8.2.1 Context Menu Options

In the left Navigator pane, right-click the MLE module name to view the following options:

  • Edit: Select to edit the attributes of the MLE module.
  • Drop: Select to remove the MLE module from the database.
  • Dependencies Diagram: Shows the module dependencies in the form of a diagram. The diagram shows the interlinking of all modules that the module depends on. It is based on the imports and exports in each used module. The details of the exported and imported functions can be seen on the diagram.
  • Create Call Specification: Opens the Create MLE Call Spec panel. Enables you to create a call specification for the MLE module.
  • Compare (File to Module, Module to File): Compares the module version saved in the database (or file system) to the version saved in the file system (or database). When the module is saved in both the database and the file system (indicated by a round blue overlay icon), use this option to compare the two versions. The differences are highlighted enabling you to quickly identify the changes. Click Overwrite to implement the changes needed to synchronize both the database and file system versions of the module.
  • Show Code: Displays the JavaScript code for the module in a separate panel.
  • Show Metadata
    • User Data: Creates and edits user metadata that can be stored along with the module. The metadata must be in valid JSON syntax.

    • Code Metadata: When a module is saved, it is parsed and the metadata about imports and exports is stored in the database. That metadata is used in tracking dependencies on dependency diagrams, for code completion functionality including code peek, for creating an MLE environment, and for creating a call specification based on the module. Only ES6 modules are supported. There is no support for CommonJS, AMD and UMD modules.
    • Code: Shows the module code.
  • Generate JSDoc: Generates the Markdown file based on exports from the module. Data types for function parameters are included if the following exist:
    • JSDoc about function parameters in the code
    • Call specification defined for exported function