6.12.2 Run MicroTx PL/SQL Library

The MicroTx PL/SQL library for XA provides a set of functions and stored procedures for an Oracle Database application to participate in an XA transaction that is coordinated by MicroTx.

ORDS exposes REST APIs that are defined in Oracle Database using PL/SQL and APEX libraries. Integrate the MicroTx PL/SQL library file with your ORDS application. The library is available as a SQL file that you must run before executing the application code. You must perform this one-time task to install the library.
  1. Connect to the Oracle Database using the schema user that you have registered with ORDS.
    You can connect using SQL Developer or SQLPlus.
  2. Run the tmmxa.sql file using SQL Developer or SQL Plus in an existing schema or create a new schema.
    This file is located in the installation_directory/otmm-RELEASE/lib/plsql folder.
This creates a set of PL/SQL functions and stored procedures that are available only in the schema where you ran the SQL file. It also creates the following tables:
  • microtx_config, which stores the configuration information for the MicroTx PL/SQL library properties. See Configure PL/SQL Library Properties for ORDS Apps.
  • microtx_log_data, which stores the logs of the operations performed by the MicroTx PL/SQL library.

The exceptions thrown by the MicroTx PL/SQL library are defined in the tmm_exceptions package.