5.8 Densify Geometry Analysis

The Densify Geometry transform operation densifies the input geometry by adding more points based on an interval value.

This analysis is useful when visualizing large distances between two coordinates.

To perform this analysis, ensure that a dataset comprising the input geometries (lines or polygons) is added in the Active Project page.

Perform the following steps to run the Densify Geometry spatial analysis.
  1. Click Menu Icon against the map layer whose coordinates needs to be filtered in the Layers tab.
  2. Select Spatial Analysis.
    The Spatial Analysis Operations slider opens as shown in Figure 5-1.
  3. Click the Transform tab and select Densify Geometry.
    Densify Geometry slider opens as shown:

    Figure 5-15 Configuring Densify Geometry

  4. Optionally, modify the Results dataset name.
  5. Select the Layer to be transformed.
  6. Optionally, modify the Interval for densification.
    If the interval is set to too small a value, then the densified geometry may contain a very large number of vertices. This can cause an adverse effect on storage and performance when visualizing or further analyzing them.
  7. Click Run.
    The Analysis results are listed under Analyses in the Data elements panel on the left pane of the Active Project page.
  8. Drag and drop the densified geometry column from the result dataset.
    The following figure shows an example of the Densify Geometry spatial analysis. Considering that the earth is spherical, the densified geometry (in green) is projected as a curve.

    Figure 5-16 Visualizing Densify Geometry Analysis