B.7.1 Transaction Coordinator Properties

Provide information to configure MicroTx.

Property Description
tmmAppName Enter the name of the MicroTx application that you want to create. When you install MicroTx, the MicroTx application is created with the name that you specify. Note down this name as you will need to provide it later. For example, tmm-app.
listenAddr Enter the port over which you want to access MicroTx. Create the required networking rules to permit inbound and outbound traffic on this port. Note down this number as you will need to provide it later. For example, Specify the listener address in the format, <IP_address>:<port>, as provided in the example.
internalAddr Enter the internal URL to access MicroTx from within the Docker repository where you will install the service. See Access MicroTx in Docker Swarm.
externalUrl Enter the external URL to access MicroTx from outside the Docker repository where you will install the service. See Access MicroTx in Docker Swarm.
httpClientTimeoutInSecs Specify the maximum amount of time, in seconds, for which the HTTP callback API requests sent by the MicroTx coordinator to the participant services remains active. Enter an integer between 0 to 900. The default value is 180 seconds and the maximum value is 900 seconds. If you set this value to 0, then MicroTx does not enforce any limit. When the coordinator sends a HTTP callback API request to the participant services, the participant services must respond within the time period that you specify. If the participant service does not respond within the specified time period, the HTTP request sent by the coordinator times out.
xaCoordinator.enabled, lraCoordinator.enabled, or tccCoordinator.enabled Set enabled: true for the transaction protocols that you want to use. MicroTx supports three distribution transaction protocols: XA, Saga, and TCC. If you want to use nest an XA transaction within a Saga transaction, set enabled: true for both xaCoordinator and lraCoordinator.
xaCoordinator.txMaxTimeout Only for the XA transaction protocol. Specify the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, for which the transaction remains active. If a transaction is not committed or rolled back within the specified time period, the transaction is rolled back. The default value is 600000 ms.
narayanaLraCompatibilityMode.enabled Only for the Saga transaction protocol. Set this property to true when you want to use Saga participant applications that were implemented to work with the Narayana LRA Coordinator and now would participate in Saga transactions using MicroTx. Enable this mode to ensure that the MicroTx Saga APIs return the same response data that Narayana LRA Coordinator APIs return.
logging.level Enter one of the following types to specify the log level for MicroTx:
  • info: Logs events that occur during the normal operation of the MicroTx. This setting logs the least amount of information. This is the default setting.
  • warning: Logs events that may cause potentially harmful situations.
  • error: Logs events to indicate that there is an issue that requires troubleshooting.
  • debug: Logs all the events. Use this setting when you want to debug an issue.
logging.httpTraceEnabled Set this to True to log all the HTTP request and responses in MicroTx when you want to debug. If you set this to True, you must also set the logging: level: to debug.
logging.devMode Set this to True only in test environments to get more details for debugging purposes. You must set this to False in production environments.
maxRetryCount The maximum number of times that the transaction coordinator retries sending the same request again in case of any failures. For example, 10.
minRetryInterval The minimum interval, in milliseconds, after which the transaction coordinator retries sending the same request again in case of any failures. The default value is 1000 ms.
maxRetryInterval The maximum retry interval, in milliseconds, before which the transaction coordinator retries sending the same request again in case of any failures. For example, 10000.

Oracle recommends that you set this value to false and set up a valid certificate signed by trusted authorities for secure access. When you set this value to false, the transaction coordinator accesses the participant applications over the HTTPS protocol with a valid certificate signed by trusted authorities. The default value is false.

If you set this value to true, the transaction coordinator can access the participant application's callback URL, without a valid SSL certificate, in an insecure manner.


Do not set this value to true in production environments.