4.2 Configure the values.yaml File

The installation bundle contains values.yaml file, the manifest file of the application, which contains the deployment configuration details for MicroTx.

Replace the sample values in the values.yaml file to provide the environment details, image details, and configuration details to deploy MicroTx.

While deploying MicroTx to a Kubernetes cluster, Helm pulls the MicroTx image from the remote Docker registry. In the values.yaml file, specify the image to pull and the credentials to use when pulling the images.

To provide configuration details for MicroTx:

  1. Open one of the following values.yaml file in any code editor. These files contain sample values. Select a file based on the container platform that you are using, whether you want to use an Istio service mesh, and whether you want to deploy the MicroTx Free or Enterprise edition.

    The following table provides the relative path of the values.yaml file from installation_directory\otmm-RELEASE\otmm\helmcharts folder.

    File Path Container Platform Description
    .\tmm\ee Kubernetes Deploys MicroTx Enterprise edition in Istio service mesh.
    .\tmm Kubernetes Deploys MicroTx Free in Istio service mesh.
    .\tmmk8s\ee Kubernetes Deploys MicroTx Enterprise edition without using Istio service mesh.
    .\tmmk8s Kubernetes Deploys MicroTx Free without using Istio service mesh.
    .\tmm-istio-openshift\ee OpenShift Deploys MicroTx Enterprise edition in Istio service mesh.
    .\tmm-istio-openshift OpenShift Deploys MicroTx Free in Istio service mesh.
    .\tmm-openshift\ee OpenShift Deploys MicroTx Enterprise edition without using Istio service mesh.
    .\tmm-openshift OpenShift Deploys MicroTx Free without using Istio service mesh.
  2. Replace the sample values with values that are specific to your environment.
    The tables in this section describe the properties for the environment, storage, authorization, authentication, and other configuration details that are required to install MicroTx.
  3. Save your changes.
