4.2 The Automatic Indexing Page

Availability icon Available only if you signed in to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing on dedicated Exadata infrasturcture release 19c database or later as a user with administrator rights.

The automatic indexing feature automates the index management tasks in an Oracle database. Automatic indexing automatically creates, rebuilds, and drops indexes in a database thus improving database performance.

The Automatic Indexing page consists of the following parts:

  • Auto Index Settings: Use this page to configure settings for automatic indexing in a database.

  • Activity Report: Use this page to configure settings related to generating reports for automatic indexing operations in a database.

Auto Index Settings

In the Activity Report page, click the Open Settings (Open Settings) icon on the top right to configure settings for auto indexing. The Auto Indexing Settings page is displayed.

The configuration settings in the Auto Index Settings page are:

Indexing Mode

You can use the indexing mode configuration setting to enable or disable automatic indexing in a database. You can select one of the following values from the drop-down list:

  • IMPLEMENT: New auto indexes are created as visible indexes and any existing invisible auto indexes are also set to visible indexes. In this mode, auto indexes are available to be used in SQL statements.

  • REPORT ONLY: New auto indexes are created as invisible indexes and are not available to be used in SQL statements.

  • OFF: The automatic indexing feature is disabled, that is, no new auto indexes are created and the existing auto indexes are disabled.

Retention Periods

  • Automatic Indexes: Enter the number of days for which unused auto indexes are retained in the database, after which they are deleted. The default value is 373 days.

  • Manual Indexes: Enter the number of days for which unused manually created indexes are retained in the database, after which they are deleted. When it is set to Default, the manually created indexes are not deleted by the automatic indexing process.

  • Reports: Enter the number of days for which automatic indexing logs are retained in the database before they are deleted. As the automatic indexing report is generated based on these logs, the automatic indexing report cannot be generated for a period beyond this specified value. The default value is 31 days.

Schema Restrictions

You can specify schemas to include or exclude from using auto indexes. To specify the schemas to include, select Include and then in the Schema name text box, enter the schemas by selecting from the drop-down list. You can select multiple schemas. To remove a schema, click the x icon next to a schema name.

The automatic indexing process manages two schema lists, the inclusion list and the exclusion list. The inclusion list contains the schemas that can use auto indexes. The exclusion list contains the schemas that cannot use auto indexes. Initially, both these lists are empty and all the schemas in the database can use auto indexes when automatic indexing is enabled for a database.

To apply the configuration settings, click Apply. To return to the Activity Report page without applying the changes, click Cancel.

Activity Report

The report configuration settings in the Activity Report page are:

  • Report Interval Time: Select the interval time of the report. You can select a value from the drop-down list or you can set a custom interval time.

  • Report Type: Select the format of the report. The available options are HTML, TXT, JSON, XML.

  • Include Sections: Select the sections to include in the report. By default, if you do not select any section to include, all sections will be included. The sections in the report are SUMMARY, INDEX_DETAILS, VERIFICATION_DETAILS, and ERRORS.

  • Report Level: Select the level of automatic indexing information to include in the report. The values are BASIC, TYPICAL, and ALL.

  • Exclude Sections: Select the sections to exclude from the report.

Click Preview to view a preview of the report based on the settings selected.

To download the report, click Download and the report is downloaded based on the format selected in the Report Type field.