2.4.6 SOCKS Connection Type

Connect to a database using a SOCKS proxy. Before connecting, set up the proxy process on the local machine by using the ssh command. For example:

ssh -N -D 

The connection spec parameter has the form:



Option Description
-socks|s Specifies a SOCKS connection type.
-socksproxy|sp Specifies the socks proxy.
-cloudconfig, cc Specifies the wallet to establish the connection.
-proxy, p Specifies the network proxy to use.
-user, u Specifies the user name. This is an alternative to providing it in the connection spec parameter.
-password, pw Specifies the password. This is an alternative to providing it in the connection spec parameter.
-url Specifies the URL. This is an alternative to providing it in the connection spec parameter.
-role, r Specifies the database role. This is an alternative to providing it in the connection spec parameter.
-edition, ed Specifies the Oracle database edition. This is an alternative to providing it in the connection spec parameter.
-verbose, v Requests output of diagnostic information about the connection.


Parameter Description
<connectionspec> Provides the connection specification for the target database.


To set the SOCKS and wallet properties and then connect:

 SQL> SET socksproxy socks5h://localhost:1080
  SQL> SET cloudconfig mywallet.zip
  SQL> CONNECT myuser/passwd@mycloudtns

Alternatively, do it using one command:

SQL> CONNECT -socksproxy socks5h://localhost:1080 -cloudconfig mywallet.zip