11.2 View Details of a Transaction

The Transactions tab displays the transaction which MicroTx is currently processing. These transactions could be in various states, including the heuristic state.

The details of transactions which have reached their final state, such as confirmed, canceled, rolled back, or committed are deleted after the time interval specified in the completedTransactionTTL property in the values.yaml file. When the details of a transaction is deleted, it will no longer be displayed on the Transactions tab.
  1. Sign in to the MicroTx console. See Access the Web Console.
  2. Click the Transactions tab.
  3. In the Transaction Type drop-down list, select the transaction protocol for which you want to view details, such as the XA, Saga, or TCC.
  4. Select the transaction for which you want to view details.
  5. Click Action Action menu, and then click Details.
The following details are displayed.
Transaction Detail Description
Transaction ID The unique ID of the transaction. You can use this ID to track the progress of the transaction.
Status The current status of the transaction.
Begin Time The time at which the transaction was started. This is listed only for the transactions that use the Saga and XA transaction protocols.
Remaining Time The estimated time remaining for the transaction to reach a final state.
End Time The time at which the transaction reached a final state.
Transaction Type The transaction protocol, such as the XA, Saga, or TCC.
Participants Status of the participant services and their URIs for transactions that use the Saga or TCC transaction protocol. This helps to determine the state of every participant service.
Branch ID

Status of the participant services and their URL for transactions that use the XA transaction protocol. This helps to determine the state of every participant service. For example, if a transaction is rolled back, the information in this section can help you identify which participant service caused the roll back.

Only in case of the XA transaction protocol, MicroTx creates a unique branch ID when each participant service enlists to MicroTx. For example, when the participant service enlists, it provides http://dept1:8081 as the URL to the MicroTx coordinator. When a service connects to multiple resource managers, MicroTx creates a unique branch ID for each resource manager.