4.5 Defining Remote Services

A remote service is a service offered by a remote gateway to which TMA TCP for IMS has access. IMS client transactions can make requests for services offered by remote gateways.

One or more SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statements are used in the configuration file to define remote services. Each SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statement defines the local service name (used by the IMS client transaction to request the service), the remote service name (used to invoke the service on the remote system), and the logical machine ID of a remote gateway that offers the service. There must be a corresponding GATEWAY TYPE=REMOTE statement in the configuration file for the specified logical machine ID.

The configuration file can contain multiple SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statements for a given (local) service name, each pointing to a different logical machine ID (that is, remote gateway). In this case, TMA TCP for IMS distributes requests for the service among the available service providers, thus maximizing throughput during busy periods.

For examples of this statement, refer to the Example Configuration Files