High-Level Steps for Receiving Shares for Live Data

Data shared with you through live data shares is not automatically available for consumption. You need to perform several basic steps to subscribe and access the provided live data shares.

The basic steps are described here. For step-by-step instructions, see How-To Instructions for Receiving Shares for Live Data How-To Instructions for Receiving Shares for Live Data.

Here are the high-level steps you need to perform:

High-Level Step Description
1. Browse available live data share providers. Go to the consume menu and browse the list of available share providers.
2. Subscribe to the live data share provider. Select the live share provider you want to receive data from and go through the subscribe wizard.
3. Create a view on top of tables in the live data share. Views derived from the tables in the selected shares are created. These views allow SQL access to the underlying data.
4. Query live data share. Run queries against views over the live data shares.