4.4.1 Description of GATEWAY TYPE=REMOTE Parameters

The GATEWAY TYPE=REMOTE statement uses the following parameters.

Parameter Value Description
TYPE (REMOTE,type) Specifies the remote gateway type. You must specify one of the following.

TUX - The remote gateway is an TMA TCP Gateway gateway.

IMS -The remote gateway is an TMA TCP for IMS gateway.

CICS, tran-id - The remote gateway is an TMA TCP for CICS gateway. tran-id specifies the 1-4 character name of the TMA TCP for CICS transaction that is to be scheduled by CICS to handle incoming TCP/IP TMA requests.

Refer to the Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP CICS User Guide for more information.

CICSCPT - The remote gateway is an TMA TCP for CICS gateway that uses the Interlink CPT product for TCP/IP access.

LMID logical-machine-id Specifies a symbolic name (1-16 characters) that uniquely identifies the remote gateway. The logical machine ID is used to associate a remote service with a particular remote gateway.
HOSTADDR ip-address|hostname Specifies the IP address of the remote gateway. The IP address is specified using standard dotted-decimal notation (for example, The hostname is specified as a 1-256 character string and must match the DNS entry.


If any special characters, such as "-" are in the host address, quotes must be placed around the address name. Example: HOSTADDR="SIA-COTS"
PORT port-number Specifies the port number (decimal, 1-32,767) to be used to establish a connection with the remote gateway.
ACCOUNT account-id Specifies the account ID (1-8 characters) to be used to establish a connection with the remote gateway. If an account ID is not used, ACCOUNT=* should be specified. The account ID for connection validation is obsolete.
PASSWORD password Specifies the password (1-8 characters) to be used to establish a connection with the remote gateway. If a password is not used, PASSWORD=* should be specified. The password for connection validation is obsolete.
MAXMSGLEN max-message-length

Specifies the maximum TCP/IP message length (decimal, 1-32,767) that is sent over the connection.

Default value: 2048

SESSIONS min-sessions

Specifies the minimum number of outbound sessions (decimal, 0-32,767) that are to be automatically started with this gateway during initialization of TMA TCP for IMS. Additional sessions (up to the maximum number of sessions specified) are started on a demand basis.

Remember that by specifying a minimum number (greater than 0) of outbound sessions for a remote gateway, you can cause outbound session to be automatically established with that gateway during initialization. This process can be helpful in verifying outbound connectivity without having to make use of test transactions.

Default value: 0

- max-sessions Specifies the maximum number of concurrent, active, outbound sessions (decimal, 0-32,767) that are established with this gateway. Default value: 1

Specifies the maximum number of concurrent messages per session that the gateway accepts.

Default value: 1

IDLETIMEOUT nn|0 Specifies the number of seconds that lapse before the remote gateway terminates a session. The remote gateway terminates sessions until it is equal to the minimum sessions allowed.

Default value: 0

KEYRINGFILE keyringfilename Is the RACF certificates Key ring file name for this gateway over which inbound connections from remote gateways are accepted. If the key ring belongs to other users (for example, SYSSTC/RINGNAME), then the Key ring name needs to be specified with userid along with key ring. If key ring name belongs to same user, it can be specified as is (for example, RINGNAME).


Only the special character‘/’ when used with user id is supported for this field. No other special characters are supported.
KEYLABEL keylabel Is the RACF certificate Key label name for this gateway over which inbound connections from remote gateways are accepted. Key label needs to be specified for corresponding key ring file name used (for example, INT-TEST).


  • Maximum of 4 ‘-‘ are supported in Key label name. Only characters values are supported, numeric values are not supported.
  • None of the existing configuration file keywords should be used (for example, IMS, MVS should not be present in key label name)

    if SSLFLAG is defined as SSL_ONE_WAY but the Default value is not specified , then connections are not accepted. Thus, the Default value field is mandatory if the SSLFLAG is set to SSL_ONE_WAY

SSLFLAG sslflag Is either TCP or SSL_ONE_WAY for this gateway over which inbound connections from remote gateways are accepted.


Default value: If this parameter is not specified, then connections are not accepted as SSL This field is mandatory to use for defining connections via SSL. No special characters or numbers are supported.