2.4 Connecting to a Database

You can connect to a database using the CONNECT command.



The options specified automatically determine the kind of connection required, such as whether it is a traditional client-server connection or a wallet-based cloud connection. You can override this by using options that specify a particular connection type. For example, specify -wallet to use the wallet connection type.

The connection types supported in SQLcl are:

  • OCI

To see the help description for CONNECT, enter:

help connect

To see examples for CONNECT in help, enter:

help connect examples

To see help for WALLET connection type, enter:

help connect wallet

To see examples for OREST, enter:

help connect orest examples


Option Description
-cloudconfig, cc Specifies the wallet to use to establish the connection.
-edition, ed Specifies the Oracle database edition. This is an alternative to providing it in the connection spec parameter.
-kerberos, ker Specifies a Kerberos connection type.
-krb5_config, krb5c Specifies a non-default Kerberos configuration file. This property is specified only when SQLcl is started.
-krb5ccname, krb5cc Specifies a non-default Kerberos credential file.
-oci Specifies an OCI connection type.
-oracle, o Specifies an Oracle connection type.
-orest, or Specifies a REST connection type.
-password, pw Specifies the password. This is an alternative to providing it in the connection spec parameter.
-proxy, p Specifies the network proxy to use.
-radius, rad Specifies a RADIUS connection type.
-rest, rt Specifies that the connection should be established using REST.
-role, r Specifies the database role. This is an alternative to providing it in the connection spec parameter.
-socks|s Specifies a SOCKS proxy connection type.
-socksproxy|sp Specifies the SOCKS proxy.
-third, t Specifies a third-party database connection type.
-url Specifies the URL. This is an alternative to providing it in the connection spec parameter.
-user, u Specifies the user name. This is an alternative to providing it in the connection spec parameter.
-wallet, w Specifies a wallet connection type.
-verbose, v Requests output of diagnostic information about the connection.


Parameter Description
<connectionspec> Provides the connection specification for the target database.


To connect to an Oracle database:

SQL> CONNECT user/password@url

To connect to an Oracle database using the SYSDBA role:

SQL> CONNECT user/password@url as sysdba