4.5.2 Description of SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE Parameters

The SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statement uses the following parameters.

Parameter Value Description
NAME local-service-name Specifies the name (1-16 characters) by which the service is known on this machine. This is the name which must be used by an IMS client to request the service.
- remote-service-name Specifies the name (1-16 characters) by which the service is known on the remote machine. This name is the name used to invoke the service on the remote machine.
LMID logical-machine-id Specifies the logical machine ID (1-16 characters) of a remote gateway that offers this service. This name must match a logical machine ID (LMID) specified in a GATEWAY TYPE=REMOTE statement.
TIMEOUT timeout|30 Specifies the time limit in seconds (decimal, 1 - 32,767) for the service. If a response is not received within the specified period of time, an error condition is recognized.

Default value: 30