downtime, scheduled updates, and so on. Banner type notifications are displayed across the top of the web application page, just above the built-in Spatial Studio application banner.
  • Show Stopper: These are messages that will be displayed when the Spatial Studio server is not servicing any requests such as when being investigated for emergency issues or breaches.

You can manage the system notifications as shown in the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Administration page.
  2. Click Notifications under Maintenance.
    The Notifications window listing all the configured notifications opens.

    Figure 3-42 System Notifications

    Description of Figure 3-42 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-42 System Notifications"
  3. Perform any one of the following required actions.
    • Create a New Notification
      1. Click Create.
      2. Select the Notification Type.
      3. Enter Severity, Expiration Date (in UTC), and Message for banner notifications.
      4. Enter Title, Expiration Date (in UTC), and Message for show stopper notifications.
      5. Click OK.

      The new notification appears in the Notifications dialog.

    • Edit a Notification

      Click edit_icon against a notification to edit the message details.

    • Delete a Notification

      Click delete_icon against a notification to delete the notification.