3.13 Examples Using Liquibase

Some examples of using the Liquibase functionality for database change management tasks:

3.13.1 Review SQL

To review SQL before running maintenance commands:
  1. Optionally, set up to save SQL updates.
     cd <lb-changes-directory>
    spool update.sql
  2. Connect to HR and capture the object.
    connect <db-connect1-string>
    lb update-sql
    spool off

3.13.2 Capture and Deploy an Object

To deploy the EMPLOYEES table from HR to HR2:

  1. Set default output path.
    cd <output-files-path>
  2. Connect to HR and capture the object.
    connect <db-connect1-string>
    lb generate-object -object-type table -object-name employees
  3. Connect to HR2 and ensure the object does not exist.
    connect <db-connect2-string>
    drop table employees
  4. Create the object in HR2 and verify that it was created.
    lb update -changelog-file employees_table.xml
    desc employees

3.13.3 Capture and Deploy a Schema

To capture HR schema and reproduce it in HR2 schema:

  1. Set default output path.
    cd <output-files-path>
  2. Connect to HR and capture the schema.
    connect <db-connect1-string>
    lb generate-schema
  3. Setup the HR2 user.
    connect <db-connect-dba-string>
    drop user hr2 cascade;
    create user hr2 identified by hr2;
    grant connect,resource, create view to hr2;
    alter user hr2 quota unlimited on users;
    alter user hr2 quota unlimited on sysaux;
  4. Create the schema objects deployed from HR in HR2 and verify.
    lb update -changelog-file controller.xml

3.13.4 Execute Custom SQL with RunOracleScript

Create a RunOracleScript changeset to create a table and use PL/SQL variables in the script.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <changeSet id="runScriptString" author="jdoe">
<n0:runOracleScript objectName="myScript" ownerName="JDOE"
create table &&table_name (id number);