8.8 Develop Python Apps with TCC

MicroTx client libraries for Python applications provides the functionality to initiate a new TCC transaction or to participate in an existing TCC transaction.

To use MicroTx to manage a TCC transaction, update your Python application code to integrate the functionality provided by the MicroTx client libraries. For information about the MicroTx library, see Oracle® Transaction Manager for Microservices Python API Reference.

Use the following TCCClient helper methods to confirm or cancel the transaction. Both initiator and participant services can access the helper methods.

Method Description
ConfirmTCC(incoming_request_headers); Confirms the current TCC transaction and returns the HTTP response.
CancelTCC(incoming_request_headers); Cancels the current TCC transaction and returns the HTTP response.
GetTCCId(incoming_request_headers) Gets details of the current TCC transaction ID.

Where, incoming_request_headers is a dictionary of key-value pairs.
