11.3 View the Total Number of Transactions

You can view the total number of transaction requests that MicroTx has received since you had installed it and the number of transactions in different states.

  1. Sign in to the MicroTx console. See Access the Web Console.
  2. Click the Dashboard tab.
  3. In the Refresh drop-down list, select the rate at which you want the data on the console to be refreshed. If you select 30 seconds, data for coordinator health, console health, and transaction summary is updated every 30 seconds on the console.
  4. Under Transaction Summary, view the number of transactions in different states since MicroTx was installed.
    • Processed displays the total number of transactions that MicroTx has processed irrespective of their final state, such as committed, cancelled, or heuristic. It lists the total number of transaction requests that were processed from the time MicroTx was installed.
    • Confirmed displays the total number of committed transactions for XA and TCC and confirmed transactions for Saga.
    • Cancelled displays the total number of transactions that were rolled back for XA and the total number of transactions that were canceled for Saga and TCC.
    • Heuristic: displays the total number of transactions in the heuristic state for XA; transactions in failed to cancel and failed to close states for Saga; and failed to cancel, failed to confirm, and heuristic states for TCC.