2.3 Starting and Leaving SQLcl

Logging In and Logging Out

Use the following commands to log in to and out of SQLcl.

SQLCL [[option] [logon | / NOLOG] [start]]

where option has the following syntax:

-H[ELP]  | -V[ERSION]  | [ [-C[OMPATIBILITY] x.y[.z]]]  [-L[OGON]]   [-NOLOGINTIME] [-R[ESTRICT] {1 | 2 | 3}] [-S[ILENT]] [-AC]]

where logon has the following syntax:

{username[/password] [@connect_identifier]  | /}  [AS {SYSASM |SYSBACKUP |SYSDBA |SYSDG |SYSOPER |SYSRAC |SYSKM}]  [edition=value]

and where start has the following syntax:

@{url | file_name[.ext]} [arg ...]

{EXIT | QUIT} [SUCCESS | FAILURE | WARNING | n | variable | :BindVariable] [COMMIT | ROLLBACK]

Commits or rolls back all pending changes, logs out of Oracle, terminates SQLcl and returns control to the operating system.

{QUIT | EXIT} [SUCCESS | FAILURE | WARNING | n | variable | :BindVariable] [COMMIT | ROLLBACK]

Commits or rolls back all pending changes, logs out of Oracle, terminates SQLcl and returns control to the operating system.

Setting JVM Options

To set an Oracle Java Virtual Machine (JVM) option in SQLcl, use the following environment variable:

The following example shows in Windows, how to change the user interface language in SQLcl to Spanish (es):

c:\SQLDev\sqlcl\20.2\sqlcl\bin>SET JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Duser.language=es
c:\SQLDev\sqlcl\20.2\sqlcl\bin>sql hr/oracle
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Duser.language=es
SQLcl: Versi≤n 20.2 Production en mar. ago. 25 15:37:58 2020
Copyright (c) 1982, 2020, Oracle. Todos los derechos reservados.
Last Successful login time: Mar Ago 25 2020 15:38:01 -04:00
Conectado a:
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

Se ha encontrado login.sql en el CWD. El acceso a la DB estß restringido para login.sql.
Ajuste SQLPATH para incluir la ruta y activar la funcionalidad completa.
The following example shows how to change the user interface language in SQLcl to French (fr), and also increase the maximum memory available to SQLcl (-Xmx800m):
c:\SQLDev\sqlcl\20.2\sqlcl\bin>SET JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS=-Duser.language=fr -Xmx800m
c:\SQLDev\sqlcl\20.2\sqlcl\bin>sql hr/oracle
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Duser.language=fr -Xmx800m
SQLcl : version 20.2 Production sur mar. ao√t 25 15:57:21 2020
Copyright (c) 1982, 2020, Oracle. Tous droits rΘservΘs....