7.8 The Parameters Page
Available only if you signed in as a database user with DBA and PDB_DBA roles.
To navigate to the Parameters page, do either of the following:
In the Database Actions page, click Parameters.
Click Selectorto display the left navigation pane. Expand the Monitoring menu and select Parameters.
Values for initialization parameters are stored in a text-based initialization parameter file (PFILE) or binary server parameter file (SPFILE). The initialization parameter file is read at database instance startup.
Click Refresh at the top right of the page to refresh the data.
To perform a search, enter values in the search criteria columns and click the search icon to locate the initialization parameter.
In the display table, if you right-click the header row, you see:
Columns: Enables you to select columns to show or hide.
Sort: Displays a dialog box for selecting columns to sort by. For each column, you can specify ascending or descending order, and you can specify that null values be displayed first.
If you right-click any other part of the display table, you see:
Count Rows: Displays the number of rows in the table.
Single Record View: Enables you to view data for a table or view, one record at a time.
Copy: Enables you to copy data from a cell or a row or a range of rows. To copy data from more than one row, select the rows you want to copy by pressing Shift or Ctrl, right-click and select Copy.