7 Generating and Deploying SQL Scripts

SQL Script Generation is a feature that is available in Oracle Data Miner. This chapter provides and overview and a use case to illustrate this feature.

Overview of the SQL Script Generation Feature

Oracle Data Miner provides the SQL script generation feature, using which you can generate SQL scripts for one or all nodes in a workflow. You can then integrate the SQL scripts into another application.

In this way, Oracle Data Miner provides the scope to integrate data mining with another end user application. This feature is explained in details supported by a use case.

Overview of the SQL Script Generation Use Case

The SQL script generation feature is explained with the help of a use case, that uses a sample workflow codegen_workflow and a demo database table INSUR_CUST_LTV_SAMPLE.

The use case demonstrates how to:

  • Import, run, and deploy the workflow codegen_workflow

  • Generate SQL script from the workflow codegen_workflow

  • Schedule SQL scripts to run on the database using:

    • Oracle SQL Developer

    • Oracle Enterprise Manager

  • Deploy the generated SQL scripts on a Target or Production Database

Premise of the SQL Script Generation Use Case

The SQL Script Generation use case described in this section is based on the following premises:

  • The Data Analysts define the workflow for model building and scoring.

  • The Data Analysts use the new script generation feature to hand over a set of SQL scripts to the Application Developer for deployment.

  • The Application Developers deploy the scripts to the target or production database, where they can schedule the scripts to run periodically. This allows the model to be built with fresh customer data every time the scripts are run.

  • Demo Database: The use case uses a demo database table INSUR_CUST_LTV_SAMPLE, which can be installed to a users account.

  • Predefined workflow: The use case explains the procedure with the help of the predefined workflow codegen_workflow.

Location of Demo Workflow Files

The workflow file codegen_workflow.xml which contains the predefined workflow is available in the SQL Developer installation location at: sqldeveloper_home\dataminer\demos\workflows.

About the Sample Workflow

The sample workflow codegen_workflow, demonstrates data modelling and data scoring.

The sample workflow in this use case codegen_workflow, comprises two distinct processes contained within a single lineage: Modeling (top) and Scoring (bottom) as shown in Figure 7-1. Both the processes use the demo data INSUR_CUST_LTV_SAMPLE as the input data source.

Figure 7-1 The Sample Workflow - codegen_workflow

  • Modelling: The modeling process builds a Classification Support Vector Machine (SVM) model. It predicts whether the customer will buy insurance or not. The model coefficients are persisted to a database table for viewing. This table may provide a basis for application integration.

  • Scoring: The scoring process makes predictions for the customer data using the Support Vector Machine (SVM) model created by the modeling lineage. The prediction result is persisted to a database view for viewing. The view provides the following:

    • Predictions of the current input data. For example, if the input table is refreshed with new data, this view will automatically capture the predictions of the new data.

    • Basis for application integration.

Performing Prerequisite Tasks

Before deploying a workflow, there are certain tasks which must be performed.

The prerequisite tasks are:

  1. Install Oracle Data Miner on your system.
  2. Create an Oracle Data Miner user account.

    Here is an example of a sample statement to create a Data Mining user account. This statement must be issued by a privileged user.

    grant create session, create table, create view,

    create mining model, create procedure,

    unlimited tablespace

    to <username>;

  3. Load the database table.
  4. Import and run the workflow.

Importing and Running a Workflow

You can import a predefined workflow into a project.

To import the predefined workflow_codegen.xml:

  1. In SQL Developer, go to the Data Miner tab and expand the connection.
  2. Right-click the connection and click New Project.
  3. Right-click the project that you just created and select Import Workflow.
  4. In the Import Workflow dialog box, browse to the location where you have downloaded and saved the sample workflow file codegen_workflow.xml. Select the codegen_workflow.xml and click OK. The imported workflow codegen_workflow is now displayed in the Oracle Data Miner UI, as shown in Figure 7-2.

    Figure 7-2 The codegen_workflow after import

  5. Right-click the INSUR_CUST_LTV_SAMPLE_BUILD node, and click Force Run.
  6. In the Force Run submenu, select the option Selected Node and Children. This runs all the nodes in the codegen_workflow. Once the workflow is run successfully, all the nodes in the workflow are depicted with the green check mark, as shown in Figure 7-3.

    Figure 7-3 The codegen_workflow after run

This completes the task of importing and running the workflow.

Generating SQL Script Files from the Workflow

You must run the workflow before generating the SQL script from it.

To generate the SQL script files from a workflow:

  1. Right-click any node and select Deploy. For this use case, right-click the INSUR_CUST_LTV_SAMPLE BUILD node, and select Selected Node and Connected Node option under Deploy.


    For this use case, the predefined workflow codegen_workflow is used.

    The script deployment options are:

    • Selected Node and Dependent nodes: This option generates the SQL script for the selected node and all its parent nodes. For example, as shown in Figure 7-3, if the Apply Node is selected, then a script will be generated for these nodes:


      • Class Build


      • Apply

    • Selected node, Dependent nodes and Children nodes: This option generates script for the selected node and all its parents and children nodes. For example, in Figure 7-3, if the Apply Node is selected, then a script will be generated for these nodes:


      • Class Build


      • Apply


    • Selected Node and Connected Nodes: This option generates scripts for the selected node and all the nodes that are connected to the selected node. In this example, as shown in Figure 7-3, if the Apply Node is selected, then a script will be generated for all the nodes that are connected to the Apply node in the workflow.


    To generate a script for the entire workflow, you can select all the nodes in the workflow (by clicking all the nodes while pressing Ctrl key simultaneously) and select any of the above three deployment options.

  2. After selecting a Deploy options, the Generate SQL Script — Step 1 of 2 wizard opens, as shown in Figure 7-4.

    Figure 7-4 Generate SQL Script - Step 1 of 2 Wizard

  3. In the Target Database Version field, select the database version. Ensure that the generated script is compatible with the version of the database that you select here. This is the database where the SQL script will run.
  4. Click Next. The Generate SQL Script — Step 2 of 2 window opens, as shown in Figure 7-5.

    Figure 7-5 Generate SQL Scripts - Step 2 of 2 Wizard

  5. In the Step 2 of the Generate Script Wizard dialog box, provide the following information:
    • Script Directory: This is the name of the directory where the generated scripts are stored.

    • Base Directory: Click Browse to navigate to another location and create the directory for the scripts.

    • Directory Path: Displays the path of the script directory.

  6. Click Finish. This triggers the script generation process. Once the scripts are generated successfully, the following message is displayed, as shown in Figure 7-6. Click OK.

    Figure 7-6 Deploy Code Dialog Box

    Description of Figure 7-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 7-6 Deploy Code Dialog Box"

You can check the list of generated scripts in the script directory that you defined in step 5.

List of Generated SQL Script Files

The Structured Query Language (SQL) script files that are generated from the codegen_workflow, perform jobs that are related object cleanups, and other node specific operations.

Table 7-1 lists the SQL script files that are generated from the codegen_workflow, along with their descriptions:

Table 7-1 List of Generated Script Files and their Description

Script File Type Script File Name Examples of Script Files Generated from the codegen_workflow Description

Master Script

workflow name_Run.sql


Invokes all the required node level scripts in the correct order. It performs the following tasks:

  • Validates compatibility of the version of the script file with the Data Miner Repository version.

  • Creates a workflow master table that contains entries for all the underlying objects created by the workflow script.

Cleanup Script

workflow name_Drop.sql


Drops all objects created by the master script. It drops the following:

  • Hidden objects, such as tables generated for Explore Data nodes.

  • Public objects such as model names created by the Build nodes.

  • Tables created by the Create Table node.

Workflow Image

workflow name.png


This is an image of the workflow at the time of script generation.

Node Script

node name.sql

  • Apply.sql

  • Class Build.sql

  • Coefficients.sql





Performs node specific operations, such as Model creation in Build nodes. One node script is generated for each node that participates in the script generation.

Variable Definitions in Script Files

SQL scripts generated for the nodes have variable definitions that provide object names for the public objects created by the scripts. The master script invokes all the underlying node level scripts in proper order. Therefore, all variable definitions must be defined in the master script.

The following variables are supported:

  • Variables that allow you to change the name of the objects that are input to the node level scripts, such as tables or views, and models. By default, these names are the original table or view names, and model names.

  • Variables that allow you to change the name of the Control table. By default, the name of the Control table is the workflow name.

  • Variables that indicate if named objects should be deleted first before they are generated by the script.

Control Tables

When the master script workflow name_Run.sql is run, the Control Table is created first by using the name specified in the control table name variable.

The Control Table performs the following:

  • Registers generated objects, such as views, models, text specifications and so on

  • Allows input objects to be looked up by the logical nodes in the workflow, and registers their output objects

  • Determines the objects that need to be dropped by the cleanup script

  • Provides internal name of objects that are not readily accessible through the workflows. For example, users can find the model test result tables by viewing the Control Table.

  • By using different control file names along with different output variable names, you can use the generated script to concurrently generate and manage different results. This may be useful if the input data sources continue different sets of data that you want to mine independently. In this use case, the application would be responsible for saving the name of the Control Table so that it can be utilized when rerunning or dropping the generated results.

Structure of the Control Table

The Control Table is created first by using the name specified in the control table name variable when the master script workflow name_Run.sql is run

The structure of the Control Table is as follows:















Columns in the Control Table

The columns in the Control Table contains information related to nodes and models.

Table 7-2 lists the columns in the Control Table along with their description and examples.

Table 7-2 Columns in the Control Table and their Description

Column Name Description Examples


This is the ID of the node that constitutes a part of the workflow. It uniquely identifies the node.

10001, 10002


This is the name of the node that constitutes a part of the workflow.



This is the category of node.

Data Source node, Class Build node and so on.


This is the ID of the workflow model. It uniquely identifies each model referenced within a workflow.

10101, 10102


This is the name of the model.



Model type is the algorithm type used by the model.

Generalized Linear Model, Support Vector Machines and so on


This is the name of the output. These are internally generated names unless the names are under the control of the user.

Table/View Name, Model Name, Text object names such as:

ODMR$15_37_21_839599RMAFRXI - table name

"DMUSER"."CLAS_GLM_1_6" - fully qualified model name


It qualifies the type of output object.

Table, view, model


This is the information that qualifies the purpose of the object about the script execution.

Target class for test lift result


This is the time of object creation.

11-DEC-12 PM (format determined by locale)


Comment to qualify the role of the object about the script execution.

Output Data (displayed for nodes like Data Source)

Data Usage (displayed for the view passed into model build)

Weights Setting (displayed for a weights table passed into model build)

Build Setting (displayed for a build settings table passed into model build)

Model (displayed for a Model object)

Scheduling Workflow Script Files

All the generated SQL script files must be deployed to the target or production database where they are accessible by the database instance. The SQL script files must be stored together in the same directory.

This section shows how to use SQL Developer and Oracle Enterprise Manager to schedule the master script to run.

Prerequisites for Scheduling Workflow Script Files

Before scheduling workflow script files, certain tasks related to Oracle Database, SQL script files, Oracle Data Miner repository and Oracle Data Miner user account must be performed.

The prerequisites to schedule the SQL script files are:

  • Oracle Database: An instance of Oracle Database is required to schedule the generated SQL script files.

  • SQL script files: All the generated SQL script files should be deployed to the target or production database host, where they are accessible by the database instance. All the scripts files should be stored together in the same directory.

  • Oracle Data Miner Repository: The Data Miner Repository is required to run the scripts because some node scripts use the services provided by the Repository at runtime. Some examples of services provided by the Repository are statistic calculation for Explorer node, text processing for Build Text node and so on.

  • Oracle Data Miner user account: The user account is required to run the script files because it has the necessary grants to the services provided by the Repository.

  • Complete directory path in the master script file: Add the complete directory path to each node script invocation in the master script. This is required so that the individual node script files can be called by the master script during runtime.

Adding Complete Directory Path in the Master Script

You can add the complete directory path in the master script codegen_workflow_Run.sql by editing the master script file.

To add the complete directory path in the master script:

  1. Open the master script codegen_workflow_Run.sql, and locate the following lines:

    -- Workflow run



    @@"Class Build.sql"; @@"Coefficients.sql";




  2. Edit the master script file to add the complete directory path, where the scripts will be stored in the target or production database host computer. In this example, it is assumed that the script files will be deployed to home/workspace directory. For example:

    -- Workflow run

    @@"/home/workspace/INSUR_CUST_LTV_SAMPLE BUILD.sql";

    @@"/home/workspace/INSUR_CUST_LTV_SAMPLE APPLY.sql";

    @@"/home/workspace/Class Build.sql";





  3. Save and close the master script file.
Creating Credentials for Database Host and Database

A credential is an Oracle Scheduler object that has a user name and password pair stored in a dedicated database object.

You must create two credentials for:

  • Host credential: A SQLPlus script job uses a host credential to authenticate itself with a database instance or the operating system so that the SQLPlus executable can run.

  • Connection credential: This credential contains a database credential, which connects SQLPlus to the database before running the script.

To create the credentials:

  1. In the Connections tab, expand the connection in which your user account is created.

  2. Expand Scheduler under that connection.

  3. Under Scheduler, right-click Credentials and click New Credentials. The Create Credentials dialog box opens.

  4. First, create the host credential to log in to the host on which the job is running. Provide the following information:

    1. Name

    2. Select Enabled.

    3. Description

    4. User Name

    5. Password

  5. Click Apply.

  6. Next, create the connection credential for the Database connection. Repeat the same procedure as described in step 1 through step 5.

This completes the task of creating credentials for the database host and connection.

Schedule SQL Scripts Using SQL Developer

Oracle SQL Developer provides the graphical user interface to define Scheduler Jobs.

Scheduling Structured Query Language (SQL) scripts using SQL Developer involves the following:

Creating Credentials for Database Host and Database

A credential is an Oracle Scheduler object that has a user name and password pair stored in a dedicated database object.

You must create two credentials for:

  • Host credential: A SQLPlus script job uses a host credential to authenticate itself with a database instance or the operating system so that the SQLPlus executable can run.

  • Connection credential: This credential contains a database credential, which connects SQLPlus to the database before running the script.

To create the credentials:

  1. In the Connections tab, expand the connection in which your user account is created.

  2. Expand Scheduler under that connection.

  3. Under Scheduler, right-click Credentials and click New Credentials. The Create Credentials dialog box opens.

  4. First, create the host credential to log in to the host on which the job is running. Provide the following information:

    1. Name

    2. Select Enabled.

    3. Description

    4. User Name

    5. Password

  5. Click Apply.

  6. Next, create the connection credential for the Database connection. Repeat the same procedure as described in step 1 through step 5.

This completes the task of creating credentials for the database host and connection.

Defining Scheduler Job using Job Wizard

The Job wizard allows you to create a job schedule, using which you can define a workflow job

To define job schedules:

  1. In the SQL Developer Connections tab, expand the connection in which your user account is created.

  2. Expand Scheduler under that connection.

  3. Under Scheduler, right-click Jobs and click New Jobs (wizard). The Create Jobs dialog box opens.

  4. In the Create Job Wizard — Step 1 of 6 dialog box, define the Job Details with the following information:

    1. Job Name

    2. Select Enabled.

    3. Description

    4. Job Class

    5. Type of Job. Select Script.

    6. Script Type: Select SQLPlus.

    7. When to Execute Job: Select Repeat Interval.

    8. In the Repeat Interval dialog box, set the repeat interval, start date, time and click OK.

    9. Click Next.

  5. In the Create Job Wizard — Step 2 of 6 dialog box, define the following:

    1. Select the option Local from the drop-down list.

    2. Select Credential: Select the host credential that you createdfrom the drop-down list.

    3. Connect Credential Name: Select the connection credential that you created from the drop-down list.

    4. Click Next.

  6. In the Create Job Wizard — Step 4 of 6 dialog box, you can set up email notification based on the job status.

    1. In the Select Events section, select the job events for which you want to send email notifications.

    2. In the Recipients field, enter the email address. For each message, you can specify recipient email addresses and the sender (optional).

    3. Click Next.

  7. In the Create job Wizard — Step 5 of 6 dialog box, click Next. For this use case, this step is skipped.

  8. In the Create job Wizard — Step 6 of 6 dialog box, click Finish. This completes the creation of the job schedule.

After creating the job, you can monitor it in SQL Developer.

Scheduling SQL Scripts using Oracle Enterprise Manager

Oracle Enterprise Manager allows Database Administrators to define jobs. The job definition defines the master script invocation as a script file using a full file path.

You can decide whether the job should be run on a schedule or on demand. You can also monitor the running of the job in the application.

To schedule jobs in Oracle Enterprise Manager:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Enterprise Manager using your Oracle Database account.

  2. In the Job Activity section, click Jobs. The Job Creation page opens.

  3. In the Create Job drop-down list, select SQL Script and click Go. This opens the Create Job page where you can define the new job.

  4. In the General tab, enter the following details:

    1. Name

    2. Description

    3. Target Database: Provide the target database where the job will run.

  5. In the Parameters tab, provide the full path name of the cleanup script and master script in the SQL Script section.

  6. In the Credentials tab, provide the credentials for the following:

    • Database Host Credential

    • Database Credentials

  7. In the Schedule tab, define the schedule of the job.

  8. In the Access tab, you can set up email notifications based on the job status.

  9. Click Submit to create the job.

Deploying SQL Scripts on the Target Database

Deploying the SQL scripts involves running the master script file from the base directory.

To deploy SQL scripts, run the following master script file:

 > @" C: base directory\workflow name_Run.sql"

> @" C: <base directory>\workflow name_Run.sql"

For example, run the following master script codegen_workflow_Run.sql in SQLPlus from the base directory:

>@" C:\code gen\codegen workflow\codegen_workflow_Run.sql"

If you must run the master script file subsequently, run the cleanup script codegen_workflow_Drop.sql first to delete previously generated objects, and then run the following master script:

>@" C:\code gen\codegen workflow\codegen_workflow_Drop.sql"

>@" C:\code gen\codegen workflow\codegen_workflow_Run.sql"

Querying the Control Table

After running the SQL scripts, you can query the Control Table to examine the generated objects.

To query the Control Table, run the following command in SQLPlus:

>select * from workflow_name

For example, query the Control Table for codegen_workflow to examine the generated objects, as follows:

>select * from "codegen_workflow"

Figure 7-7 An Output Table - Result of the Query

Description of Figure 7-7 follows
Description of "Figure 7-7 An Output Table - Result of the Query "

In this example, the Create Table node MODEL_COEFFICIENTS, produced an output table MODEL_COEFFCIENTS that persisted the coefficient data extracted from the generated SVM model.