4.4 Access MicroTx

To access MicroTx, specify the port number, host name, and protocol that you want to use to access. Oracle recommends that you use HTTP protocol only in test or development environments. In production environments, you must use HTTPS protocol.

Use the internal URL or external URL to access MicroTx. You will use different URLs depending on whether you want to access MicroTx from within the Kubernetes cluster where you have deployed the service or from a different Kubernetes cluster.

Internal URL to access MicroTx

Use the internal URL to access MicroTx from within the Kubernetes cluster where you have deployed the service. For example, when you have deployed the transaction initiator application and MicroTx in the same Kubernetes cluster.

To access MicroTx, create the URL in the following format:



  • internalHostname: Name that you have entered for the tmmAppName property in the values.yaml of the MicroTx. For example, tmm-app.
  • internalPort: Port number that you have entered for the port property in the values.yaml of the MicroTx. For example, 9090. Ensure that you have set up the required networking rules to permit HTTPS traffic on this port.

Based on the example values provided above, the example MicroTx URL is https://tmm-app:9000/api/v1.

All communication within a container uses the HTTP protocol as the communication goes through the Envoy proxy, which uses mTLS.

External URL to access MicroTx

Use the external URL to access MicroTx from outside the Kubernetes cluster where you have deployed the service. For example, when you deploy the transaction initiator application and MicroTx in different Kubernetes cluster. In such a scenario, the transaction initiator application uses the external URL to access MicroTx.

To access MicroTx externally, create the URL in the following format:



  • https is the protocol permitted at the Istio ingress gateway. You can specify either http or https.
  • externalHostname: The IP address of the load balancer of the Istio ingress gateway. See Find IP Address of Istio Ingress Gateway. For example,
  • externalPort: Port number of the load balancer of the Istio ingress gateway. You must create the required networking rules to permit inbound and outbound traffic on this port. For example, 443.

Based on the example values provided above, the example MicroTx URL is