2.8.2 About the Oracle_Tmm_Tx_Token Transaction Token

Enable the creation and propagation of the transaction token to ensure that only authorized users have access to the service. When you set transactionTokenEnabled to true in the YAML file, MicroTx creates a new token called Oracle_Tmm_Tx_Token, which is a signed transaction token.

The following steps describe how MicroTx creates the Oracle_Tmm_Tx_Token transaction token and propagates it in the subsequent communication between the participant services and MicroTx.

  1. When a user begins a transaction, the transaction initiator service sends a request to MicroTx.
  2. MicroTx responds to the transaction initiator and returns Oracle_Tmm_Tx_Token in the response header.

    The MicroTx library creates this token based on the public-private key pair that you provide. You don't have to create the Oracle_Tmm_Tx_Token transaction token or pass it in the request header.

    MicroTx works with multiple headers and token. For the sake of simplicity, we are limiting our discussion to the Oracle_Tmm_Tx_Token transaction token in this section.

  3. For all the subsequent calls from the participant services to the transaction coordinator, the MicroTx library passes Oracle_Tmm_Tx_Token in the request header.

To enable propagation of the transaction token in a Kubernetes Cluster, see Transaction Token Properties.

To enable propagation of the transaction token in Docker Swarm, see Transaction Token Properties.