1.6 Using DBA Features

SQL Developer Web enables users with DBA (database administrator) privileges to monitor and manage Oracle database in Oracle Cloud. To configure a DBA user, see Administering Oracle Database Cloud Service.

The DBA tab provides quick and easy access to a variety of information about the database instance. The management capabilities include creating, dropping, plugging in, unplugging, cloning, and modifying the state of a pluggable database.

1.6.1 Overview

The Overview page displays generic information about the database instance.

The widgets on this page show snapshot information about the database status, listener status, online database storage, alerts, sessions, wait events, movements, latest backup status, and a list of the executed SQL statements on the database, ordered by the most CPU time consumed. Click a widget to go to its page where you can see a more detailed view of the data. For a PDB in mounted mode, only the Manage option is available.

The widgets on this page are:


You can view how many user accounts are in the following states for the entire database or for a specific pluggable database:

  • Open: This status indicates that the user’s account is unlocked and access to the database is enabled.

  • Locked: This status indicates that the user’s account is locked and access to the database is disabled. The account must be unlocked to enable access to the database.

  • Expired: This status indicates that the user’s password has expired and must be changed before the user can log in to the database.

Expiring Passwords

In the Expiring Accounts Password box, you see a list of user accounts and whether a user account password has expired or the number of days before it will expire.


Top SQL lists the most expensive SQL statements executed in the database, in terms of CPU time consumed. It enables you to focus your SQL tuning efforts on the statements that can have the most impact on database performance. Click a query to see a formatted view of the SQL statement, its execution plan, its runtime history from Active Session History, and a SQL Tuning Advisor report.

1.6.2 Managing Pluggable Databases

To reach the Manage page, from the DBA drop-down menu, click Manage. In the Manage page, you can see the status of the database instance. For Oracle Database 12c and later databases, the status of pluggable databases are also displayed. You can also create, clone, plug, unplug, or drop pluggable databases. Creating a Pluggable Database

To create a pluggable database:

  1. From the DBA drop-down menu, click Manage.
  2. Click Create PDB.
  3. In the Create PDB dialog box, enter the following fields. Required fields are marked with an * symbol:

    New PDB Name: Name of the PDB.

    Admin Username: Administrative user who has or can be granted the privileges required to perform administrative tasks on the PDB.

    Admin Password: Password for the Admin Name database user.

    Filename Conversion: Determine how the database generates the names of files (such as data files and wallet files) for the PDB.

    • None: The database first attempts to use Oracle Managed Files to generate file names. If you are not using Oracle Managed Files, then the database uses the PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter to generate file names.

    • Custom Names: Select a Source Files/Target Files pair.

    • Custom Expressions: Specify one or more Source File Expression/Target File Expression pairs. Each pair item is a string found in names of files associated with the seed (when creating a PDB by using the seed), associated with the source PDB (when cloning a PDB), or listed in the XML file (when plugging a PDB into a container database).

    Unlimited Storage and Reuse Temp File: Specify storage limits for the PDB total size or temporary tablespace usage, or both; or unlimited storage for either or both.

    Create TDE Key: Specify whether to create the TDE Key.

    Keystore Password: Enter the password that was specified during the database deployment creation process.

    To view the SQL statements for the create PDB operation, click Show SQL.

  4. Click OK. Plugging in a Pluggable Database

Plugging in consists of creating a pluggable database (PDB) based on specifications in the XML file, from when the original PDB was unplugged.

  1. From the DBA drop-down menu, click Manage.
  2. Click Plug in PDB.
  3. In the Plug in PDB dialog box, enter the following fields. Required fields are marked with an * symbol:

    New PDB Name: Name of the PDB.

    Plug as Clone: Specify only if the target container database already contains a PDB that was created using the same set of data files. The source files remain as an unplugged PDB and can be used again. Specifying AS CLONE also ensures that Oracle Database generates new identifiers, such as DBID and GUID, for the new PDB. If you specify AS CLONE, then you cannot specify the MOVE or NOCOPY clauses.

    XML Filename: Specify the XML file containing the metadata for the PDB to be plugged in.

    Source File Name Conversion: Determines how the database generates the names of files (such as data files and wallet files) for the PDB.

    • None: The database first attempts to use Oracle Managed Files to generate file names. If you are not using Oracle Managed Files, then the database uses the PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter to generate file names.

    • Custom Names: Select a Source Files/Target Files pair.

    • Custom Expressions: Specify one or more Source File Expression/Target File Expression pairs. Each pair item is a string found in names of files associated with the seed (when creating a PDB by using the seed), associated with the source PDB (when cloning a PDB), or listed in the XML file (when plugging a PDB into a CDB).

    Copy Action: Determines how the database generates the names of files (such as data files and wallet files) for the PDB.

    • Don’t copy: The files for the PDB remain in their current locations. Use this option if there is no need to copy or move the files required to plug in the PDB.

    • Copy: The files listed in the XML file are copied to the new location and used for the new PDB. You can also specify Source File Names Conversions to use pattern replacement in the new file names.

    • Move: The files listed in the XML file are moved, rather than copied, to the new location and used for the new PDB. You can also specify Source File Names Conversions to use pattern replacement in the new file names.

    Unlimited Storage and Reuse Temp File: You can specify storage limits for the PDB total size or temporary tablespace usage, or both; or unlimited storage for either or both.

    Import TDE Key: Specify whether to import the TDE Key.

    Keystore Password: Enter the password that was specified during the database deployment creation process.

    To view the SQL statements for the plug in operation, click Show SQL .

  4. Click OK. Cloning a Pluggable Database

Cloning a pluggable database (PDB) is to create a new PDB from (using basic specifications of) a specified PDB.

  1. From the DBA drop-down menu, click Manage.
  2. Click the menu icon at the top right of the PDB box, and click Clone.
  3. Enter the following fields. Required fields are marked with an * symbol:

    New PDB Name: Name of the new PDB.

    Source PDB: Source PDB for the cloning operation.

    Filename Conversion: Determines how the database generates the names of files (such as data files and wallet files) for the PDB.

    • None: The database first attempts to use Oracle Managed Files to generate file names. If you are not using Oracle Managed Files, then the database uses the PDB_FILE_NAME_CONVERT initialization parameter to generate file names.

    • Custom Names: Select a Source Files/Target Files pair.

    • Custom Expressions: Specify one or more Source File Expression/Target File Expression pairs. Each pair item is a string found in names of files associated with the seed (when creating a PDB by using the seed), associated with the source PDB (when cloning a PDB), or listed in the XML file (when plugging a PDB into a CDB).

    Snapshot Copy: Indicates whether to create a snapshot copy of the database. If you select Snapshot Copy, enter the path for the snapshot copy to be saved in the Snapshot Copy Path.

    Unlimited Storage and Reuse Temp File: You can specify storage limits for the PDB total size or temporary tablespace usage, or both; or unlimited storage for either or both. By default, unlimited storage and reuse temp file are selected for the PDB.

    Clone TDE Key: Specify whether to clone the TDE Key.

    Keystore Password: Enter the password that was specified during the database deployment creation process.

    To view the SQL statements for the clone operation, click Show SQL .

  4. Click OK. Dropping a Pluggable Database

To drop a pluggable database:

  1. From the DBA drop-down menu, click Manage.
  2. Click the menu icon at the top right of the PDB box, and click Drop PDB.
  3. Enter the following fields. Required fields are marked with an * symbol:

    Database Name: Name of the PDB.

    Datafiles Action: Determines whether to retain or delete the data files associated with the PDB after the PDB is dropped.
    • Keep Datafiles: Retains the data files associated with the PDB after the PDB is dropped. The temp file for the PDB is deleted because it is no longer needed. Keeping data files may be useful in scenarios where a PDB that is unplugged from one CDB is plugged into another CDB, with both CDBs sharing storage devices.

    • Delete Datafiles: Deletes the data files associated with the PDB being dropped. The temp file for the PDB is also deleted. (Delete Datafiles must be specified if the PDB was created with the SNAPSHOT COPY clause).

    To view the SQL statements for the drop PDB operation, click Show SQL.

  4. Click OK. Unplugging a Pluggable Database

When you unplug a pluggable database (PDB), Oracle stores metadata for the PDB in an XML file. You can use this XML file to subsequently plug the PDB into a container database (CDB).

To unplug a PDB from a CDB:

  1. From the DBA drop-down menu, click Manage.
  2. Click the menu icon at the top right of the PDB box, and click Unplug PDB.
  3. Enter the following fields. Required fields are marked with an * symbol:

    Database Name: Name of the PDB.

    XML File Name: The full path of the XML file in which to store the metadata for the unplugged PDB.

    Export TDE Key: Specify whether to export the TDE key.

    Keystore Password: Enter the password that was specified during the database deployment creation process.

    To view the SQL statement for the unplug PDB operation, click Show SQL .

  4. Click OK. Modifying the Pluggable State

To modify the state of a pluggable database (PDB):

  1. From the DBA drop-down menu, click Manage.
  2. Click the menu icon at the top the right of the PDB box, and click Modify State.
  3. Enter the following fields. Required fields are marked with an * symbol:

    PDB: Name of the PDB.

    State: Contains OPEN if the PDB is closed, or CLOSE if the PDB is open.

    Option: List of options relevant to the New State value: Read Write, Read Only, or Restricted for OPEN; Normal or Immediate for CLOSE.

    • Read Write: Allows queries and user transactions to proceed and allows users to generate redo logs.

    • Read Only: Allows queries only.

    • Restricted: The PDB is accessible only to users with the RESTRICTED SESSION privilege in the PDB.

    • Normal: Is the PDB equivalent of the SQL*Plus SHUTDOWN command with the normal mode (waits for users to disconnect from the database).

    • Immediate: Is the PDB equivalent of the SQL*Plus SHUTDOWN command with the immediate mode (does not wait for current calls to complete or users to disconnect from the database).

    To view the SQL statements for the modify state operation, click Show SQL.

  4. Click OK.

1.6.3 Viewing Alert Log Entries

The Alerts page is a chronological log of messages and errors and is commonly used to learn whether the background processes have encountered errors. You can review the alert log periodically to verify that your database system is operating normally.

The alert log includes the following:

  • Nondefault initialization parameters used at startup


  • Messages and errors relating to the functions of certain background processes, such as LGWR

  • Internal errors (ORA-600), block corruption errors (ORA-1578), and deadlock errors (ORA-60)

You can search for a specific value in the log by selecting the display column in the first drop-down list, selecting the condition in the second drop-down list, entering the search value in the box, and clicking the search icon.

In the display table, if you right-click the header row, you see:

Columns: Enables you to select columns to show or hide.

Sort: Displays a dialog box for selecting columns to sort by. For each column, you can specify ascending or descending order, and you can specify that null values be displayed first.

If you right-click any other part of the display table, you see:

Count Rows: Displays the number of rows in the table.

Single Record View: Enables you to view data for a table or view, one record at a time.

1.6.4 Viewing Sessions Information

The Sessions page shows information about all currently open sessions in the database. The data is automatically refreshed at intervals ranging from 10 seconds to 2 minutes. You can also refresh the data by clicking the Refresh icon at the top right of the screen.

The table shows summarized data about each open session. Select a session in the table to see more detailed data in the Session Details table below, such as the last SQL statement, explain plan, waits, contention, and so on. You can use the Column, Operator and Value fields to search for the required sessions.

In the display table, if you right-click the header row, you see:

Columns: Enables you to select columns to show or hide.

Sort: Displays a dialog box for selecting columns to sort by. For each column, you can specify ascending or descending order, and you can specify that null values be displayed first.

If you right-click any other part of the display table, you see:

Count Rows: Displays the number of rows in the table.

Single Record View: Enables you to view data for a table or view, one record at a time.

1.6.5 Viewing Tablespace and Segment Space Usage

The Storage page shows the storage used based on the current allocation of tablespaces along with additional drill-down capabilities to view segments. You can refine the list of segments shown by using the filter feature. Click View Datafiles to view the datafiles in each tablespace.

You can view tablespace and segment space usage.

A tablespace is a database storage unit that groups related logical structures together. A tablespace is comprised of datafiles. A segment is a set of extents allocated from a tablespace for a specific database object such as a table or index.

To view space usage information

  1. From the Database drop-down menu, click Storage.

    The Storage page displays. If the Oracle database is version 12c or later, the Storage page shows the used and allocated storage space for tablespaces in any pluggable database. If the Oracle database is version 11g, the Storage page shows the used and allocated space for the entire database.

  2. You can click a tablespace to view its storage information. An interactive report appears, showing the segments that exist within the tablespace. Most segments are user objects, and they include tables, LOBs, and indexes.

  3. On the Segments page, you can refine the list of segments shown by using the filter feature.

    For example, you can search for all the segments for a specific owner (schema) by selecting OWNER from the first drop-down list, entering the owner (schema) name in the box, and clicking the search icon.

1.6.6 Viewing Wait Events

The Waits page shows a chart with the distribution of wait events in real time.

Use the slider controls in the small chart to zoom in on a specific time period in the chart above. To use the slider controls, place the cursor over the handles at both sides of the box and drag the sides to the time period required. The chart above will refresh to the selected time period. The table will also automatically refresh and the wait events will filter to that period of time enabling you to easily identify the problem SQL statement.

Figure 1-1 Distribution of Wait Events Chart

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of "Figure 1-1 Distribution of Wait Events Chart"

When you place the cursor over data points in the chart, a pop-up box displays details about the wait event.

Figure 1-2 Display Wait Event Details

Description of Figure 1-2 follows
Description of "Figure 1-2 Display Wait Event Details"

1.6.7 Viewing Initialization Parameters

Initialization parameters configure the database instance, including memory structures, and define locations for database files. Values for initialization parameters are stored in a text-based initialization parameter file (PFILE) or binary server parameter file (SPFILE). The initialization parameter file is read at database instance startup.


For more information, see “Initialization Parameters” in Oracle Database Reference


To perform a search, enter values in the search criteria columns and click the search icon to locate the initialization parameter.

In the display table, if you right-click the header row, you see:

Columns: Enables you to select columns to show or hide.

Sort: Displays a dialog box for selecting columns to sort by. For each column, you can specify ascending or descending order, and you can specify that null values be displayed first.

If you right-click any other part of the display table, you see:

Count Rows: Displays the number of rows in the table.

Single Record View: Enables you to view data for a table or view, one record at a time.

1.6.8 Viewing Real Time SQL Monitoring

The Real Time SQL Monitoring page shows in real time the SQL statements that are being monitored in the database. In the Auto Refresh drop-down list, you can select the time (in seconds) to periodically refresh the data. Select 0 seconds to disable the auto-refresh.

To review the SQL statements being monitored:

  • From the DBA drop-down menu, click Real Time SQL Monitoring.

This tool helps identify run-time issues for SQL statements and monitor their behavior, by providing two major functions:

  • General view of monitored statements

  • View of SQL execution details

General View of Monitored Statements

The page contains a table of SQL statements currently running. This table shows the following information:

  • Status: Current state of the SQL statement execution. For example, a SQL statement that has already finished its execution will show a status of "DONE".

  • Duration: Amount of time a SQL statement is taking, or has taken, to execute.

  • SQL ID: SQL identifier of the statement being monitored.

  • Session ID: Session identifier that is executing, or has executed, the SQL statement.

  • Session Serial Number: Uniquely identifies a session's objects. 

  • Instance Degree of Parallelism: This Degree of Parallelism (DOP) column shows how many instances and parallel execution servers are allocated. It is shown in the form of “number of instances” | “number of parallel servers”.

  • Database Time: Place the cursor over the database time to see a breakdown of the time and wait events.

  • CPU Time: CPU time consumed by the execution of the query.

  • I/O Time: I/O time consumed by the execution of the query.

  • Start Time: Time in which the execution of the SQL statement started.

  • SQL Statement: SQL statement being monitored.

Figure 1-3 Real Time SQL Monitoring Table

Description of Figure 1-3 follows
Description of "Figure 1-3 Real Time SQL Monitoring Table"

View of SQL Execution Details

When a SQL statement is drilled down from the main monitor table, a detailed view is shown. The SQL ID, Start Time and the SQL Execution ID represent the execution key that uniquely identify this SQL statement. A detail view consists of the general characteristics that integrate the execution of a SQL statement.

General information about the query execution is provided:

  • Execution Plan: Degree of Parallelism of the SQL statement

  • Execution Started: Time that the SQL statement execution started

  • Last Refresh Time:  Last update time of the SQL monitor registry for the SQL statement

  • Execution ID: Execution identifier

  • User: User in the format USER@CONTAINER

  • SQL Text: Formatted view of the SQL statement that is being executed.

Figure 1-4 SQL Execution Details in Real Time SQL Monitor

Description of Figure 1-4 follows
Description of "Figure 1-4 SQL Execution Details in Real Time SQL Monitor"

General statistics of the SQL statement are provided: total duration of execution, the number of buffered gets, number of Input/Output requests and bytes.

Detailed information of the statement: This space holds the information corresponding to the explain plan, parallel behavior and CPU activity involved in the execution of the statement:

  • Plan Statistics: Explain plan of the execution of the SQL statement in the form of a table. Each row is a different operation involved in the execution of the SQL statement and it shows hierarchy dependency by adding a space at the beginning of the text in the Operation column.

  • Parallelism Details for the SQL statement: Each execution consists of a parallel coordinator and one or more parallel sets. Each set can have one or more processes. When a row has dependents, each of its columns will be the sum of the values of its dependants. When this happens, a sigma symbol will appear to show that a value consists of the sum of others.


For more information, see "Monitoring the Database" in the Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.