8.7.1 Configure Python App as Transaction Initiator

You can select Flask or Django as the framework for your Python application. This section provides instructions to integrate the MicroTx library with the application code of your Python application with Flask framework.
  1. Open a terminal in the virtual environment that you have created for your Python application, and then run the following command to install the MicroTx library file for Python which is available in the installation_directory/otmm-<version>/lib/python folder.
    pip3 install tmmpy-<version>.whl
  2. Configure the property values for the MicroTx library. Create a new file and save it as tmm.properties. You must provide values for the following properties.

    The following example provides sample values for the properties. Provide the values based on your environment.

    oracle.tmm.TcsUrl = http://tmm-app:9000/api/v1
    oracle.tmm.PropagateTraceHeaders = true
    server.port = 8080
    oracle.tmm.CallbackUrl = http://localhost:{server.port}

    For details about each property, see Configure Library Properties.

    Note down the name and location of this file as you will have to provide this later when you initialize the tccConfig object.

  3. Import the MicroTx libraries and exceptions. You can use tcclib.exception to handle exceptions.
    from tcclib.tcc import TCCClient, Middleware, http_request, TCCConfig
    import tcclib.exception as ex
  4. Create a Flask instance with middleware. Middleware helps to intercept all the incoming requests received by the Flask instance.
    The following sample code creates a Flask instance and a middleware object.
    # Create a Flask instance with the name of the current module.
    app = Flask(__name__)
    # Middleware helps to intercept all the incoming requests received by the Flask application.
    app.wsgi_app = middleware(app.wsgi_app)
  5. Add the following code to initialize the tccConfig object for the microservice.


    tccConfig = TCCConfig(filePath=<application_properties_file_path>, timeLimitInSeconds=<integer>)


    tccConfig = TCCConfig(filePath="./tmm.properties", timeLimitInSeconds=300)


    • ./tmm.properties is the location of the file in which you have previously defined values for the MicroTx library properties for the transaction initiator service.
    • 300 is the time limit in seconds for the transaction initiator service to reserve the resources. Specify the time period as a whole number. It is the responsibility of the application developer to provide the required code to release the resources and cancel the their part of the TCC transaction after the time limit expires. Decide the time limit based on your business requirement.

    Replace these values with the values specific to your environment.

  6. The TCC transaction protocol relies on the basic HTTP verbs: POST, PUT, and DELETE. You must expose the REST API endpoints for each HTTP method and map these endpoints to a specific function that executes the business logic. Your application code already contains the business logic to make a new reservation and confirm or cancel the reservation. Use the app.route decorator to bind a function in your application to a HTTP verb and URL path.

    In the following code sample for a transaction initiator service, the service exposes the REST API endpoints for the different HTTP verbs.

    //Mandatory. The transaction initiator service must use the 
    //POST HTTP method to create a new reservation.
    @app.route('/travel-agent/api/bookings/reserve', methods=['POST'])
    def do_trip_reserve(): 
         //app-specific code to create a booking
    //Mandatory. Use the PUT HTTP method to confirm a reservation.
    @app.route('/travel-agent/api/confirm/<trip_booking_id>', methods=['PUT'])
    def do_trip_confirm(trip_booking_id):
         //app-specific code to confirm the specified booking ID
    //Mandatory. Use the DELETE HTTP method to cancel a reservation.
    @app.route('/travel-agent/api/cancel/<trip_booking_id>', methods=['DELETE'])
    def do_trip_cancel(trip_booking_id):
         //app-specific code to delete the specified booking ID


    • /travel-agent/api/bookings/reserve, /travel-agent/api/confirm/<trip_booking_id>, and /travel-agent/api/cancel/<trip_booking_id> are the REST API endpoints that the transaction initiator service exposes. Ensure that these endpoints are present in the transaction initiator service and the confirm and cancel logic is implemented in the code.
    • do_trip_reserve(), do_trip_confirm(), and do_trip_cancel() methods contain the business logic for creating a reservation, confirming a reservation, canceling a reservation respectively. Ensure that the business logic is implemented in the code of the transaction initiator service and the endpoints are present.