6.12.3 Configure PL/SQL Library Properties for ORDS Apps

Provide configuration information for the MicroTx PL/SQL library properties for ORDS application. The property values that you must provide would vary depending on whether the application only participates in the transaction or initiates it.

Provide property values for the MicroTx PL/SQL library in the microtx_config table. The microtx_config table is created and populated with default values when you run the tmmxa.sql file.

  • coordinator-url: Enter the URL to access the MicroTx coordinator. See Access MicroTx. You must enter this value for the transaction initiator application. You don't have to specify this value for the transaction participant applications.

  • callback-url: Enter the URL of your participant service. MicroTx uses the URL that you provide to connect to the participant service. Provide this value in the following format:
    • externalHostnameOfApp: The external host name of your initiator or participant service. For example, bookTicket-app.
    • externalPortOfApp: The port number over which you can access your participant service remotely. For example, 8081.
    You must specify this value for the transaction participant applications. You don't have to specify this value for the transaction initiator application.

    For example, https://bookTicket-app:8081.

  • propagation-active: Set this to true when you want to trace the transaction from end-to-end. This propagates the trace headers for all incoming and outgoing requests.

  • xa-transaction-timeout: Specify the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, for which the transaction remains active. If a transaction is not committed or rolled back within the specified time period, the transaction is rolled back. The default value and minimum value is 60000. Specify this value for both initiator and participant applications.
  • resource-manager-id: Specify a unique string value for each resource manager that you use in the XA transaction. The unique value that you provide as RMID is used by MicroTx to identify the resource manager. If more than one participant uses the same resource manager, then specify the same resource manager ID for the participants that share a resource manager. This value is not related to any properties of the data store. For example, 174A5FF2-D8B2-47B0-AF09-DA5AFECA2F71.
  • logging-enabled: Set this to true to store the logs of the operations performed by the MicroTx PL/SQL library in the microtx_log_data table. Default value is true.
For example,
'coordinator-url' : 'http://tmm-app:9000/api/v1'
'callback-url' : 'http://bookTicket-app:8081'
'resource-manager-id' : CONCAT(CONCAT(sys_context( ''userenv'', ''current_schema'' ), ''-''), SYS_GUID()))'
'propagation-active' : 'true'
'xa-transaction-timeout' : '60000'
'logging-enabled' : 'true'