3 Using Liquibase

This chapter covers the Liquibase feature in SQLcl. It has the following topics:

3.1 About Liquibase in SQLcl

Liquibase is an open-source database-independent library for tracking, managing and applying database schema changes.

For an understanding of the major concepts in Liquibase, see Major Concepts.


Liquibase is not available in SQLcl that is part of the SQL Developer installation. To use this feature, you need to download the standalone SQLcl offering.

The Liquibase feature in SQLcl enables you to execute commands to generate a changelog for a single object or for a full schema (changeset and changelogs). You can process these objects manually using SQLcl or through any of the traditional Liquibase interfaces.

With the Liquibase feature in SQLcl, you can:

  • Generate and execute single object changelogs
  • Generate and execute schema changesets with object dependencies
  • Automatically sort a changeset during creation based on object dependencies
  • Record all SQL statements for changeset or changelog execution, as it is generated
  • Provide full rollback support for changesets and changelogs automatically

3.2 Requirements for Using Liquibase

The two important aspects for using the Liquibase functionality are capturing and deploying objects in an Oracle database.

Capture Objects

To capture an object or a schema, you must have SQLcl with the Liquibase plug-in available.

In this release, you can only capture objects from the schema you are connected to in SQLcl. You also need write permission on the directory in which you save the files.

If you are capturing an entire schema, the user you are connected to must have the privilege to create a table. The DATABASECHANGELOG_EXPORT table is created internally to gather object details and sort them correctly. The created object is automatically excluded from the capture process and destroyed upon capture completion.

Deploy Objects

Liquibase uses the DATABASECHANGELOG table to track the changesets that have been run. The DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table ensures that only one instance of Liquibase is running at a time. The DATABASECHANGELOG_ACTIONS table tracks the object state and the SQL statements executed during deployment.

  • SQLcl

    Deploying changes to any database through SQLcl requires the privilege to create a table. You must have necessary permissions to create any object type through the change that you are deploying.

  • Liquibase

    If you use Liquibase directly to deploy changesets, you need:

    • the extension installed in your Liquibase environment. Add the following jar files from sqlcl/lib and sqlcl/lib/ext folders to the liquibase/lib folder:
      • dbtools-liquibase.jar
      • dbtools-apex.jar
      • guava-with-lf.jar
      • xmlparserv2_sans_jaxp_services.jar
      • dbtools-common.jar
    • the privileges to create a table and a package.
    • to update your properties file by adding the following line:
      change-exec-listener-class: liquibase.changelog.visitor.OracleActionChangeListener

3.3 Supported Types

DDL types use create or replace syntax. A snapshot of the object is taken before applying the change so automatic rollback to the last known state is supported.

SXML types support automatic alter generation with automatic rollback support.

DDL types have their own change type.

  • JOB

SXML types share the SXML change type.

  • JOB
  • ROLE
  • USER
  • VIEW

3.4 Supported Liquibase Commands in SQLcl

You can invoke the Liquibase commands in SQLcl with liquibase or lb.

The SQLcl Liquibase commands that were initially launched in SQLcl release 19.2 has deprecated. In this release, the SQLcl plug-in has been updated to synchronize with the new command format introduced by Liquibase.


Liquibase|lb COMMAND {OPTIONS}
Liquibase|lb  help|he [-example|-ex]
Liquibase|lb  help|he COMMAND [-syntax|-sy] [-example|-ex]

To see the help for Liquibase in SQLcl, type one of the following:

help Liquibase or lb
Liquibase or lb help

To quickly view the syntax and exclude other details, type:

lb help -syntax

To only view the examples in help, type:

lb help -example

<OPTIONS>: The list of options for each Liquibase command is provided in the following sections.

Database Diff Commands

New Command Description Deprecated SQLcl Command
diff Writes description of differences between two databases to standard out. diff
diff-changeLog Adds any differences between the databases specified to a changelog. Can append in any of the supported changelog formats. -

Database Rollback Commands

New Command Description Deprecated SQcl Command
rollback Rolls back the database to the state it was in when the tag was applied. rollback { -tag }
rollback-sql A helper command that produces the raw SQL Liquibase would run when using the rollbackByTag command. rollbacksql { -tag }
rollback-to-date Rolls back the database to the state it was in at the given date/time. rolback { -date }
rollback-to-date-sql A helper command that allows you to inspect the SQL Liquibase will run while using the rollback-to-date command. rollbacksql { -date }
rollback-count Rolls back the last <value> changesets. rollback { -count }
rollback-count-sql Writes SQL to roll back the last <value> changesets to STDOUT. rollbacksql { -count }
future-rollback-sql Writes SQL to roll back the database to the current state after the changes in the changelog have been applied. -
future-rollback-count-sql Generates the SQL that Liquibase would use to sequentially revert the number of changes associated with undeployed changesets, which are added to a changelog file. -
future-rollback-from-tag-sql Produces the raw SQL Liquibase would need to roll back all undeployed changes made up to the specified tag. -

Database Snapshot Commands

New Command Description Deprecated SQLcl Command
data Generate changelogs for the data. -
generate-apex-object Generate apex objects from a database genobject { -apex }
generate-control-file Generate an empty control file that you can use to start a new changelog. -
generate-object Generate database objects from a database genobject
generate-ords-module, generate-ords-schema Generate ords objects from a database genobject { -ords }
generate-schema Generate all supported objects in a schema and controller file. genschema
generate-changelog Generate a changelog from a database when adding Liquibase to a new project. This is synonymous with snapshot with the exception of saving the output as XML in the changelog. -
snapshot Gathers the current database schema and displays that information to STDOUT. With options, can save the schema in JSON format, and that JSON snapshot can serve as a comparison database. -
update-to-tag-sql A helper command that inspects the SQL code Liquibase will run when using the update-to-tag <tag> command. -
snapshot-reference Captures the current state of the referenceURL database, which is the source database. -

Database Update Commands

New Command Description Deprecated SQLcl Command
update Updates the database to the current version. update
update-sql A helper command that enables you to inspect the SQL code that Liquibase will run when using the update command. updateSql
update-count Applies the next <value> changesets. -
update-count-sql Writes SQL to apply the next <value> changesets to STDOUT. -
update-testing-rollback Updates the database, then rolls back changes before updating again. -
update-to-tag Applies sequential changes to your database from the newest changeset to the changeset with the tag you specified and applied earlier. -
update-to-tag-sql A helper command that inspects the SQL code Liquibase will run when using the update-to-tag <tag> command. -

Documentation Commands

New Command Description Deprecated SQLcl Command
db-doc Generates Javadoc-like documentation based on current database and changelog. dbdoc

Maintenance Commands

New Command Description Deprecated SQLcl Command
calculate-checksum Calculates and prints a checksum for the changeset with the specified id in the following format: filepath::id::author. -
changelog-sync Marks all changes as executed in the database. -
changelog-sync-sql Writes SQL to mark all changes as executed in the database to STDOUT. changelogsync
changelog-sync-to-tag Marks all undeployed changesets from your changelog up to and including the specified tag as executed in your database. -
changelog-sync-to-tag-sql Produces the raw SQL that Liquibase would run when using the changelog-sync-to-tag command to mark all undeployed changesets associated with the specified tag as executed in your database. -
clear-checksums Removes current checksums from database. On next update changesets that have already been deployed will have their checksums recomputed, and changesets that have not been deployed will be deployed. clearchecksums
drop-all Drops all database objects owned by the user. -
list-locks Lists who currently has locks on the database changelog. listlocks
mark-next-changeset-ran Mark the next changeset as executed in the database. -
mark-next-changeset-ran-sql Inspects the SQL Liquibase will run while using the mark-next-changeset-ran command. -
release-locks Releases all locks on the database changelog. releaselocks
tag "Tags" the current database state for future rollback. tag
tag-exists Checks whether the given tag already exists. tagexists
unexpected-changesets Produces a list of changesets that were run in the database but do not exist in the current changelog.  
validate Checks the changelog for errors. validate

Status Commands

New Command Description Deprecated SQLcl Command
history Lists all deployed changesets and their deploymentIds. -
status Outputs the count (or list, if --verbose) of changesets that have not been deployed. -

3.4.1 calculate-checksum

Calculates and prints a checksum for the changeset with the given ID in the format filepath::id::author.


Liquibase|lb calculate-checksum|cac OPTIONS

The calculate-checksum command is typically used to compute an MD5 checksum, which serves as a unique identifier for the changeset. As a result, you can see whether the changeset has been changed and whether it has to be deployed differently. The MD5SUM column in the DATABASECHANGELOG table contains a checksum of the changeset and any change made in the changeset will result in a different checksum.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-changeset-identifier | -chi Changeset ID identifier of form filepath::id::author. - --changesetIdentifier
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
--log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Calculate a checksum for changeset:

SQL> lb calculate-checksum --changelog-file countries_table.xml --changeset-identifier
SQL> liquibase calculate-checksum changelog.oracle.sql::myID_123::Steve

3.4.2 changelog-sync

Marks all changes as executed in the database.


Liquibase|lb changelog-sync|chs OPTIONS

Uses include:

  • Creating a new baseline database.
  • Excluding objects from a database.
  • Marking a change as executed. The change was created manually.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects.   --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Mark changes as executed in the database:

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Connect to target and execute command
SQL> connect <db-connect-string>
SQL> lb changelog-sync -changelog-file countries_table.xml

3.4.3 changelog-sync-sql

Output the raw SQL used by Liquibase when running changelogsync.


Liquibase|lb changelog-sync-sql|chss


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects.   --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-output-default-schema | -ouds Control whether names of objects in the default schema are fully qualified or not. If true they are qualified. If false, only objects outside the default schema are fully qualified. False --outputDefaultSchema
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Generate SQL to mark changes as executed in the database:

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Connect to target and execute command
SQL> connect <db-connect-string>
SQL> lb changelog-sync-sql -changelog-file countries_table.xml -outputfile countries_synch.sql

3.4.4 changelog-sync-to-tag

Marks all undeployed changesets as executed starting from the top of the changelog file and moving down up to and including the tag.


Liquibase|lb changelog-sync-to-tag|chstt


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects.   --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Mark changes as executed in database up to and including tag.

cd <lb-changes-directory>
-- Edit changelog file and add tagDatabase entries for versions.
-- Execute command using a tag specified in tagDatabase in the changelog file.
SQL> lb changelog-sync-to-tag -tag version1 -changelog-file controller.xml

3.4.5 changelog-sync-to-tag-sql

Output the raw SQL used by Liquibase when running changelogSyncToTag.


Liquibase|lb changelog-sync-to-tag-sql|chstts OPTIONS


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-tag | -ta Generic 'tag to apply action to' - -
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects.   --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-output-default-schema | -ouds Control whether names of objects in the default schema are fully qualified or not. If true they are qualified. If false, only objects outside the default schema are fully qualified. False --outputDefaultSchema
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Mark changes as executed in database up to and including tag.

cd <lb-changes-directory>
-- Edit changelog file and add tagDatabase entries for versions.
-- Execute command using a tag specified in tagDatabase in the changelog file.
SQL> lb changelog-sync-to-tag-sql -tag version1 -changelog-file controller.xml -outputfile synch.sql

3.4.6 clear-checksums

Clears all checksums and nullifies the MD5SUM column of the DATABASECHANGELOG table so that they will be recomputed on the next database update.


Liquibase|lb clear-checksums|clc OPTIONS


Option Description Default Deprecated
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects.   --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Clear checksums:

-- Connect to target and execute command.
SQL> connect <db-connect-string> 
SQL> clear-checksums

3.4.7 data

Generate changelogs for the data. Creates a changelog for data from all objects or as filters are specified.


Liquibase|lb data|da OPTIONS


Option Description Default Deprecated
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-exclude-objects | -exo Objects to exclude from diff. - --excludeObjects
-include-objects | -ino Objects to include in diff. - --includeObjects
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects.   --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-schemas | -sc Schemas to include in diff. - -
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing

3.4.8 db-doc

Generates JavaDoc documentation for the existing database and changelogs.


 Liquibase|lb db-doc|dbd OPTIONS


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-output-directory | -oud The directory where the documentation is generated. - --outputDirectory
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects.   --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Generate db documentation:

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Generate doc
SQL> lb db-doc -output-directory ./dbdoc -changelog-file controller.xml

3.4.9 diff

Compare two databases.


Liquibase|lb diff|di OPTIONS


Option Description Default Deprecated
-reference-password | -rep The reference database password. - --referencePassword
-reference-url | -reur The JDBC reference database connection URL. - --referenceUrl
-reference-username | -reu The reference database username. - --referenceUsername
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-diff-types | -dit Types of objects to compare catalogs, tables, views, columns, indexes, foreignkeys, primarykeys, uniqueconstraints, data, storedprocedures, sequences{catalogs| tables| views| columns| indexes| foreignkeys| primarykeys| uniqueconstraints| data| storedprocedures| sequences} --diffTypes
-exclude-objects | -exo Objects to exclude from diff - --excludeObjects
-include-objects | -ino Objects to include in diff - --includeObjects
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects.   --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -


Compare two databases and spool output.
-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
SQL> spool diff.sql
-- Connect to target database
SQL> connect <db-connect-string> 
-- Compare to a reference database
SQL> lb diff -reference-url <reference-db-url> -reference-username <reference-db-user> -reference-password <reference-db-password>
SQL> spool off

Compare tables, indexes and views between two databases.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
SQL> spool diff.sql
-- Connect to comparison database
SQL> connect <db-connect-string> 
-- Compare to a reference database
SQL> lb diff -diff-types tables,indexes,views -reference-url <db-url> 
-reference-username <db-user> -reference-password <db-password>

3.4.10 diff-changeLog

Compare two databases to produce changesets and write them to a changelog file.


Liquibase|lb diff-changelog|dic OPTIONS


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-reference-password | -rep The reference database password. - --referencePassword
-reference-url | -reur The JDBC reference database connection URL. - --referenceUrl
-reference-username | -reu The reference database username. - --referenceUsername
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-diff-types | -dit Types of objects to compare catalogs, tables, views, columns, indexes, foreignkeys, primarykeys, uniqueconstraints, data, storedprocedures, sequences{catalogs| tables| views| columns| indexes| foreignkeys| primarykeys| uniqueconstraints| data| storedprocedures| sequences} --diffTypes
-exclude-objects | -exo Objects to exclude from diff - --excludeObjects
-include-objects | -ino Objects to include in diff - --includeObjects
-include-schema | -ins If true, the schema is included in generated changeSets. False --includeSchema
-include-tablespace | -int Include the tablespace attribute in the changelog False --includeTableSpace
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects.   --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-reference-default-schema-name | -redsn The reference default schema name to use for the database connection. - --referenceDefaultSchemaName
-schemas | -sc Schemas to include in diff - -
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Create changelog to synchronize two databases.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Connect to target database
SQL> connect <db-connect-string> 
-- Compare to a reference database and create a changelog to synchronize them
SQL> lb diff-changelog  -changelog-file diff.xml -reference-url <db-url> -reference-username <db-user> -reference-password <db-password>

Create changelog to synchronize table excluding employees between two databases.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Connect to comparison database
SQL> connect <db-connect-string> 
-- Compare tables to a reference database
SQL> lb diff-changelog -changelog-file diff.xml -diffTypes=tables -exclude-objects employees -reference-url <db-url> 
-reference-username <db-user> -reference-password <db-password>

3.4.11 drop-all

Drops all database objects owned by the user.


Liquibase|lb drop-all|dra

dropAll will not drop functions, procedures, or packages for the community version of Liquibase.

Functions, procedures, packages, and synonyms can only be dropped for Liquibase Pro supported objects.

dropAll is typically used when there is a need to prepare an environment schema to be identical to another environment schema. dropAll is useful in the developer and test environments to remove unwanted objects to reset the database to empty.

The command makes it easier to standardize another schema, compared to manually deleting the objects, or dropping and recreating the desired schema. dropAll should not be used in a production environment to prevent removal of required objects.

3.4.12 future-rollback-count-sql

Generates SQL that is used to sequentially revert the specified number of undeployed changes.


Liquibase|lb future-rollback-count-sql|furcs OPTIONS


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-count | -cu The number of changes to roll back. - -
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-output-default-schema | -ouds Control whether names of objects in the default schema are fully qualified or not. If true, they are qualified. If false, only objects outside the default schema are fully qualified. False --outputDefaultSchema
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Generate SQL to roll back the specified number of undeployed changes.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Connect to target
SQL> connect <db-connect-string>
-- Generate SQL to roll back 1 undeployed change
SQL> lb future-rollback-count-sql -count 1 -changelog-file controller.xml

3.4.13 future-rollback-from-tag-sql

Generates SQL to revert future undeployed changes up to the specified tag.


 Liquibase|lb future-rollback-from-tag-sql|furfts OPTIONS


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-tag | -ta Generic 'tag to apply action to'. - -
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-output-default-schema | -ouds Control whether names of objects in the default schema are fully qualified or not. If true, they are qualified. If false, only objects outside the default schema are fully qualified. False --outputDefaultSchema
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Generate SQL to roll back undeployed changes to tag.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Connect to target
SQL> connect <db-connect-string>
-- Generate SQL to roll back 1 undeployed change
SQL> lb future-rollback-count-sql -count 1 -changelog-file controller.xml
-- Edit changelog file and add tagDatabase entries for versions
-- Generate SQL to roll undeployed changes back to version1
SQL> lb future-rollback-from-tag-sql -tag version1 -changelog-file controller.xml

3.4.14 future-rollback-sql

Generate the raw SQL needed to roll back future undeployed changes.


Liquibase|lb future-rollback-sql|furs OPTIONS


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-output-default-schema | -ouds Control whether names of objects in the default schema are fully qualified or not. If true, they are qualified. If false, only objects outside the default schema are fully qualified. False --outputDefaultSchema
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Generate SQL to roll back undeployed changes.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Connect to target
SQL> connect <db-connect-string>
-- Generate SQL to roll back 1 undeployed change
SQL> lb future-rollback-count-sql -count 1 -changelog-file controller.xml
-- Generate SQL to rollback all undeployed changes
SQL> lb future-rollback-sql -changelog-file controller.xml

3.4.15 generate-apex-object

Generates the changeset for an APEX object.


Liquibase|lb generate-apex-object|geao OPTIONS

This command uses custom extension functionality.

XML files are generated defining the DDL for the APEX object.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -


Generate APEX object:

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Generate XML files
SQL> lb generate-apex-object

3.4.16 generate-changelog

Writes changelog XML to copy the current state of the database to standard output or a file (uses core Liquibase functionality).


 Liquibase|lb generate-changelog|gec OPTIONS


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-data-output-directory | -daod Directory to write data to. - --dataOutputDirectory
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-diff-types | -dit Types of objects to compare catalogs, tables, views, columns, indexes, foreignkeys, primarykeys, uniqueconstraints, data, storedprocedures, sequences{catalogs| tables| views| columns| indexes| foreignkeys| primarykeys| uniqueconstraints| data| storedprocedures| sequences} --diffTypes
-exclude-objects | -exo Objects to exclude from diff - --excludeObjects
-include-objects | -ino Objects to include in diff - --includeObjects
-include-schema | -ins If true, the schema is included in generated changeSets. False --includeSchema
-include-tablespace | -int Include the tablespace attribute in the changelog False --includeTableSpace
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects.   --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-output-default-schema | -ouds Control whether names of objects in the default schema are fully qualified or not. If true they are qualified. If false, only objects outside the default schema are fully qualified. False --outputDefaultSchema
-overwrite-output-file | -ovof Flag to enable overwriting of output changelog file. False --overwriteOutputFie
-schemas | -sc Schemas to include in diff - -
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Generate XML files for a database.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Generate xml files
SQL> lb generate-changelog
Generate XML files for specific schemas in a database.
SQL> lb generate-changelog -schemas hr,sales

3.4.17 generate-control-file

Generates an empty control file that you can use to start a new changelog.


Liquibase|lb generate-control-file OPTIONS


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -


Generate control file:

--Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
SQL> lb generate-control-file

3.4.18 generate-object

Writes change log XML to copy the current state of the database object to a file.


lb generate-object OPTIONS

This command uses custom extension functionality. An XML file is generated defining the DDL for the object specified. The file is used to deploy using UPDATE commands.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-debug | -de Enable debug output False -
-fail-on-error | -foe Set failonError attribute to true in changelog. False -
-log | -lo Enable logging False -
-object-name | -obn Name of the object. - -
-object-type | -obt Type of object. - -
-output-default-schema | -ouds Control whether names of objects in the default schema are fully qualified or not. If true, they are qualified. If false, only objects outside the default schema are fully qualified. False --outputDefaultSchema
-replace | -re Set replaceIfExists attribute to true in changelog. False -
-runalways | -ra Set runAlways attribute to true in changelog False -
-runonchange | -rc Set runOnChange attribute to true in changelog. False -


Generate the XML file for a specific object.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Generate xml files
SQL> lb generate-object -object-type table -object-name employees

3.4.19 generate-ords-module

Generates the code necessary to reproduce a module and all children using the ORDS APIs.


Liquibase|lb generate-ords-module|geom OPTIONS

This command uses custom extension functionality. The generated script includes roles and privileges associated with the selected module.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-module-name | -mon The module name for which to generate code. - -
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-include-enable-schema | -ines Dictates whether the enable_schema call will be included in the export. True -
-include-privs | -inp Dictates whether privileges will be included in the export. True -


Generate ORDS module object:

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Generate XML files
SQL> lb generate-ords-module

3.4.20 generate-ords-schema

Generates the code necessary to reproduce all modules and children using the ORDS APIs.


Liquibase|lb generate-ords-schema|geos OPTIONS

The generated script includes all roles and privileges associated with the exported modules.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-include-enable-schema | -ines Dictates whether the enable_schema call is included in the export. True -
-include-privs | -inp Dictates whether privileges will be included in the export. True -

3.4.21 generate-schema

Writes changelog XML to copy the current state of the database to files.


Liquibase|lb generate-schema|ges OPTIONS

This command uses custom extension functionality. XML files are generated defining the DDL for each object in the database. A controller XML file is created or updated identifying the individual XML files generated. The files are used to deploy using UPDATE commands.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history DATABASECHANGELOG --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de


Enable debug output.

False -
-fail-on-error | -foe


Set failonError attribute to true in changelog.

False -
-filter | -fi The filter value is the right-hand side of a SQL comparison, that is, a SQL comparison operator (=,!=, and so on) and the value compared against. The value must contain parentheses and quotation marks where appropriate. For example: "IN ('DEPT','EMP')" The filter value is combined with the object attribute corresponding to the object name to produce a WHERE condition in the query that fetches the objects. In the preceding example, objects named DEPT and EMP are retrieved. By default, all named objects of object_type are selected. - -
-grants | -gr


Export Object, System and Role grants.

False -
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-log | -lo


Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-replace | -re


Set replaceIfExists attribute to true in changelog.

False -
-runalways | -ra


Set runAlways attribute to true in changelog.

False -
-runonchange | -rc


Set runOnChange attribute to true in changelog.

-split | -sp


This makes the export split the files into directories based on the object types.

False -
-sql | -sq


Generate a SQL file along with the changelog showing the DDL for the object. This SQL is not intended for anything other than review.

False -
-synonyms | -sy


Export public synonymns.

False -


Generate XML files into separate directories.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Generate xml files
SQL> lb generate-schema -split

Generate XML files using a filter to include specific object types.

SQL> lb generate-schema -filter "IN ('DEPARTMENTS','EMPLOYEES')"

3.4.22 history

List all deployed changesets and their deployment ID.


Liquibase|lb history|hi OPTIONS


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
--log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Show the deployment history.

-- Connect to target
SQL> connect <db-connect-string>
SQL> lb history

3.4.23 list-locks

List the hostname, IP address, and timestamp of the Liquibase lock record.


Liquibase|lb list-locks|lil OPTIONS

The DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table is read to show lock details based on the connection.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing

3.4.24 mark-next-changeset-ran

Marks the next change you apply as executed in your database.


Liquibase|lb mark-next-changeset-ran|mancr OPTIONS

The mark-next-changeset-ran command is used when deploy errors occur due to Liquibase not being synchronized with changes made outside of Liquibase.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing

3.4.25 mark-next-changeset-ran-sql

Writes the SQL used to mark the next change you apply as executed in your database.


Liquibase|lb mark-next-changeset-ran-sql|mancrs OPTIONS


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-output-default-schema | -ouds Control whether names of objects in the default schema are fully qualified or not. If true, they are qualified. If false, only objects outside the default schema are fully qualified. False --outputDefaultSchema
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing

3.4.26 release-locks

Remove the Liquibase lock record from the DATABASECHANGELOG table.


Liquibase|lb release-locks|rel OPTIONS


Option Description Default Deprecated
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing

3.4.27 rollback

Roll back changes made to the database based on the specified tag.


Liquibase|lb rollback|rb OPTIONS

The rollback command is used to revert all changes that were made to the database after a defined tag. All deployed changes are rolled back until the tag row in the DATABASECHANGELOG table.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-tag | -ta Generic 'tag to apply action to'. - -
-change-exec-listener-class | -chelc Fully-qualified class that specifies a ChangeExecListener. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-change-exec-listener-properties-file | -chelpf Path to a properties file for the ChangeExecListenerClass. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-rollback-script | -ros Rollback script to execute. - -
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Roll back changes to tag.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Connect to target
SQL> connect <db-connect-string>
-- Apply update for versions adding new tag for each version
SQL> lb update -changelog-file controller.xml
SQL> lb tag -tag version1
SQL> lb update -changelog-file controller.xml
SQL> lb tag -tag version2
-- Roll back to version1
SQL> lb rollback-sql -tag version1 -changelog-file controller.xml

3.4.28 rollback-count

Roll back the specified number of changes made to the database.


Liquibase|lb rollback-count|rbc OPTIONS

The rollback-count command is used to revert the specified number of changes to the database starting from the most recent changes.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-count | -cu The number of changes to apply. - -
-change-exec-listener-class | -chelc Fully-qualified class that specifies a ChangeExecListener. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-change-exec-listener-properties-file | -chelpf Path to a properties file for the ChangeExecListenerClass. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-rollback-script | -ros Rollback script to execute. - -
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Roll back the specified number of changes.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Connect to target
SQL> connect <db-connect-string>
-- Apply update for versions adding new tag for each version
SQL> lb update -changelog-file controller.xml
SQL> lb update -changelog-file controller.xml
-- Roll back to version1
SQL> lb rollback-count -count 1 -changelog-file controller.xml

3.4.29 rollback-count-sql

Generate the SQL to roll back the specified number of changes.


Liquibase|lb rollback-count-sql|rbcs OPTIONS

The rollback-count command is used to revert the specified number of changes to the database starting from the most recent changes.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-count | -cu The number of changes to apply. - -
-change-exec-listener-class | -chelc Fully-qualified class that specifies a ChangeExecListener. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-change-exec-listener-properties-file | -chelpf Path to a properties file for the ChangeExecListenerClass. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-output-default-schema | -ouds Control whether names of objects in the default schema are fully qualified or not. If true they are qualified. If false, only objects outside the default schema are fully qualified. False --outputDefaultSchema
-output-file | -ouf The name of the file to write the output to. - --outputFie
-rollback-script | -ros Rollback script to execute. - -
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Generate SQL to roll back the specified number of changes.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Connect to target
SQL> connect <db-connect-string>
-- Apply update for versions
SQL> lb update -changelog-file controller.xml
SQL> lb update -changelog-file controller.xml
-- Roll back to version1
SQL> lb rollback-count-sql -count1 -changelog-file controller.xml

3.4.30 rollback-sql

Generate the SQL to roll back changes made to the database after a defined tag.


Liquibase|lb rollback-sql|rbs OPTIONS

The SQL will contain all deployed changes being rolled back until the tag row in the DATABASECHANGELOG table.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-tag | -ta Generic 'tag to apply action to'. - -
-change-exec-listener-class | -chelc Fully-qualified class that specifies a ChangeExecListener. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-change-exec-listener-properties-file | -chelpf Path to a properties file for the ChangeExecListenerClass. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-output-default-schema | -ouds Control whether names of objects in the default schema are fully qualified or not. If true they are qualified. If false, only objects outside the default schema are fully qualified. False --outputDefaultSchema
-output-file | -ouf The name of the file to write the output to. - --outputFie
-rollback-script | -ros Rollback script to execute. - -
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Generate SQL to roll back the specified number of changes.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Connect to target
SQL> connect <db-connect-string>
-- Apply update for versions adding new tag for each version
SQL> lb update -changelog-file controller.xml
SQL> lb tag -tag version1
SQL> lb update -changelog-file controller.xml
SQL> lb tag -tag version2
-- Roll back to version1
SQL> lb rollback-sql -tag version1 -changelog-file controller.xml

3.4.31 rollback-to-date

Roll back changes made to the database back to the specified date and time.


Liquibase|lb rollback-to-date|rbtd OPTIONS

The rollback-to-date command is used to revert changes from today's date to the specified date and time..


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-date | -da [ Date to use when determining what changes to apply. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. If including time, enclose the entire date/time in double quotes. - -
-change-exec-listener-class | -chelc Fully-qualified class that specifies a ChangeExecListener. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-change-exec-listener-properties-file | -chelpf Path to a properties file for the ChangeExecListenerClass. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-rollback-script | -ros Rollback script to execute. - -
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Roll back to the specified date and time.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Connect to target
SQL> connect <db-connect-string>
-- Apply update update on 2022-09-01
SQL> lb update -changelog-file controller.xml
-- Apply update on 2022-09-02
SQL> lb update -changelog-file controller.xml
-- Apply update on 2022-09-03
SQL> lb update -changelog-file controller.xml
-- Roll back to version1
SQL> lb rollback-to-date -date 2022-09-02 -changelog-file controller.xml

3.4.32 rollback-to-date-sql

Generate SQL to roll back changes made to the database back to the specified date and time.


Liquibase|lb rollback-to-date-sql|rbtds OPTIONS

The rollback-to-date-sql command is used to generate SQL to revert changes from today's date to the specified date and time.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-date | -da [ Date to use when determining what changes to apply. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. If including time, enclose the entire date/time in double quotes. - -
-change-exec-listener-class | -chelc Fully-qualified class that specifies a ChangeExecListener. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-change-exec-listener-properties-file | -chelpf Path to a properties file for the ChangeExecListenerClass. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-output-default-schema | -ouds Control whether names of objects in the default schema are fully qualified or not. If true they are qualified. If false, only objects outside the default schema are fully qualified. False --outputDefaultSchema
-output-file | -ouf The name of the file to write the output to. - --outputFie
-rollback-script | -ros Rollback script to execute. - -
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Generate SQL to roll back the specified date.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Connect to target
SQL> connect <db-connect-string>
-- Apply update on 2022-09-01
SQL> lb update -changelog-file controller.xml
-- Apply update on 2022-09-02
SQL> lb update -changelog-file controller.xml
-- Apply update on 2022-09-03
SQL> lb update -changelog-file controller.xml
-- Roll back to version1
SQL> lb rollback-to-date-sql -date 2022-09-02 -changelog-file controller.xml

3.4.33 snapshot

Capture the current state of a target database.


Liquibase|lb snapshot|sn OPTIONS

The snapshot command is used to:

  • Review and track changes in your target database
  • Compare a previous database state to an online database
  • Compare a previous database state to another snapshot


Option Description Default Deprecated
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-output-file | -ouf The name of the file to write the output to. - --outputFile
-schemas | -sc Schemas to include in diff. - -
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing
-snapshot-format | -snf Output format to use (JSON, YAML, or TXT) - --snapshotFormat


Generate a snapshot capturing the current state of a database.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Connect to target
SQL> connect <db-connect-string>
-- Take a snapshot
SQL> lb snapshot -snapshot-format json -outputfile snaptgt20220901.json

3.4.34 snapshot-reference

Capture the current state of the reference source database.


Liquibase|lb snapshot-reference|snr OPTIONS

The snapshot command is used to:

  • Review and track changes in your source database
  • Compare a previous database state to an online database
  • Compare a previous database state to another snapshot


Option Description Default Deprecated
-reference-password | -rep The reference database password. - --referencePassword
-reference-url | -reur The JDBC reference database connection URL. - --referenceUrl
-reference-username | -reu The reference database username. - --referenceUsername
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-output-file | -ouf The name of the file to write the output to. - --outputFile
-reference-default-schema-name | -redsn The reference default schema name to use for the database connection. - --referenceDefaultSchemaName
-schemas | -sc Schemas to include in diff. - -
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing
-snapshot-format | -snf Output format to use (JSON, YAML, or TXT) - --snapshotFormat


Generate a snapshot capturing the current state of a database.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Connect to target
SQL> connect <db-connect-string>
-- Take a snapshot
SQL> lb snapshot-reference -snapshot-format json -outputfile snaptgt20220901.json 
-reference-url <source-url> -reference-username <source-user> -reference-password <source-password>

3.4.35 status

Generate a list of pending changesets.


Liquibase|lb status|st OPTIONS


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing
-verbose | -ve Verbose flag True -


Report the number of undeployed changesets and identify them.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Check the status
SQL> lb status -verbose -changelog-file controller.xml

3.4.36 tag

Mark the current database state with the specified tag to use for roll back.


Liquibase|lb tag|ta OPTIONS

For example, you can use the tag to mark the current database state for version, release, and so on. The tag is added to the last row in the DATABASECHANGELOG table.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-tag | -ta Generic 'tag to apply action to'. - --changelogFile
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Create initial tag and version tags.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Connect to target and add base tag
SQL> connect <db-connect-string>
SQL> lb tag -tag baseversion1
-- Apply update for version adding and add new tag for each version
SQL> lb update -changelog-file controller.xml
SQL> lb tag -tag version1

3.4.37 tag-exists

Verify the existence of the specified tag.


Liquibase|lb tag-exists|tae OPTIONS


Option Description Default Deprecated
-tag | -ta Generic 'tag to apply action to'. - --changelogFile
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing

3.4.38 unexpected-changesets

Generate a list of changesets that have been executed but are not in the current changelog.


Liquibase|lb unexpected-changesets|unc OPTIONS

This command detects and compares the changes between the DATABASECHANGELOG table and the current changelog and reports:

  • Changesets in the DATABASECHANGELOG table that do not exist in the current changelog.
  • Previously deployed changesets that were deleted from your current changelog.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing
-verbose | -ve Verbose flag True -


Report unexpected changesets.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Connect to target and run command
SQL> connect <db-connect-string>
SQL> lb unexpected-changesets -changelog-file controller.xml

3.4.39 update

Deploy any changes in the changelog file that have not been deployed.


Liquibase|lb update|up OPTIONS

When you run the update command, the changesets in the changelog file are read sequentially. The unique identifiers (file::id::author) in the file are compared to those stored in the DATABASECHANGELOG table.

  • If the unique identifiers do not exist, Liquibase will apply the changeset to the database.
  • If the unique identifiers exist, the MD5Sum of the changeset is compared to the one in the database.

    If they are different, Liquibase will produce an error message that someone has changed it unexpectedly.

    If the status of the runOnChange or runAlways changeset attribute is set to TRUE, Liquibase will re-apply the changeset. Example: <changeSet id="2" author="bob" runAlways="true">


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-change-exec-listener-class | -chelc Fully-qualified class that specifies a ChangeExecListener. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-change-exec-listener-properties-file | -chelpf Path to a properties file for the ChangeExecListenerClass. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing

3.4.40 update-count

Deploy the specified number of changes from the changelog file.


Liquibase|lb update-count|upc OPTIONS

The update-count command applies changes and updates changesets sequentially, starting from the top of the changelog file until the number specified is reached.

  • If the unique identifiers do not exist, Liquibase will apply the changeset to the database.
  • If the unique identifiers exist, the MD5Sum of the changeset is compared to the one in the database.

    If they are different, Liquibase will produce an error message that someone has changed it unexpectedly.

    If the status of the runOnChange or runAlways changeset attribute is set to TRUE, Liquibase will re-apply the changeset. Example: <changeSet id="2" author="bob" runAlways="true">


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-count | -cu The number of changes to apply. - -
-change-exec-listener-class | -chelc Fully-qualified class that specifies a ChangeExecListener. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-change-exec-listener-properties-file | -chelpf Path to a properties file for the ChangeExecListenerClass. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Update database with the specified number of changesets in the changelog file.

SQL> cd <lb-changes-directory>
SQL> lb update -changelog-file controller.xml -count 2

3.4.41 update-count-sql

Generate the SQL to deploy the specified number of changes for review before running the update command.


Liquibase|lb update-count-sql|upcs OPTIONS

Liquibase uses the raw SQL to apply database changes you have added to the changelog file.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-count | -cu The number of changes to apply. - -
-change-exec-listener-class | -chelc Fully-qualified class that specifies a ChangeExecListener. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-change-exec-listener-properties-file | -chelpf Path to a properties file for the ChangeExecListenerClass. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-output-default-schema | -ouds Control whether names of objects in the default schema are fully qualified or not. If true they are qualified. If false, only objects outside the default schema are fully qualified. False --outputDefaultSchema
-output-file | -ouf The name of the file to write the output to. - --outputFie
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing

3.4.42 update-sql

Generate the SQL identified in the changelog for review before running the update command.


Liquibase|lb update-sql|ups OPTIONS

Liquibase uses the raw SQL to apply database changes you have added to the changelog file.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-change-exec-listener-class | -chelc Fully-qualified class that specifies a ChangeExecListener. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-change-exec-listener-properties-file | -chelpf Path to a properties file for the ChangeExecListenerClass. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-output-default-schema | -ouds Control whether names of objects in the default schema are fully qualified or not. If true they are qualified. If false, only objects outside the default schema are fully qualified. False --outputDefaultSchema
-output-file | -ouf The name of the file to write the output to. - --outputFie
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing

3.4.43 update-testing-rollback

Updates database, then rolls back changes before updating again. It provides testing of rollback funtionality.


Liquibase|lb update-testing-rollback|uptr OPTIONS

Use only when all pending changelogs have been verified as ready to be deployed.

A multi-step operation is used and runs in sequential order:
update changeset1; update changeset2; update changeset3\
rollback changeset3; rollback changeset2; rollback changeset1
update changeset1; update changeset2; update changeset3


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-change-exec-listener-class | -chelc Fully-qualified class that specifies a ChangeExecListener. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-change-exec-listener-properties-file | -chelpf Path to a properties file for the ChangeExecListenerClass. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-output-default-schema | -ouds Control whether names of objects in the default schema are fully qualified or not. If true they are qualified. If false, only objects outside the default schema are fully qualified. False --outputDefaultSchema
-output-file | -ouf The name of the file to write the output to. - --outputFie
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing

3.4.44 update-to-tag

Deploy changes sequentially from the newest changeset up to and including the changeset with the specified tag.


Liquibase|lb update-to-tag|uptt OPTIONS

The update-to-tag command will deploy changes only when you have previously added a tag Database Change Type in your changelog file. You cannot use the update-to-tag command with the reference to a tag created in the DATABASECHANGELOG table using the tag command. An update-to-tag-sql should always be run to review the SQL before running update-to-tag.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-tag | -ta Generic 'tag to apply action to'. - -
-change-exec-listener-class | -chelc Fully-qualified class that specifies a ChangeExecListener. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-change-exec-listener-properties-file | -chelpf Path to a properties file for the ChangeExecListenerClass. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Update database with the changesets up to and including the changeset with the specified database tag.

SQL> cd <lb-changes-directory>
-- Edit changelog file and add tagDatabase entries for versions
-- Execute an update-to-tag using a tag specified in tagDatabase in the changelog file
SQL> lb update-to-tag -tag version1 -changelog-file controller.xml

3.4.45 update-to-tag-sql

Generate the SQL from the newest changeset up to and including the changeset with the specified tag.


Liquibase|lb update-to-tag-sql|uptts OPTIONS

An update-to-tag-sql should always be run to review the SQL before running update-to-tag The update-to-tag-sql command will generate SQL when you have previously added a tag Database Change Type in your changelog file. You cannot use the update-to-tag command with the reference to a tag created in the DATABASECHANGELOG table using the tag cde command.


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-tag | -ta Generic 'tag to apply action to'. - -
-change-exec-listener-class | -chelc Fully-qualified class that specifies a ChangeExecListener. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-change-exec-listener-properties-file | -chelpf Path to a properties file for the ChangeExecListenerClass. - --changeExecListenerPropertiesFile
-contexts | -co Context string to use for filtering which changes to operate on. - -
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-labels | -la Label expression to use for filtering the changes to operate on. - -
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-output-default-schema | -ouds Control whether names of objects in the default schema are fully qualified or not. If true they are qualified. If false, only objects outside the default schema are fully qualified. False --outputDefaultSchema
-output-file | -ouf The name of the file to write the output to. - --outputFie
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Update database with the changesets up to and including the changeset with the specified database tag.

SQL> cd <lb-changes-directory>
-- Edit changelog file and add tagDatabase entries for version1
SQL> lb update-to-tag-sql -tag version1 -changelog-file controller.xml

3.4.46 validate

Validate the changelog for errors that may cause an UPDATE to fail.


Liquibase|lb validate|va OPTIONS

The following checks are done:

  • XML, YAML, JSON, and SQL structure
  • Referenced files exist
  • Required or prohibited attributes are correct for your database
  • Duplicated id, author, and file combinations
  • Checksum errors


Option Description Default Deprecated
-changelog-file | -chf The root changelog file. - --changelogFile
-database-changelog-table-name | -dactn Name of table to use for tracking change history. - --databaseChangelogTableName
-debug | -de Enable debug output. False -
-default-schema-name | -desn The default schema name to use for the database connection. - --defaultSchemaName
-liquibase-schema-name | -lbsn Schema to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseSchemaName
-liquibase-tablespace-name | -lbtn Tablespace to use for Liquibase objects. - --liquibaseTablespaceName
-log | -lo

Enable logging.

Standard logging is INFO level (no debug flag).

Debug logging is FINEST level (both log and debug flag).

False -
-search-path | -sep

Complete list of locations to search for files such as changelog files.

You can specify multiple paths by separating them with commas.

- --searchPath
-secure-parsing | -scp

If true, remove functionality from file parsers, which can be used insecurely.

An example is disabling remote XML entity support.

- --secureParsing


Validate before running UPDATE.

-- Set default output path
SQL> cd <output-files-path>
-- Connect to target and validate
SQL> connect <db-connect-string>
SQL> lb validate -changelog-file controller.xml

3.4.47 version

Display version information.


Liquibase|lb version|ve

3.5 Using SQLcl Liquibase Functionality with Open-Source Liquibase

SQLcl Liquibase with Oracle Database provides extended functionality to the Liquibase experience compared to the vanilla Liquibase client. This includes dynamically altering tables using Liquibase and SQLcl-exclusive Liquibase commands, such as generating specialized snapshots for:

  • A comprehensive schema (generate-schema)
  • Oracle REST Data Service (ORDS) objects (generate-ords-module and generate-ords-schema)
  • Oracle APEX objects (generate-apex)

By default, the Liquibase client does not include this enhanced functionality or enable you to read the specialized changelogs generated by SQLcl Liquibase.

You can add the functionality to read these specialized changelogs to the Liquibase client by copying certain jar files from SQLcl and updating your Liquibase properties file. The steps to do this are demonstrated using the following example:

  1. Connect to your Oracle Database and start the SQLcl command-line interface. The example database has a few sample tables that you can view.

    SQL> select table_name from user_tables;
    7 rows selected.
  2. Create a table Fruits. This will serve as an example table to track.

    SQL> create table fruits (id number(1,0), type varchar2(50), price number, constraint fruits_pk primary key (id));
    Table FRUITS created.

    The table is added to the list of sample tables.

    SQL> select table_name from user_tables;
    8 rows selected.
  3. Generate a changelog for the Fruits table.

    SQL> lb generate-object -object-type table -object-name fruits;
    --Starting Liquibase at 13:43:52 (version 4.15.0 #0 built at 2022-08-19 14:45+000)
    Changelog created and written to file fruits_table.xml
    Operation completed successfully.
  4. Delete the Fruits table so that you can run some tests generating it with the changelog created.

    SQL> drop table fruits;
    SQL> select table_name from user_tables; 
    7 rows selected.
  5. Switch to the vanilla Liquibase open-source command line client, which you can download from Liquibase’s website.

  6. You must provide the credentials of the Oracle Database that you are connected to in SQLcl for the vanilla Liquibase client. Create a liquibase.properties file from a blank text file. In this example, the liquibase.properties file is created in C:\Users\ [username] folder on a Windows system. The following figure shows the properties file used in this example. For more information about providing database credentials for Liquibase, see Specifying Properties in a Connection Profile.

    properties file
  7. Copy and paste the fruits_table.xml changelog file created earlier from your SQLcl bin folder to the folder location of your liquibase.properties file (in this case, C:\Users\[username]). To keep your changelog files in a different location, specify the path to the file location in the changelog-file field of your liquibase.properties file.

  8. Run the update command.

    >liquibase --changelog-file=fruits_table.xml update
    This is a code snippet.

    The update fails because the SQLcl specialized changelog is an unsupported format in the vanilla Liquibase client.

    The next step is to add the functionality to read the changelogs of your SQLcl Liquibase in your vanilla Liquibase client so that you can run the changelog.

  9. Copy five jar files from the lib and lib/ext folders in your SQLcl folder and add them to the lib folder of your vanilla Liquibase client (liquibase/lib):

    • dbtools-liquibase.jar (sqlcl/lib/ext)
    • dbtools-apex.jar (sqlcl/lib/ext)
    • guava-with-lf.jar (sqlcl/lib)
    • xmlparserv2_sans_jaxp_services.jar (sqlcl/lib)
    • dbtools-common.jar (sqlcl/lib)
  10. Update your liquibase.properties file by adding the following line:

    change-exec-listener-class: liquibase.changelog.visitor.OracleActionChangeListener
    properties file

    You can now read SQLcl Liquibase changelogs in your vanilla Liquibase client.

  11. Run the SQL Liquibase changelog in the vanilla Liquibase client.

    >liquibase update --changelog-file fruits_table.xml
    This is a code snippet.

    In another command-line window connected to SQL and your database, you can check if the table has been successfully created.

    SQL> select table_name from user_tables;
    10 rows selected.

    With this functionality added to your vanilla Liquibase client, you can also read changelogs for other changelog types such as Oracle Rest Data Services (ORDS), Oracle APEX, and full database schemas along with Oracle SQLcl scripts.

    This is a code snippet.

3.6 Dynamic Object Transformation with SQLcl Liquibase and DBMS_METADATA Oracle Database Package

Oracle supplies many packages, which are automatically installed with Oracle Database, that extend database functionality. One of these packages, DBMS_METADATA, provides a way to retrieve metadata from the database dictionary as XML or SQL Data Definition Language (DDL) statements, and to submit the XML to recreate the object.

Oracle SQLcl Liquibase uses the DBMS_METADATA package to generate and execute specialized changelogs that transform the state of the database objects dynamically. This is a feature not available in the Liquibase open-source client. By using SQLcl-exclusive Liquibase commands such as generate-schema, a complete Oracle database schema can be updated. This includes altering tables and other objects already present according to the changelog’s specification. In open-source Liquibase, if the update command is run for a changelog mentioning a table that is pre-existing, it will fail. This is because open-source Liquibase is incapable of altering pre-exising objects.

SQLcl Liquibase’s specialized changelogs generated from commands such as generate-schema and generate-object use the SXML data format from the DBMS_METADATA package to execute these dynamic updates. SXML is an XML representation of object metadata that looks like a direct translation of SQL DDL into XML.

This section demonstrates this concept using a few examples. For these example, a Windows-based operating system is used.

Example 1

Connect to an Oracle database with SQLcl release 22.3. The one featured in this example includes a few sample tables. The tables that are going to be used for this example are employees and departments.

SQL> select table_name from user_tables;


9 rows selected.
  1. Generate a schema of the database state using SQLcl Liquibase.
    SQL> lb generate-schema
    This is a code snippet.
  2. Switching over to another command-line window, use the open-source Liquibase client to generate a changelog of the database state. Because generate-schema is a SQLcl-exclusive command that uses extended functionality, the open-source Liquibase client must use the generate-changelog command.


    You can download the open-source Liquibase client from the Liquibase website.
    >liquibase --changelog-file=sql_test.xml generate-changelog
    This is a code snippet.

    The database state is now captured in both SQLcl Liquibase and the open-source Liquibase client.

  3. In the SQLcl command-line window, make a few changes to the database.
    SQL>alter table employees add height number;
    Table EMPLOYEES altered.
    SQL>alter table employees add mood varchar2(50);
    Table EMPLOYEES altered.
    SQL>alter table departments add happiness varchar2(50);
    Table DEPARTMENTS altered.
    View these column additions in the database.
    SQL> select * from departments;
    SQL> select * from employees;
    This is a code snippet.
  4. You need to use the Liquibase update command to alter the database to the state of the changelogs. This is the database state where employees and departments tables do not have the extra columns added.

    To do that, in the command-line window not connected to SQLcl and that was used for running the open-source Liquibase client commands, enter the following command:

    >liquibase --changelog-file=sql_test.xml update
    This is a code snippet.

    The update command fails because Liquibase encounters objects already existing in the database such as the tables. This standard version of Liquibase does not handle these objects dynamically.

  5. In the SQLcl command-line window, the same step is repeated with SQLcl Liquibase.

    First, examine the SQL that is used to complete the schema update using the update-sql command.

    SQL>lb update-sql -changelog-file controller.xml
    This is a code snippet.

    Examining the output, you see that departments and employees tables are recognized and that you need to drop the extra columns that you created to return to the state in the changelog.

    This is a code snippet.

    In actual use cases that are more complicated, there can often be risks involved with the SQL drop command. Examining the SQL code using the update-sql command is beneficial for review. Any manual changes can then be made to the changesets and checked as needed.

    When you run the update command, the schema is successfully updated and the columns are dropped.

    SQL> lb update -changelog-file controller.xml
    --Starting Liquibase at 68:23:55 (version xml 4.15.0 #0 built at 2022-08-19 14:45+0000)
    -- Loaded 38 change(s)

Example 2

This example also explains the same concept, this time adding columns and a table.

For this example, in the database, a table Activities has been previously created along with columns Head_Count and Retention in the departments table and Awards in the employees table.

This is a code snippet.

Changelogs are generated and the Activities table and Head_count, Retention, and columns are deleted so as to showcase using Liquibase to create them.

  1. Generate the schema in SQLcl.


    Move the changelogs from the previous example to a separate folder to avoid issues.
    SQL> lb generate-schema
    --Starting Liquibase at 09:33:52 (version 4.15.0 #0 built at 2022-08-19 14:45+0000)
  2. Switching over to another command-line window to execute commands in the open-source Liquibase client, here also generate a changelog:

    >liquibase --changelog-file=sql_test2.xml generate-changelog
    This is a code snippet.
  3. In the SQLcl command-line window, delete the Activities table and Head_count, Retention, and Awards columns, so that their creation can be demonstrated with the update command.

    SQL> drop table activities;
    Table ACTIVITIES dropped.
    SQL> alter table employees drop column awards;
    Table EMPLOYEES altered.
    SQL> alter table departments drop column head_count;
    Table DEPARTMENTS altered.
    SQL> alter table departments drop column retention;
    Table DEPARTMENTS altered.
  4. In the open-source Liquibase command-line window, run the update command.

    > liquibase --changelog-file=sql_test2.xml update
    This is a code snippet.

    The update fails when Liquibase encounters pre-existing objects.

  5. In the SQLcl command-line window, generate the SQL to examine, then run the update with SQLcl Liquibase .

    SQL>lb update-sql -changelog-file controller.xml
    This is a code snippet.

    Looking at the SQL output, you can see sections involving the creation of the Activities table and SQLcl Liquibase generating the SQL statements to alter the Departments and Employees table to add the columns.

    This is a code snippet.
  6. Run the update to see that the table and columns are added.

    SQL> lb update -changelog-file controller.xml
    This is a code snippet.
    SQL>select table_name from user_tables;
    SQL>select * from employees;
    SQL>select * from departments;
    SQL> select table_name from user_tables;
    11 rows selected.
    This is a code snippet.

3.7 Liquibase Open-Source Changesets with SQLcl Liquibase

You can use changesets generated in the open-source Liquibase solution with SQLcl Liquibase. This enables you to carry over previous change management projects to SQLcl to optimize them with your Oracle Database.

The following example demonstrates this using the H2 database available in the open-source download of Liquibase and SQLcl Liquibase:

  1. Download the open-source Liquibase client available on the Liquibase website. In your command-line interface, create a project folder and example H2 database with the following command:
    >liquibase init project
    This is a code snippet.
  2. Start your H2 database:
    >liquibase init start-h2
    This is a code snippet.

    This also launches the database console of the empty H2 database in your browser.

    database console
  3. In the browser console, create a sample table using the following command and click Run:

    >create table pets (id int, name varchar(256), breed varchar(256), Primary Key (id));
    create table command
  4. Capture this schema consisting of the Pets table with a Liquibase changelog.

    Open a new command-line window and generate the changelog:

    >liquibase --changelog-file=examplepets.xml generate-changelog

    Name the changelog file as examplepets.xml.

    This is a code snippet.

    The output shows where the file is saved.

  5. Connect to your Oracle Database from the SQLcl 22.3 bin location.

    You can view the tables in your database with the following command. The example database shows a few sample tables.

    SQL> select table_name from user_tables;
    7 rows selected.
  6. Copy the examplepets.xml changelog file to the SQLcl 22.3 bin folder.

  7. In the SQL command-line interface, run the changelog to add the Pets table to your database, and check to see that the table is now included in your list.

    SQL> lb update --changelog-file examplepets.xml
    SQL> select table_name from user_tables;
    This is a code snippet.


DATABASECHANGELOG_DETAILS is a view that consolidates information from the DATABASECHANGELOG and DATABASECHANGELOG_ACTIONS tables for easier reporting and troubleshooting.

This view enables a better understanding of the status and work performed by each change applied to the database. The SQL column shows the actual SQL that was run in the database. The SXML column shows the state of the object prior to the change being applied.



  Name            Null?         Type 
________________ ___________ ________________ 
DEPLOYMENT_ID                VARCHAR2(10)     
ID                           VARCHAR2(255)    
AUTHOR                       VARCHAR2(255)    
FILENAME                     VARCHAR2(255)    
SQL                          CLOB             
SXML                         CLOB             
EXECTYPE         NOT NULL    VARCHAR2(10)     
MD5SUM                       VARCHAR2(35)     
DESCRIPTION                  VARCHAR2(255)    
COMMENTS                     VARCHAR2(255)    
LIQUIBASE                    VARCHAR2(20)     
CONTEXTS                     VARCHAR2(255)    
LABELS                       VARCHAR2(255)    

3.9 ChangeSets in Liquibase

The following table lists the changeSets and provides a description for each of them. To learn more about changeSets, see <changeSet> tag.

ChangeSet Description
CreateOracleConstraint Creates a constraint from SQL.
CreateOracleDirectory Creates a directory from SQL.
CreateOracleFunction Creates a function from SQL.
CreateOracleGrant Creates a grant from SQL.
CreateOraclePackageBody Creates a package body from SQL.
CreateOracleJob Creates a DBMS_Scheduler job from SQL.
CreateOraclePackageSpec Creates a package specification from SQL.
CreateOracleProcedure Creates a procedure from SQL.
CreateOraclePublicSynonym Creates a public synonym from SQL.
CreateOracleRefConstraint Creates a referential constraint from SQL.
CreateOracleSynonym Creates a synonym from SQL.
CreateOracleTrigger Creates a trigger from SQL.
CreateOracleTypeBody Creates a type body from SQL.
CreateOracleTypeSpec Creates a type spec from SQL.
CreateSxmlObject Creates a function from SQL.
DropOracleConstraint Drops a constraint.
DropOracleFunction Drops a function.
DropOracleGrant Drops a grant.
DropOraclePackageBody Drops a package body.
DropOraclePackageSpec Drops a package specification.
DropOracleProcedure Drops a procedure.
DropOracleRefConstraint Drops a referential constraint.
DropOracleTrigger Drops a trigger.
DropOracleTypeBody Drops a type body.
DropOracleTypeSpec Drops a type specification.
DropOracleSynonym Drops a synonym.
DropSxmlObject Drops an SXML object. If the object was created through createSxmlObject, this rolls back the object to the last state. If not created, the object is just dropped. This is primarily used internally for SXML object handling.
RunOracleScript Executes a SQL script using the SQLcl engine and therefore supports all SQLcl commands. Supports script, file, and URL sources.

3.10 Examples Using Liquibase

Some examples of using the Liquibase functionality for database change management tasks:

3.10.1 Review SQL

To review SQL before running maintenance commands:
  1. Optionally, set up to save SQL updates.
     cd <lb-changes-directory>
    spool update.sql
  2. Connect to HR and capture the object.
    connect <db-connect1-string>
    lb update-sql
    spool off

3.10.2 Capture and Deploy an Object

To deploy the EMPLOYEES table from HR to HR2:

  1. Set default output path.
    cd <output-files-path>
  2. Connect to HR and capture the object.
    connect <db-connect1-string>
    lb generate-object -object-type table -object-name employees
  3. Connect to HR2 and ensure the object does not exist.
    connect <db-connect2-string>
    drop table employees
  4. Create the object in HR2 and verify that it was created.
    lb update -changelog-file employees_table.xml
    desc employees

3.10.3 Capture and Deploy a Schema

To capture HR schema and reproduce it in HR2 schema:

  1. Set default output path.
    cd <output-files-path>
  2. Connect to HR and capture the schema.
    connect <db-connect1-string>
    lb generate-schema
  3. Setup the HR2 user.
    connect <db-connect-dba-string>
    drop user hr2 cascade;
    create user hr2 identified by hr2;
    grant connect,resource, create view to hr2;
    alter user hr2 quota unlimited on users;
    alter user hr2 quota unlimited on sysaux;
  4. Create the schema objects deployed from HR in HR2 and verify.
    lb update -changelog-file controller.xml

3.10.4 Execute Custom SQL with RunOracleScript

Create a RunOracleScript changeset to create a table and use PL/SQL variables in the script.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <changeSet id="runScriptString" author="jdoe">
<n0:runOracleScript objectName="myScript" ownerName="JDOE"
create table &&table_name (id number);