OTMM(MicroTx) library configurations


  • TrmConfig


affinity: boolean = false

Session Affinity enabled/disabled

callbackUrl: string

Participant URL for the MicroTx Coordinator callback functionality

enableDebugLogs: boolean = false

Enable debug logs

enableLogTimestamp: boolean = false

Enable Log time Stamp in logs

propagateTraceHeaders: boolean = true

Propagate Trace Header

resourceManagerId: string

Resource Manager ID for the DataSource

tmsEndpoint: string

MicroTx Coordinator Url Endpoint

transactionTimeout: number

XA Transaction Timeout value on seconds

trmProperties: any

Trm Properties

xaDataSourceConnectionPoolName: string

Xa DataSource connection pool name

xaDataSourceMaxPoolSize: number

XA DataSource Connection Maximum pool size

xaDataSourceMinPoolSize: number

XA DataSource Connection Minimum pool size

xaTxLLRSupport: boolean = false

Enable LLR Support

xaTxLRCSupport: boolean = false

Enable LRC Support

xaTxRACSupport: boolean = false

Enable Oracle RAC support

xaTxXASupport: boolean = true

Enable XA Support


  • Initialize the OTMM library properties


    • applPropertiesFilePath: string

      trm.properties file path

    Returns void

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