B.7.5 Authentication Properties

Enter values for the issuer and jwksUri parameters of the JSON Web Token (JWT) which is used for authentication. To find information for these fields, use the Discover URL.

When you enable authentication, the transaction coordinator enforces JWT-based authentication and validates the authentication token against the public key. You must pass the access token in the authorization header.

Property Description
enabled Set to false to bypass JWT authentication. This permits requests that do not have JWT tokens. Enter true if you want all requests to have a JWT token. MicroTx validates the token provided in the request and denies access if the token is invalid. If you set enabled as true, then you must provide values for the issuer and jwksUri parameters of the JWT.


You must set this property to true in production environments.
jwt.issuer Identifies the JWT token issuer.
jwt.jwksUri The URL of the identity provider's publicly hosted jwksUri, which is used to validate signature of the JWT. The JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) contains the cryptographic keys which are used to verify the incoming JWT tokens.

The following code snippet provides sample values for authentication field in the tcs-docker-swarm.yaml file. The sample values in this example are based on the values used in the sample commands in Run the Discovery URL.

  enabled: true
    issuer: "https://identity.oraclecloud.com"
    jwksUri: "https://idcs-a83e....identity.oraclecloud.com:443/admin/v1/SigningCert/jwk"