2.3 Upgrading Spatial Studio

This section describes the process to upgrade your existing Oracle Spatial Studio deployment to 24.2.0.


If you are running a Spatial Studio version earlier than 22.3.0, then you must first download and successfully log into Spatial Studio 22.3.0 (see Downloading Spatial Studio 22.3.0 from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud). This is because a new version control mechanism is introduced for the metadata schema in 23.1.0 and Spatial Studio expects any existing metadata schema to already be at the version of Spatial Studio 22.3.0. Therefore, you must log into the 22.3.0 web application at least once, before you can download and run the latest version. Otherwise, Spatial Studio version 24.2.0 will log the following SEVERE error message and abort the startup process.

!!! Spatial Studio ver. 22.3.0 must be run at least once against your repository schema before upgrading to this version !!!


To check the version of your current Spatial Studio installation, log into the web application, then click the About menu item from the Avatar drop-down menu. The version number gets displayed.

If you are already using Spatial Studio 22.3.0 or a newer version, then the following sections explain the steps for upgrading Spatial Studio in an existing host (in-place upgrade) or when deploying to a new host (out-of-place upgrade).

2.3.1 Prerequisite Tasks for Upgrading Spatial Studio

Perform the following prerequisite steps to prepare for Spatial Studio upgrade:
  1. Stop all running Spatial Studio instances.
  2. Take a backup of the following artifacts:
    • Repository metadata schema tables such as:

      You can export the preceding files to a dump file using the data pump utilities. For example, the following shows a data pump export command, assuming the metadata schema name is studio_metadata with the database service name orclpdb:

      expdp studio_metadata/<password>@orclpdb directory=dumpdir
    • Working directory (generally, ~/.sgtech)
    • sgtech_config.json configuration file which is generally located in the working directory
    • For Quick Start, back up <spatial_studio_home_dir>/conf/jetty-realm.properties file which defines Spatial Studio users (user names, encrypted credentials, and roles).
  3. Download the Spatial Studio 24.2.0 version and upload it to the host to be upgraded.

2.3.2 In-Place Upgrade

Perform the following step for an in-place Spatial Studio upgrade:
  1. Redeploy the Spatial Studio 24.2.0 application.
    • For Quick Start: Rename the old Quick Start folder. Expand the newly downloaded ZIP file, replace <spatial_studio_home_dir>/conf/jetty-realm.properties with the backup copy, and run start.sh (Linux) or start.cmd (Windows).
    • For EAR deployment: Follow the instructions of your application server to delete the old deployment version. Then, deploy the new version and start the application.

2.3.3 Out-of-Place Upgrade

Perform the following steps for an out-of-place Spatial Studio upgrade:
  1. Create the working directory in the new host.
    mkdir ~/.sgtech
  2. Copy the sgtech_config.json configuration file from the working directory of the old host to the new host.
    cp old/sgtech_config.json ~/.sgtech

    If the master_seed entry in the configuration file is lost, all connection passwords will be broken. If this occurs, proceed with the upgrade, then log into the upgraded Spatial Studio instance, edit each connection by re-entering the password, and reconnect.

  3. Deploy the Spatial Studio application.
    • For Quick Start: Expand the newly downloaded ZIP file, replace <spatial_studio_home_dir>/conf/jetty-realm.properties with the backup copy, and run start.sh (Linux) or start.cmd (Windows).
    • For EAR deployment: Follow the instructions of your application server to deploy the new version and start the application.

    When the application is started, the repository database schema will automatically be upgraded.

2.3.4 Downloading Spatial Studio 22.3.0 from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud

You can download Spatial Studio 22.3.0 from Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.

  1. Log into https://edelivery.oracle.com/.
  2. Search Oracle Spatial Studio in the search bar.
  3. Click Oracle Spatial Studio
    The software gets added to the cart.
  4. Click Continue at top right of the page.
  5. Click Continue again at top right of the page.
  6. Review the license agreement, select I reviewed and accept the Oracle License Agreement checkbox, and click Continue.
  7. Click the V1032893-01.zip link next to Spatial_Studio_qs_22.3.0.zip.
    The software gets downloaded to your system.