B.7 Configure the tcs-docker-swarm.yaml File

The installation bundle contains tcs-docker-swarm.yaml file, the manifest file of the application, which contains the deployment configuration details for MicroTx.

Replace the sample values in the tcs-docker-swarm.yaml file to provide the environment details, image details, and configuration details. The details that you provide are used to deploy MicroTx in Docker Swarm.

To provide configuration details for MicroTx:

  1. Open the tcs-docker-swarm.yaml file in any code editor. This file is located in the installation_directory/otmm-<version>/samples/docker folder. This file contains sample values.
  2. Replace the sample values with values that are specific to your environment.
    The tables in this section describe the properties for the environment, storage, authorization, authentication, and other configuration details that are required to deploy MicroTx.
  3. Save your changes.