4.5 Filtering Data on a Map Layer

You can filter on an attribute column of a dataset to determine the data points that must be displayed on a map visualization.

The following steps enable you to add a data filter on a map layer.

The instructions assume that a map layer is displayed on your Active Project page.
  1. Click Menu Icon against the map layer in the Layers tab of the Layers List.
  2. Select Settings in the context menu.
  3. Select Filter from the Configure drop-down list as shown.

    Figure 4-39 Adding Data Column Filter

  4. Select the Column name against which you want to filter data.
  5. Select the Operator and enter the data Value.
  6. Optionally, select Apply on the server checkbox if you wish to filter the data at the server side.

    If Apply on the server option is not checked, then the filter is applied instantly on the client and only on the data that is currently displayed on the map. It is important to note that if the source table contains large amount of data, then Spatial Studio may not always bring all the data to the visualization client. Therefore, the client-side filter may not be able to find an item that should be there but is not displayed (due to server performing automatically data sampling when generating vector tiles).

    However, server side filter always queries the source table with the filter condition and brings the filtered result to the client for display.

  7. Click Apply.
    The data points on the map layer are filtered as per the column filter.