5.7 Creating an Isochrone Map for Analysis

You can create isochrone (driving-time) polygons, which show the areas that can be reached within a specified distance or time, for a set of input locations.

Perform the following steps to run the Driving reach spatial analysis.
  1. Click Menu Icon against the map layer, which contains the input locations, in the Layers tab.
  2. Select Spatial Analysis.
    The Spatial Analysis Operations slider opens as shown in Figure 5-1.
  3. Click the Analytics tab and select Driving reach.
    Calculate drive time/distance polygons slider opens as shown:

    Figure 5-13 Reach Time Configuration

  4. Optionally, modify the resulting dataset name in Results dataset.
  5. Specify the input geometries from the Calculate polygon from drop-down.
    You can choose one of the following options:
    • Point geometries: Select the specific input geometry column of the dataset.
    • Input coordinates: Enter manually the Longitude and Latitude coordinates.
    • Pins on the map: This option appears if you have one or more pins created on the map.
  6. Specify the Reach distance or time as required.
  7. Select the Unit for the specified Reach.
  8. Optionally, modify the Geometry column name in which the resulting polygon geometries will be stored.
  9. Click Run.
    The job to run the analysis gets initiated. Once the job completes, the Analysis result dataset gets listed under Analyses in the Data elements panel on the left pane of the Active Project page.
  10. Drag and drop the geometry column from the Results dataset on the map view.
    The following figure shows an example of Driving reach spatial analysis. The polygons shows the areas that are within two hour reach from the input locations (shown in green).

    Figure 5-14 Isochrone Map Analysis