2.4.1 KERBEROS Connection Type

Connect to a database using Kerberos authentication. The connection spec parameter has the following form:



Currently, only Kerberos connections using [/][@<url>] are supported in SQLcl. Active Directory is not supported in this release.

See Enabling Kerberos Authentication in Oracle Database Security Guide for more information about Kerberos authentication in Oracle Database.


Option Description
-kerberos, ker Specifies a KERBEROS connection type.
-krb5_config, krb5c Specifies a non-default Kerberos configuration file. This property is specified only when SQLcl is started. These can be passed in by using the relevant -D system property name or environmental variables.
-krb5ccname, krb5cc Specifies a non-default Kerberos credential file.
-url Specifies the URL. This is an alternative to providing it in the connection spec parameter.
-role, r Specifies the database role. This is an alternative to providing it in the connection spec parameter.
-edition, ed Specifies the Oracle database edition. This is an alternative to providing it in the connection spec parameter.
-verbose, v Requests output of diagnostic information about the connection.


Parameter Description
<connectionspec> Provides the connection specification for the target database.


To connect to a database using KERBEROS:

SQL> CONNECT -kerberos /@myhost:1521/myservice

See Also:

Support for Kerberos for troubleshooting information