4.2.14 Console Configuration Properties

Under tmmConsoleConfiguration, specify the properties for the MicroTx console.

Ensure that you have completed the following tasks before you provide the property values.

It is mandatory to provide values for all the properties specified in the following table.

Property Description

Name of the MicroTx application that you want to create. Helm creates the console application with the name that you specify.

Provide a unique name to identify the application. The name must start and end with an alphanumeric character, be between 4 to 63 characters, and contain only lowercase characters. Optionally, you can use hyphen (-) and dot (.) as special characters. For example, otmm-console.

tmmConsoleImage.image Enter the path of the console image in the remote repository. For example, iad.ocir.io/mytenancy/Console:RELEASE.

If you don't provide a value, the console application is not deployed.

tmmConsoleImage.imagePullPolicy Enter Always to ensure that the image is pulled during the installation.
tmmConsoleImage.imagePullSecret Specify the name of the Kubernetes secret that you want to use to pull the Docker images. See Create a Kubernetes Secret to Access Docker Registry. For example, regcred.
port Specify a port number. Ensure that the required networking rules are set up to ensure that traffic is permitted to and from this port to the MicroTx console.
cookieEncryptionPasswordSecretName Specify the name of the Kubernetes secret that you have created to store the cookie encryption password for the Console. See Create a Secret with Cookie Encryption Password for Kubernetes. For example, console-cookie-encryption-password-secret.

The following code snippet provides sample values for tmmConsoleConfiguration.

  tmmConsoleAppName: otmm-console
  # If tmmConsoleImage.image is empty, the console application is not deployed.
    image: iad.ocir.io/mytenancy/Console:RELEASE
    imagePullPolicy: Always
    imagePullSecret: regcred
  port: 8080
  cookieEncryptionPasswordSecretName: "console-cookie-encryption-password-secret"