4.2.13 Transaction Token Properties

Under transactionToken, specify the key pair that you want to use for transaction token.

If you set transactionTokenEnabled to true, it is mandatory to provide values listed in the following table.

Property Description
transactionTokenEnabled Set this to true when you want MicroTx to include a signed transaction token, tmm-tx-token, in the request header. You don't have to create the tmm-tx-token transaction token or pass it in the request header. The MicroTx library creates this token based on the private-public key pair that you provide. For more information about creating the key pair, see Create a Key Pair for Transaction Token.
transactionTokenKeyPairVersion Enter the version of the key pair that you want to use for signing and verification of the transaction token. When there are multiple key pairs, you must specify the version of the key pair that you want to use.
transactionTokenKeyPairs.keyPairs.privateKeyName Enter the name of the Kubernetes secret which has the base64-encoded value of the private key.
transactionTokenKeyPairs.keyPairs.publicKeyName Enter the name of the Kubernetes secret which has the base64-encoded value of the public key.
transactionTokenKeyPairs.keyPairs.privateKeyPasswordName Enter the name of the Kubernetes secret which has the value of the pass phrase that you had provided while generating the private key.
transactionTokenKeyPairs.keyPairs.version Enter the version of the private-public key pair that you want to use.

The following code snippet provides sample values for the transactionToken field.

  transactionTokenEnabled: "true"
  transactionTokenKeyPairVersion: "1"
      - privateKeyName: "TMMPRIVKEY1"
        publicKeyName: "TMMPUBKEY1"
        privateKeyPasswordName: "TMMPRIVKEYPASSWD1"
        version: "1"
      - privateKeyName: "TMMPRIVKEY2"
        publicKeyName: "TMMPUBKEY2"
        privateKeyPasswordName: "TMMPRIVKEYPASSWD2"
        version: "2"