3 Data Miner Projects

A Data Miner project resides in a database connection.

The project contains the workflows created for the project. You must create at least one project before you create any workflow.

This chapter contains the following topics:

3.1 Creating a Project

You must create at least one project in a connection. You can create multiple projects in a connection.

To create a project:

  1. Connect to a database.
  2. In the Data Miner tab, expand Connections and right-click the connection in which you want to create the project. Click New Project.


    If the Data Miner tab is not visible, then you can dock it in the Oracle SQL Developer window.

  3. In the New Project dialog box, enter the following details:
    • Project Name: Enter a project name. Ensure that it conforms to the project naming conventions.

    • Comment: You can enter any comment in 4000 or fewer characters. This is an optional field.

  4. Click OK.

After the project is created, you can rename it, edit any comments, delete it, or copy it to an other connection.

3.1.1 Project Name Restrictions

Data Miner project names must meet certain conditions.

The conditions are:

  • The name must be unique within the project.

  • The character count for the workflow name should be between 1 and 128.

  • The name cannot contain a slash (/).

3.2 Managing a Project

The options to manage a Data Miner project are available in the context menu.

In the Data Miner tab, right-click the project that you want to manage. The following operations are available to manage the project:

  • New Workflow: To create a new workflow.

  • New Project: To create a new project.

  • Delete: To delete a project.

  • Properties: To add or modify comments for the project. You can edit the comments for an existing project from here.

  • Rename: To rename the project.

  • Import Workflow: To import a workflow in to this project, that was previously exported.

3.2.1 Deleting a Project

To delete a project, right-click the project and click Delete. The following are deleted when you delete a project:

  • All workflows contained in the project.

  • All objects generated by those workflows such as models or apply results.

The database objects, such as tables referenced by workflows in the project, are not removed when a project is deleted.


You cannot undo a project deletion.

3.2.2 Expanding a Project

To expand a project:

  • Click the plus sign to the left of the project name

  • Double-click the project name

The list of workflows created in the project is displayed.

3.2.3 Project Properties

You can add and edit information related to the project in the Comment field. After editing, click OK To

3.2.4 Rename Project

To rename a project:

  1. Right-click the project that you want to rename. The Rename Project dialog box opens.
  2. In the Rename To field, enter the name of the project.
  3. Click OK.

3.2.5 Importing a Workflow

You can import predefined workflows into a project. Before you import a workflow, ensure that the import requirements of a workflow are met.

To import a workflow:

  1. In the Data Miner tab, right-click the project where you want to import the workflow and click Import Workflow. The Open dialog box opens.
  2. In the Open dialog box, navigate to the location where the workflow XML file is.
  3. Click Open. The system verifies that the specified file contains a workflow and determines the version number of the workflow. The Import Workflow dialog box opens. You can select and import only one workflow at a time.
  4. In the Import Workflow dialog box, specify a name for the new workflow and select any one of the following options to handle naming conflicts:
    • Rename Model and Output Table name if necessary

    • Keep Existing Model and Output Table name even if conflict exists Import Workflow

The Import Workflow dialog box enables you to specify the name of the workflow that is imported and how to handle naming conflicts.

The default workflow name is the file name of the workflow. It may be necessary to:

  • Change the name slightly to avoid conflicts.

  • Edit the name so that it is a valid workflow name. The name of the new workflow must be unique in the new connection.

You must also select how to handle naming conflicts in names of workflow nodes and output tables. The default is Rename Model and Output Table names if necessary.

You can select Keep Existing Model and Output table names even if conflict exists. If you select this option, then you must resolve any conflicts yourself.

To start the import, click OK.