4.3 Install MicroTx

Use Helm to install MicroTx on a Kubernetes cluster.

  1. Navigate to the helmcharts folder for MicroTx.
    cd installation_directory/otmm-RELEASE/otmm/helmcharts
  2. Deploy MicroTx using the configuration details provided in the values.yaml file. Run one of the following commands based on whether you want to install only the coordinator or you want to install the console as well.


    helm install <release name> --namespace <namespace> <chart directory> --values <values.yaml>


    • Use the following command to install MicroTx as an application named tmm-app in the otmm namespace.

      helm install tmm-app --namespace otmm tmm/ --values tmm/values.yaml
    • Use the following command to install the MicroTx console and MicroTx as an application named tmm-app in the otmm namespace.

      helm install tmm-app --namespace otmm tmm/ --values tmm/ee/values.yaml


    • tmm-app is the name of the application that you want to create.
    • otmm is the namespace in Kubernetes cluster, where you want to install MicroTx.

    • installation_directory/otmm-RELEASE/otmm/helmcharts/tmm is the folder that contains the chart.yaml file for MicroTx.
    • installation_directory/otmm-RELEASE/otmm/helmcharts/tmm/values.yaml is the location of the values.yaml file, the application's manifest file, in your local machine. This file contains the deployment configuration details for MicroTx. It does not contain properties that are specific to the MicroTx console.
    • installation_directory/otmm-RELEASE/otmm/helmcharts/tmm/ee/values.yaml is the location of the values.yaml file, the application's manifest file, in your local machine. This file contains the deployment configuration details for the MicroTx coordinator as well as the MicroTx console.
    The following message is displayed.
    NAME: otmm
    LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Apr 19 21:14:25 2022
    NAMESPACE: otmm
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
  3. Verify that all resources, such as pods and services, are ready. Use the following command to retrieve the list of resources in the namespace otmm and their status.
    kubectl get all -n otmm

    Sample response

    Some of the values may be truncated with … for the sake of readability. When you run this command in your environment, you will see the entire value.

    NAME             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/otmm-tcs-0   2/2     Running   0          38s
    NAME               TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    service/otmm-tcs   ClusterIP   10.110........   <none>        9000/TCP   38s
    NAME                        READY   AGE
    statefulset.apps/otmm-tcs   1/1     38s

After the installation is complete, you can access MicroTx.

The next chapter provides instructions to install and run sample applications in your environment. See Deploy Sample Applications.