8.3 Messages Written to the Oracle TMA TCP for IMS Message Log

BEA2000I jobname BEA TMA vv.rr TCP For IMS has ended - RC = rc
- Description: This message is issued during termination just before Oracle TMA TCP for IMS returns to z/OS.

jobname is the z/OS job name assigned to Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.

vv is the product version number.

rr is the product release number.

rc is a return code indicating the reason for termination. The most common return code is 24, indicating that termination occurred in response to a SHUTDOWN request.

- Response: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS normally terminates in response to a SHUTDOWN request, in which case the return code is 24 and no special response is required. If Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates with a return code other than 24, termination is the result of an abnormal condition. In that case, there should be other messages that provide additional information about the reason for the termination.
BEA2001I jobname BEA TMA vv.rr TCP For IMS starting
- Description: This message is issued when Oracle TMA TCP for IMS begins execution.

jobname is the z/OS job name assigned to Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.

vv is the product version number.

rr is the product release number.

- Response: None required.
BEA2002I obname BEA TMA vv.rr TCP For IMS initialization complete
- Description:

This message is issued when Oracle TMA TCP for IMS has successfully completed initialization and is ready to begin normal processing.

jobname is the z/OS job name assigned to Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.

vv is the product version number.

rr is the product release number.

- Response: None required.
BEA2003I BEA TMA vv.rr TCP For IMS is terminating (RSN=rc)
- Description: This message is issued when Oracle TMA TCP for IMS begins the termination process (for example, in response to an operator SHUTDOWN command).

vv is the product version number.

rr is the product release number.

rc is a reason code indicating the reason for termination.

- Response:

Oracle TMA TCP for IMS normally terminates in response to a SHUTDOWN request, in which case the return code is 24 and no special response is required.

If Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates with a return code other than 24, termination is the result of an abnormal condition. In that case, there should be other messages that provide additional information about the reason for the termination.

BEA2004E Invalid IMS Client Request: description, Error(error-code), Reason(reason-code)
- Description: An IMS client transaction has issued a request that is invalid.

description is a text description of the error detected.

error-code is the error code. For a description of error codes issued by Oracle TMA TCP for IMS, refer to the “Error and Reason Codes” section.

reason-code is the reason code. For a description of reason codes issued by Oracle TMA TCP for IMS, refer to the “Error and Reason Codes” section.

- Response: Identify and correct the indicated problem.
BEA2005E IMS Client Request for Service(service) failed: Requested service not defined
- Description:

The requested service is not defined to Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.

service is the specified service name.

- Response: The specified service is not defined in the Oracle TMA TCP for IMS configuration file. Ensure that the correct local service name is being specified, and that the service is properly defined in the configuration file with the specified local service name.
BEA2006E IMS Client Request for Service(service) failed: All outbound sessions busy
- Description: All available outbound sessions with remote systems offering the service are currently in use (and no additional sessions can be started due to session limits). service is the specified service name.
- Response: Retry the request later. Increase the maximum number of outbound sessions defined for remote systems that offer the specified service.
BEA2007E Client Request routing error: Service(service-name), RC(rc)
- Description: An internal error occurred while attempting to select a remote system and outbound session to process an IMS client request.

service-name is the specified service name.

rc is the return code returned by the GetServiceInfo() function.

- Response: Report the error to the systems programmer responsible for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2008E Operator command unrecognized - rejected
- Description: An operator command has been entered that is syntactically invalid.
- Response: Correct and re-enter the command.
BEA2009I Operator request for SHUTDOWN accepted
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS has recognized and accepted an operator request to initiate shutdown processing.
- Action: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS begins the process of terminating.
- Response: None required.
BEA2010I Initializing IMS interface
- Description: This message is issued during initialization to indicate that the interface with IMS (i.e., via the IMS message queue) is being initialized.
- Response: None required.
BEA2011E Abnormal return from IMS function request - Status = ss
- Description: An IMS API call has returned an abnormal or unexpected status code.

function is the IMS function code: GU (Get Unique) GN (Get Next) CHNG (Change) ISRT (Insert) PURG (Purge) CHKP (Checkpoint).

ss is the status code from the program control block (PCB).

- Response: Identify the type of error and determine the reason for it. For example, the error may be the result of a temporary change in the IMS configuration.
BEA2012E Open failed for Message Log: DDNAME(ddname)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was unable to open the message log. ddname is the DDNAME of the message log dataset.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Verify that the correct DDNAME is coded in the JCL for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS and that the message log dataset has the correct attributes.
- BEA2013I Initializing network (TCP/IP) interface
- Description: This message is issued during initialization to indicate that the TCP/IP network interface is being initialized. This includes starting a Listener session for each local gateway defined in the Oracle TMA TCP for IMS configuration file.
- Response: None required.
BEA2014I Terminating network (TCP/IP) interface
- Description: This message is issued during termination to indicate that the TCP/IP network interface is being terminated. This involves: - terminating active inbound sessions - terminating active outbound sessions - terminating Listener sessions
- Response: None required.
BEA2015I ssss Inbound Sessions are no longer being accepted by LMID(lmid,L)
- Description:

The Listener for the specified logical machine ID is being stopped; inbound TCP/IP connection requests are no longer accepted by this LMID.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the Listener by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the local gateway.

- Response: None required.
BEA2016I Starting Listener for LMID(lmid,L), IP(ip-address), Port(port-number)
- Description : A Listener is being started for the local gateway to accept TCP/IP connection requests from remote systems.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the local gateway.

ip-address is the IP address at which TCP/IP connection requests are accepted. If an asterisk (*) appears, connection requests are accepted through any available network interface on the machine.

port-number is the port number at which TCP/IP connection requests are accepted.

- Response: None required.
BEA2017E Unable to allocate Session Control Block for Listener
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was unable to allocate storage for an internal control block used to manage a Listener session.
- Response: This is an abnormal condition indicating a severe storage shortage or corruption of the storage allocation control blocks. It may be necessary to terminate Oracle TMA TCP for IMS (preferably with a dump) to identify and correct the problem.
BEA2018I ssss LMID(lmid,L) is accepting TCP/IP connection requests at IP(ip-address), Port(port-number)
- Description:

A Listener was successfully started for a local gateway and is ready to accept inbound TCP/IP connection requests from remote systems.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the Listener by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the local gateway.

ip-address is the IP address at which TCP/IP connection requests are accepted. If an asterisk (*) appears, connection requests are accepted through any available network interface.

port-number is the port number on which TCP/IP connection requests are accepted.

- Response: None required.
BEA2019I ssss Inbound TCP/IP connection request received for LMID (lmid,L) from IP(ip-address: host-name)
- Description:

A TCP/IP connection request was received from a remote system for a local gateway.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the local gateway receiving the request.

ip-address is the IP address of the remote system making the request.

host-name is the network name of the remote system making the request. TCP/IP obtains this information from a domain name server or from a local /etc/hosts file. If the name of the remote host cannot be determined, "Unknown" is displayed.

- Response: None required.
BEA2020E ssss Inbound TCP/IP connection request rejected: Session limit (max-sessions) exceeded
- Description: A TCP/IP connection request from a remote system was rejected because the local gateway is already operating at the specified maximum number of concurrent, inbound sessions.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

max-sessions is the maximum number of concurrent, active inbound sessions supported by the local gateway.

- Response: If necessary, increase the maximum number of inbound sessions for the local gateway (defined by the SESSIONS parameter in the GATEWAY TYPE=LOCAL statement).
BEA2021E ssss Unable to allocate Session Control Block for Inbound Session
- Description:

Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was unable to allocate storage for an internal control block used to manage an inbound session.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

- Response: This is an abnormal condition indicating a severe storage shortage or corruption of the storage allocation control blocks. It may be necessary to terminate Oracle TMA TCP for IMS (preferably with a dump) to identify and correct the problem.
BEA2022I ssss Inbound TCP/IP connection accepted by LMID(lmid,L(port)) from R(ip-address: port )
- Description: An inbound TCP/IP connection from a remote system has been accepted by a local gateway.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the port for logical machine ID of the local gateway accepting the connection.

port is the port for the local gateway accepting the connection.

ip-address:port is the IP address and port for the remote system making the connection.

- Response: None required.
BEA2023I Requesting outbound TCP/IP connection with LMID(lmid,R) at IP(ip-address), Port(port-number)
- Description:

The local gateway is attempting to establish an outbound TCP/IP connection with a remote system.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the remote gateway.

ip-address is the IP address of the remote gateway.

port-number is the port number of the remote gateway.

- Response: None required.
BEA2024I ssss Unable to establish TCP/IP connection with LMID(lmid,R)
- Description:

The local gateway failed to establish an outbound TCP/IP connection with a remote system.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the remote gateway.
- Response: None required.
BEA2025E ssss Received message length (rcvd-length) exceeds maximum allowed on session (max-length)
- Description: The local gateway received a gateway message whose length exceeds the maximum allowed for the session.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

rcvd-length is the length of the message received.

max-length is the maximum message length allowed on the session.

- Action: The session is terminated.
- Response: This error can be caused by any of the following:
  1. The configurations of the local and/or remote gateways may be incorrect or inconsistent with respect to the maximum message length allowed. The maximum message length of the local gateway is specified by the MAXMSGLEN parameter on the GATEWAY TYPE=LOCAL statement.
  2. The remote gateway may not be properly configured to connect to an IMS gateway. In particular, the remote gateway may be configured incorrectly to connect to a CICS gateway.
  3. Some other TCP/IP application (i.e., not a Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter gateway) may be attempting to connect to the IP address and port number used by Oracle TMA TCP for IMS. Check the configuration and verify that Oracle TMA TCP for IMS is not using an IP address and port number which are also being used by another TCP/IP application.
BEA2026E ssss Message header length (length) is not valid
- Description: The local gateway received a gateway message containing an invalid header length.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

length is the length of the message header received.

- Action: The session is terminated.
- Response: This error may be caused by any of the following:
  1. The versions of the local and remote gateways may be incompatible.
  2. Some other TCP/IP application (i.e., not a Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter gateway) may be attempting to connect to the IP address and port number used by Oracle TMA TCP for IMS. Check the configuration and verify that Oracle TMA TCP for IMS is not using an IP address and port number which is also being used by another TCP/IP application.
BEA2027E ssss Message length (length) is not valid
- Description: The local gateway received a gateway message whose overall length is invalid (the total length is less than the length of the message header).

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

length is the length of the gateway message received.

- Action: The session is terminated.
- Response: Contact your Oracle TMA TCP for IMS system programmer.
BEA2028E ssss IMS Client Request timed out: LMID(lmid,R), Service(service)
- Description: An IMS client request was sent to a remote system for processing, but no response was received within a specified period of time.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the remote gateway.

service is the remote name of the service requested (i.e., the name of the service as defined on the remote system).

- Action: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS aborts the request and schedules the specified IMS response transaction with the appropriate return codes.
- Response: The remote system may be experiencing problems, or may be extremely busy. An adjustment to the time out value may resolve this problem.
BEA2029E ssss Allocation failed for buffer (size = buffer-size)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS is unable to allocate a buffer of the specified size for a gateway message.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP (this field is blank if there is no associated connection).

buffer-size is the size of the requested buffer.

- Action: The session is terminated.
- Response: Assuming a reasonable buffer size, this is an abnormal condition indicating a severe storage shortage or corruption of the storage allocation control blocks. It may be necessary to terminate Oracle TMA TCP for IMS (preferably with a dump) to identify and correct the problem.
BEA2030E ssss IMS Server Request failed - Invalid IMS transaction code: Service(service-name)
- Description:

Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received an abnormal return from IMS (PCB Status Code = "A1") while attempting to insert a server request message into the IMS message queue.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

service-name is the name of the requested service (i.e., the IMS transaction code for the server transaction).

- Action: The request fails. This message is also returned to the remote gateway as part of a negative response to the request.
- Response: The requested service name must be the (correct) IMS transaction code for the server transaction that processes the request. Check the remote configuration and verify that a valid IMS transaction name is specified as the remote service name.
BEA2031I ssss Shutdown requested by client transaction: Type(type)
- Description: A client transaction requested a shutdown of the IMS gateway. Note that this request can be made either by a remote (e.g., Oracle TUXEDO) client or an IMS server transaction if CLIENTSHUTDOWN is set to Yes.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

type is the type of shutdown requested: STOP - Normal shutdown DUMP - User 3166 abend with dump

- Action: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS initiates shutdown processing.
- Response: Assuming that this is a valid request, no response is required.
BEA2032E ssss IMS Server Request (size=size) exceeds maximum supported IMS message length (max-length)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received a server request which is too large to be formatted into a single IMS message segment for insertion into the IMS message queue.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

size is the length of the request message received.

max-length is the maximum supported length of an IMS message segment.

- Action: The request fails.
- Response: Server requests are limited by the maximum supported IMS message segment length.
BEA2033E Logging IMS Server Response: mmddyyyy.hhmmss.nnnnnn (reason)
- Description:

Oracle TMA TCP for IMS is unable to correlate a response message returned by an IMS server transaction with a pending, active request. Each server request and response message is identified by a timestamp consisting of the date and time that Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was started and a unique serial number:

mm month (1-12)
dd day (1-31)
yyyy year
hh hour (0-23)
mm minute (0-59)
ss second (0-59)
nnnnnn serial number
reason specifies the reason that the response is being
- Action: The response message is logged in the server response log dataset.
- Response: If the reason is "Server Request not found", one of the following occurred:
  1. Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was restarted after the server request was sent to IMS but before the response was received. This message may be issued following a restart of Oracle TMA TCP for IMS if server requests were in progress at the time Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was terminated.
  2. The TCP/IP connection with the remote gateway was lost after the server request was sent to IMS but before the response was received.
  3. A server request timed out and was aborted (either by the local or the remote gateway) before the response was received from IMS.
- Response: If the reason is "No response was expected", it indicates that an IMS server transaction issued a response to a request for which a response was not required. Correct the IMS server transaction. One other possible cause for this error is that Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was unable to identify an IMS client request and processed it as if it were an IMS server response. This can happen if an IMS client transaction improperly initializes the Oracle Client request header by failing to initialize the BEA-RESERVED1 field (BEA_Reserved1 in the C header file) to binary zero (low values).
BEA2034E ssss Invalid or unsupported request received by LMID(lmid,L): Opcode(opcode)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received a gateway message from a remote gateway containing an invalid or unsupported request type.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is theological machine ID of the local gateway receiving the request.

opcode is a numeric value identifying the request type.

- Action: The session is terminated. This message is also sent to the remote gateway as part of a negative response to the request.
- Response: The local and remote gateways may be incompatible (different versions).
BEA2035E Unable to add service service-name, maximum service count reached.
- Description: The maximum number of dynamically added services has been reached.
- Action: The ADD SERVICE operator command is rejected.
- Response: The service cannot be added dynamically. The Oracle TMA TCP for IMS gateway must be stopped and restarted before additional services can be added dynamically.
BEA2036I ssss CONNECT request received by LMID(lmid,L)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received a CONNECT request from a remote gateway. A CONNECT request is issued to establish an inbound session with the local gateway.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the local gateway receiving the request.

- Response: None required.
BEA2037I ssss CONNECT request accepted by LMID(lmid,L)
- Description:

Oracle TMA TCP for IMS accepted a CONNECT request from a remote gateway. An inbound session has been established.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the local gateway receiving the request.

- Response: None required.
BEA2038I Reserved for future use by Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2039E ssss CONNECT request rejected by LMID(lmid,L): Not Authorized
- Description: The local gateway rejected a CONNECT request from a remote gateway because the account ID and/or password presented is not correct.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the local gateway.

- Action: The session is terminated. This message is also returned to the remote gateway as part of a negative response to the CONNECT request.
- Response: Check the respective configurations of the local and remote gateways to verify that they are consistent with respect to account ID and/or password. If the local gateway definition specifies that no account ID and/or password are to be used (by coding an asterisk for the account ID and/or password), the remote gateway must present a blank (i.e., spaces) account ID and/or password.
BEA2040I ssss SHUTDOWN request received by LMID(lmid,L)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received a SHUTDOWN request from a remote gateway.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the local gateway receiving the request.

- Action: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS initiates termination processing.
- Response: None required.
BEA2041I ssss DISCONNECT request received by LMID(lmid,L)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received a DISCONNECT request from a remote gateway. A DISCONNECT request may be sent by a remote gateway to logically terminate a session.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the local gateway receiving the request.

- Action: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates the inbound session with the remote gateway. Note, however, that the TCP/IP connection is not affected and remains open. The remote gateway may issue a subsequent CONNECT request to establish a new inbound session, or it may close the TCP/IP connection at its option.
- Response: None required.
BEA2042I ssss DISCONNECT request accepted by LMID(lmid,L)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS accepted a DISCONNECT request received from a remote gateway.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the local gateway receiving the request.

- Action: This message is also returned to the remote gateway as part of a positive response to the DISCONNECT request.
- Response: None required.
BEA2043I Inbound (request/response) for LMID(lmid,L)
- Description: A network message was received. lmid is the logical machine ID of the local gateway receiving the request.
- Action: None.
- Response: None required. This message is used only when MSGLEVEL is set to DEBUG(10).
BEA2044I ssss PING request received by LMID(lmid,L)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received a PING request from a remote gateway. A PING request may be sent by a remote gateway to verify that a logical session exists and that the partner gateway is operative.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the local gateway receiving the request.

- Response: None required.
BEA2045I PING response: jobname BEA TMA vv.rr TCP For IMS
- Description: This message is returned to the remote gateway by Oracle TMA TCP for IMS in response to a PING request. This message is not logged.

jobname is the z/OS job name assigned to Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.

vv is the product version number.

rr is the product release number.

- Response: None required.
BEA2046I ssss COMMAND received by LMID(lmid,L)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS has received a command from a remote gateway.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the local gateway receiving the request.

- Response: The COMMAND request is not currently supported by Oracle TMA TCP for IMS and should not be sent by a remote gateway. (See ID: BEA2047E).
BEA2047E ssss Command rejected by LMID(lmid,L): Remote commands are not supported
- Description:

Oracle TMA TCP for IMS does not currently support commands sent by remote gateways.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the local gateway.

- Action: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS ignores the request. This message is also returned to the remote gateway as part of a negative response to the COMMAND request.
- Response: The remote gateway should not be sending commands. Check the configuration and version of the remote gateway to determine why this is occurring.
BEA2048I Allocating Buffer (size=n)
- Description: An internal storage buffer was allocated.
- Action: None.
- Response: None required. This message is used only when MSGLEVEL is set to DEBUG(10).
BEA2049E ssss Protocol error detected by LMID(lmid,L) on Inbound Session: Request(request), State(state)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received a request from a remote gateway, but the session is currently in a state which is inconsistent with the request.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the local gateway receiving the request.

request is the type of request received: CONNECT, DISCONNECT, etc.

state is a numeric value corresponding to the current state of the session, as viewed by Oracle TMA TCP for IMS .

- Action: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS takes no specific action. However, subsequent errors (including additional protocol errors) can occur, which likely leads to termination of the session. This message is also returned to the remote gateway as part of a negative response to the request.
- Response: This error can occur if two gateways become "out of sync" on a session with respect to their respective states. If this error occurs frequently or persistently, notify the systems programmer responsible for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2050I IMS Host hostname has been added.
- Description: The ADD HOST operator command has completed successfully.
- Action: None.
- Response: None required.
BEA2051E ssss Invalid or unsupported response received from LMID(lmid,R): Opcode(opcode)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received a response message from a remote gateway on an outbound session that cannot be identified (that is, the Opcode in the Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter message header is not valid).

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the remote gateway.

opcode is the numeric value of the Opcode in the Message Header.

- Action: The session is terminated.
- Response: If this error occurs, notify the systems programmer responsible for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2052I ssss Issuing CONNECT request for LMID(lmid,R)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS is requesting an outbound session with a remote gateway.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the remote gateway.

- Response: None required.
BEA2053E ssss CONNECT request rejected by LMID(lmid,R): GWError(gwerror), GWMsg(gwmsg)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received a negative response to a CONNECT request to establish an outbound session with a remote gateway.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the remote gateway.

gwerror is the gateway error code returned by the remote gateway.

gwmsg is the gateway error message returned by the remote gateway.

- Action: The CONNECT request fails and the TCP/IP connection with the remote gateway is terminated.
- Response: Refer to the documentation for the remote gateway for information about the reason for the error. Also, consult the remote gateway's log file for additional information.
BEA2054I ssss CONNECT request accepted by LMID(lmid,R)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS has received a positive response to a CONNECT request to establish an outbound session with a remote gateway. The session is established and is ready to process requests.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the remote gateway.

- Response: None required.
BEA2055I ssss Issuing DISCONNECT for LMID(lmid,R)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS is ending an outbound session with a remote gateway.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the remote gateway.

- Response: None required.
BEA2056E ssss DISCONNECT rejected by LMID(lmid,R): GWError(gwerror), GWMsg(gwmsg )
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received a negative response to a DISCONNECT request to end an outbound session with a remote gateway.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the remote gateway.

gwerror is the gateway error code returned by the remote gateway.

gwmsg is the gateway error message returned by the remote gateway.

- Action: The session is terminated.
- Response: Refer to the documentation for the remote gateway for information about the reason for the error. Also, consult the remote gateway's log file for additional information.
BEA2057I ssss DISCONNECT accepted by LMID(lmid,R)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received a positive response to a DISCONNECT request to end an outbound session with a remote gateway.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the remote gateway.

- Response: None required.
BEA2058I ssss Sending PING request to LMID(lmid,R)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS is sending a PING request to a remote gateway.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the remote gateway.

- Response: None required.
BEA2059E ssss PING request rejected by LMID(lmid,R): GWError(gwerror), GWMsg(gwmsg)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received a negative response to a PING request sent to a remote gateway.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the remote gateway.

gwerror is the gateway error code returned by the remote gateway.

gwmsg is the gateway error message returned by the remote gateway.

- Action: The session is terminated.
- Response: Refer to the documentation for the remote gateway for information about the reason for the error. Also, consult the remote gateway's log file for additional information.
BEA2060I ssss PING response from LMID(lmid,R): response
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received a positive response to a PING request sent to a remote gateway.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the remote gateway. response is the text of the response message returned by the remote gateway.

- Response: None required.
BEA2061I ssss Sending command to LMID(lmid,R)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS is sending a command to a remote gateway.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the remote gateway.

- Response: None required.
BEA2062E ssss COMMAND rejected by LMID(lmid,R): GWError(gwerror), GWMsg(gwmsg)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received a negative response to a command sent to a remote gateway.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the remote gateway.

gwerror is the gateway error code returned by the remote gateway.

gwmsg is the gateway error message returned by the remote gateway.

- Action: The session is terminated.
- Response: Refer to the documentation for the remote gateway for information about the reason for the error. Also, consult the remote gateway's log file for additional information.
BEA2063E ssss Unable to allocate buffer for IMS Client Request (size=buffer-size)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was unable to allocate storage for an internal buffer required to process an IMS client request.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

buffer-size is the size of the required buffer.

- Response: This is an abnormal condition indicating a severe storage shortage or corruption of the storage allocation control blocks. It may be necessary to terminate Oracle TMA TCP for IMS (preferably with a dump) to identify and correct the problem.
BEA2064E ssss IMS Client Request sent to LMID(lmid,R) failed: GWError(gwerror), GWMsg(gwmsg)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received a negative response to an IMS client request sent to a remote gateway.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the remote gateway.

gwerror is the gateway error code returned by the remote gateway.

gwmsg is the gateway error message returned by the remote gateway.

- Action: The specified IMS client response transaction is scheduled with the appropriate return codes.
- Response: Refer to the documentation for the remote gateway for information about the reason for the error. Also, consult the remote gateway's log file for additional information.
BEA2065E ssss State error on inout Session: LMID(lmid,type), Request(request), State(state)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS attempted to execute an operation against a session which is not currently in a state consistent with the requested operation.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

inout session type: inbound or outbound.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the gateway.

type is the gateway type: L (local) or R (remote).

request is the request type: CONNECT, DISCONNECT, etc.

state describes the current state of the session.

- Action: The session is terminated.
- Response: Refer this error to the systems programmer responsible for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2066E Unable to allocate Session Control Block for Outbound Session
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was unable to allocate storage for an internal control block required to manage an outbound session.
- Response: This is an abnormal condition indicating a severe storage shortage or corruption of the storage allocation control blocks. It may be necessary to terminate Oracle TMA TCP for IMS (preferably with a dump) to identify and correct the problem.
BEA2067I ssss TCP/IP connection closed by session partner
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was notified that a TCP/IP connection with a remote system was closed by the session partner. ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.
- Action: The session is terminated.
- Response: None required.
BEA2068I ssss TCP/IP connection reset
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was notified that a connection with a remote system was reset. A reset occurs when the connection is hard-closed (i.e., closed without first issuing a TCP/IP shutdown request). ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.
- Action: The session is terminated.
- Response: None required.
BEA2069E ssss Length error on socket read
- Description: TCP/IP reported an illogical length read from a connection; for example, the length reported was greater than the actual length requested. ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.
- Action: The session is terminated.
- Response: This error may indicate a problem with TCP/IP for z/OS.
BEA2070E ssss Abnormal return from TCP/IP API request: fcn(function), rc(rc), errno(errno)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received an abnormal return from a TCP/IP socket operation.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

function is the TCP/IP API function called: read, write, etc.

rc is the TCP/IP return code (usually -1).

errno is the TCP/IP errno value returned.

- Action: The session is terminated.
- Response: Consult the IBM TCP/IP for z/OS documentation for a description of possible errno values and their meanings.
BEA2071I ssss Session termination in progress (RSN=reason)
- Description:

Oracle TMA TCP for IMS has initiated termination of a session with a remote gateway.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

reason is a numeric value indicating the reason the session is being terminated. Some typical reason codes are: 12 A socket error occurred.

16 The connection was closed by the session partner.

20 An internal gateway request (such as CONNECT) timed out.

24 BEA TMA TCP for IMS is terminating in response to a SHUTDOWN request.

28 Session limit exceeded (a new session cannot be started).

60 A session protocol error occurred.

- Response: This action typically occurs as the result of a session-related error condition (identified by the reason code), or in conjunction with a SHUTDOWN request. If a reason code other than one of those previously listed is given, the error should be reported to the systems programmer responsible for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2072I ssss TCP/IP connection closed
- Description: As part of the session termination process, Oracle TMA TCP for IMS successfully closed the TCP/IP connection. ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.
- Response: None required.
BEA2073I ssss Session termination complete
- Description: A session was successfully terminated by Oracle TMA TCP for IMS. ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.
- Response: None required.
BEA2074E Error writing to Server Response Log File
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received an abnormal return attempting to write a record to the server response log file.
- Response: Check the server response log file to ensure that it is allocated with the correct dataset attributes, allocated using the correct DDNAME, and is not full or experiencing I/O errors.
BEA2075E Open failed for server response log file: DDNAME(ddname)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS is not able to open the Server Response Log File. ddname is the DDNAME used by Oracle TMA TCP for IMS to open the dataset.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Check the server response log file to ensure that it is allocated with the correct dataset attributes and is allocated using the correct DDNAME as shown.
BEA2076E ssss IMS Server Request received with previous request pending (timeout assumed)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS received an IMS server request from a remote gateway, but a prior request is still pending (i.e., currently being serviced by IMS). ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.
- Action: Oracle TMA TCP assumes that the remote gateway timed out while waiting for a response to the previous request. Therefore, the previous request (currently being serviced by IMS) is aborted (discarded) and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS begins processing the new request.
- Response: This error can occur when a remote gateway cancels a previously sent request (i.e., due to timeout) and immediately sends another request.
BEA2077E ssss Pending IMS Server Request for Service(service) aborted
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS aborted processing of the current server request.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

service is the name of the IMS server transaction scheduled to process the current request.

- Action: The current request is discarded and the session is ready to accept a new request.
- Response: None required.
BEA2078E ssss IMS Server Request timed out: Service(service)
- Description: An IMS server request requiring a response was being processed by IMS, but no response was received within a specified period of time.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

service is the name of the IMS server transaction scheduled to process the request.

- Action: The request is aborted. This message is also returned to the remote gateway as part of a negative response to the request.
- Response: Check the IMS server transaction (service) that processes the request to make sure that it is not stopped or has an unusually high backlog.
BEA2079E Client Response failed: Sense Code=sc Reason=reason
- Description: A response to a client request was rejected by OTMA.

sc is the sense code.

reason is a numeric value indicating the reason for the response failure.

- Action: The response is logged.
- Response: Consult the IMS Open Transaction Manager Access Guide to determine the cause of the error.
BEA2080E Malloc failed for parse work area
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was unable to allocate storage for an internal work area used to parse the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Report this error to the systems programmer responsible for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2081I IOPCB after CHKP Call:
- Description: Displays the contents of the IOPCB after a CHKP DLI call.
- Action: None.
- Response: None required. This message is used only when MSGLEVEL is set to DEBUG(10).
BEA2082E Missing LMID option for REMOTE GATEWAY
- Description: A required keyword parameter (LMID) was omitted from a GATEWAY TYPE=REMOTE statement in the configuration File.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
- Description: A required keyword parameter (HOSTADDR) was omitted from a GATEWAY TYPE=REMOTE statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2084E Missing PORT option for REMOTE GATEWAY
- Description: A required keyword parameter (PORT) was omitted from a GATEWAY TYPE=REMOTE statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2085E NAME option is invalid for REMOTE GATEWAY
- Description: An invalid keyword parameter (NAME) was specified on a GATEWAY TYPE=REMOTE statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2086E TIMEOUT option is invalid for REMOTE GATEWAY
- Description: An invalid keyword parameter (TIMEOUT) was specified on a GATEWAY TYPE=REMOTE statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2087E Cannot malloc for Remote Host
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was unable to allocate storage for an internal control block used to manage a remote gateway.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Report this error to the systems programmer responsible for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2088E Missing LMID option for LOCAL GATEWAY
- Description: A required keyword parameter (LMID) was omitted from a GATEWAY TYPE=LOCAL statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2089E Missing HOSTADDR option for LOCAL GATEWAY
- Description: A required keyword parameter (HOSTADDR) was omitted from a GATEWAY TYPE=LOCAL statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2090E Missing PORT option for LOCAL GATEWAY
- Description: A required keyword parameter (PORT) was omitted from a GATEWAY TYPE=LOCAL statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2091E Missing ACCOUNT option for LOCAL GATEWAY
- Description: A required keyword parameter (ACCOUNT) was omitted from a GATEWAY TYPE=LOCAL statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2092E Missing PASSWORD option for LOCAL GATEWAY
- Description: A required keyword parameter (PASSWORD) was omitted from a GATEWAY TYPE=LOCAL statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2093E NAME option is invalid for LOCAL GATEWAY
- Description: An invalid keyword parameter (NAME) was specified on a GATEWAY TYPE=LOCAL statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2094E TIMEOUT option is invalid for LOCAL GATEWAY
- Description: An invalid keyword parameter (TIMEOUT) was specified on a GATEWAY TYPE=LOCAL statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2095E Cannot malloc for Local Host
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was unable to allocate storage for an internal control block used to manage the local gateway.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Report this error to the systems programmer responsible for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2096E Missing LMID option for REMOTE SERVICE
- Description: A required keyword parameter (LMID) was omitted from a SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2097E HOSTADDR option is invalid for REMOTE SERVICE
- Description: An invalid keyword parameter (HOSTADDR) was specified on a SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2098E PORT option is invalid for REMOTE SERVICE
- Description: An invalid keyword parameter (PORT) was specified on a SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2099E ACCOUNT option is invalid for REMOTE SERVICE
- Description: An invalid keyword parameter (ACCOUNT) was specified on a SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2100E PASSWORD option is invalid for REMOTE SERVICE
- Description: An invalid keyword parameter (PASSWORD) was specified on a SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2101E MAXMSGLEN option is invalid for REMOTE SERVICE
- Description: An invalid keyword parameter (MAXMSGLEN) was specified on a SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2102E SESSIONS option is invalid for REMOTE SERVICE
- Description: An invalid keyword parameter (SESSIONS) was specified on a SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2103E Missing NAME option for REMOTE SERVICE
- Description: A required keyword parameter (NAME) was omitted from a SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2104E Missing TIMEOUT option for REMOTE SERVICE
- Description: A required keyword parameter (TIMEOUT) was omitted from a SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statement in the configuration file.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the problem and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2105E Cannot malloc for Work Service
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was unable to allocate storage used to process remote service definitions.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Report this error to the systems programmer responsible for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2106E Cannot malloc for CurrWorkSer Info
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was unable to allocate storage used to process remote service definitions.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Report this error to the systems programmer responsible for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2107E The command lines which are in error are: text
- Description: When a syntax error is detected during processing of the configuration file, Oracle TMA TCP for IMS displays the lines containing the error.

text is the line containing the text in error.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the error and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
- BEA2108E Cannot malloc for ServiceKeys
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was unable to allocate storage used to process remote service definitions.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Report this error to the systems programmer responsible for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2109E Could not find LMID [lmid] for Service [service]
- Description: The logical machine ID (LMID) specified on a SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statement could not be matched with a GATEWAY TYPE=REMOTE statement specifying the same (matching) LMID in the configuration file.

lmid is the logical machine ID specified in the SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statement.

service is the local service name specified in the SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statement.

- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Each Remote Service must be associated with a particular remote gateway (identified by a unique logical machine ID) that provides the service. Check the GATEWAY TYPE=REMOTE and SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statements to verify that they specify the same logical machine ID. Correct any errors and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2110E Syntax error in configuration file, line line-no
- Description: A syntax error was detected during processing of the configuration file. line-no is the line number of the line containing the syntax error.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the error and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2111E Line in error: text
- Description: This message is displayed in conjunction with message BEA2110E. text is the line containing the text in error.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Correct the error and restart Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2112E Open failed for configuration file: DDNAME(ddname)
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was unable to open the configuration file. ddname is the logical dataset name of the configuration file dataset.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Verify that the correct DDNAME is coded in the JCL for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS and that the configuration file dataset has the correct attributes.
BEA2113I jobname BEA TMA vv.rr TCP For IMS ready
- Description: This message is issued by Oracle TMA TCP for IMS in conjunction with an outstanding WTOR which can be used to enter operator commands.

jobname is the z/OS job name assigned to Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.

vv is the product version number.

rr is the product release number.

- Response: None required. You can reply to the associated WTOR to enter an operator command for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2114I ssss Session TIMEOUT detected on LMID(lmid,type)
- Description: This message is issued by Oracle TMA TCP for IMS when an IDLE TIMEOUT has occurred.

ssss is the socket ID assigned to the connection by TCP/IP.

lmid is the logical machine ID of the gateway.

type is the gateway type: L (local) or R (remote).

- Response: Refer this error to the systems programmer responsible for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2115I Service service-name for IMSID logical-IMS-identifier has been added.
- Description: The ADD SERVICE operator command for a local service has completed successfully.

service-name is the local service name which is passed to IMS as the transaction name.

logical-IMSID-identifier is a symbolic name that uniquely identifies an IMS system definition. This name must match a logical IMS ID (IMSID) specified in a HOST, TYPE=IMS statement.

- Action: None.
- Response: None required.
BEA2116 Reserved for future use.
BEA2117I MS Host IMSID has been modified.
- Description: The MOD HOST operator command has completed successfully. IMSID is a symbolic name that uniquely identifies the IMS system definition.
- Action: None.
- Response: None required.
BEA2117I IMS Host IMSID has been modified.
- Description: The MOD HOST operator command has completed successfully. IMSID is a symbolic name that uniquely identifies the IMS system definition.
- Action: None.
- Response: None required.
BEA2118E IMS Host must be stopped prior to modifying.
- Description: The STOP HOST command must be issued before entering the MOD HOST command.
- Action: The MOD HOST command is aborted.
- Response: Enter the STOP HOST command and then retry the MOD HOST command.
BEA2119E Missing IMSID option for MOD HOST.
- Description: The IMSID parameter was omitted and is required.
- Action: The MOD HOST command is aborted.
- Response: Enter the IMSID parameter and then retry the MOD HOST command.
BEA2120E Allocation failed for OTMA Work Area
- Description: Upon initialization of the OTMA interface, Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was unable to allocate storage used to interface with OTMA.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Refer this error to the systems programmer responsible for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2121I Terminating OTMA interface
- Description: During shutdown, Oracle TMA TCP for IMS prepares to close its connection with OTMA.
- Action: The OTMA interface is closed and its associated resources are returned to the system.
- Response: None required.
BEA2122E Cannot resolve host name
- Description: During configuration file processing, a hostname for a local or remote gateway could not be resolved by the domain name server or the local host file.
- Action: If the error occurs during initialization, Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates. If the error occurs during the dynamic addition of a gateway, the gateway is not added.
- Response: Check the hostname to verify spelling. Contact your network administrator to verify the hostname or change the hostname if necessary.
BEA2123I Host address for hostname is IP-address
- Description: A hostname in the configuration file has been resolved to the following IP address.
- Action: None.
- Response: None required.
BEA2124E Client Bid Failed
- Description: The initial communication between Oracle TMA TCP for IMS and the IMS OTMA interface failed.
- Action: Initialization of the OTMA interface fails.
- Response: Verify that the OTMA interface for the IMS system you want to access is enabled and that the OTMAGROUP parameter defined for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS matches the XCF group defined to IMS.
BEA2125I OTMA Msg Received
- Description: Informational message only displayed when message level is set to DEBUG(10).
- Action: None
- Response: None required.
BEA2126I OTMA Msg Sent
- Description: Informational message only displayed when message level is set to DEBUG(10).
- Action: None
- Response: None required.
BEA2127I Client-Bid Message Sent
- Description: Informational message only displayed when message level is set to DEBUG(10).
- Action: None
- Response: None required.
BEA2128I XCF Status with IMS Client OTMANAME=status
- Description: Response message to the STATUS operator command. status is one of the following: ACTIVE, UNKNOWN, ERROR, RESET, or BID SENT
- Action: None
- Response: None required.
BEA2129I Processing input from file filename
- Description: Response message to the INFILE operator command.
- Action: None
- Response: None required.
BEA2130I Writing Configuration to file filename
- Description: Response message to the CHKPT CONFIG operator command.
- Action: None
- Response: None required.
BEA2131E Open failed for Checkpoint File: filename
- Description: The filename given in the CHKPT CONFIG operator command was not a valid file name or the file could not be created.
- Action: The configuration checkpoint is aborted.
- Response: Check the file name and re-enter the command. Contact the system programmer responsible for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS to check for availability of DASD resources.
BEA2132I Configuration checkpoint complete
- Description: Normal response to a CHKPT CONFIG operator command.
- Action: None
- Response: None required.
BEA2133E Error opening file filename
- Description: The file name entered with the INFILE operator command could not be opened.
- Action: The INFILE command processing is aborted.
- Response: Check the file name and retry if it is correct. Resolve any contention issues with other processes needing exclusive access to the file.
BEA2134E Host LMID not Unique
- Description: The LMID for a gateway definition is not a unique name. No two gateways can share the same LMID.
- Action: If the error occurs during Oracle TMA TCP for IMS startup, initialization aborts. If the error occurs while dynamically adding a gateway, the gateway is not added.
- Response: Change the LMID to a unique name.
BEA2135I Gateway lmid has been added
- Description: This is the normal response to an ADD GATEWAY operator command. lmid is the logical machine ID specified for the ADD GATEWAY command.
- Action: None
- Response: None required.
BEA2136E Missing LMID option for MOD GATEWAY
- Description: The LMID option is required for a MOD GATEWAY operator command.
- Action: The command action is aborted.
- Response: Add the LMID parameter to the command and retry.
BEA2137E Gateway lmid is invalid
- Description: The LMID parameter entered in a MOD GATEWAY or MOD SERVICE command is not a currently defined gateway. lmid is the logical machine ID specified for the MOD command.
- Action: The MOD command is aborted.
- Response: Change the LMID to match the name of the defined gateway to be modified.
BEA2138E Gateway must be stopped prior to modifying
- Description: A MOD GATEWAY operator command was issued prior to stopping the gateway with a STOP GATEWAY command.
- Action: The MOD command processing is aborted.
- Response: Issue a STOP GATEWAY command and retry the MOD GATEWAY command.
BEA2139I Gateway lmid has been modified
- Description: This is the normal response to a MOD GATEWAY operator command. lmid is the logical machine ID specified for the MOD GATEWAY command.
- Action: None
- Response: None required.
BEA2140I Gateway lmid has been started
- Description: This is the normal response to a START GATEWAY command. lmid is the logical machine ID specified for the START GATEWAY command.
- Action: None
- Response: None required.
BEA2141I Gateway lmid is being stopped
- Description: This is the initial response to a STOP GATEWAY operator command. lmid is the logical machine ID specified for the STOP GATEWAY command.
- Action: All outstanding messages are allowed to continue processing unless the IMMED=YES option was specified. All sessions for the gateway are then closed.
- Response: None required.
BEA2142I Gateway lmid has been stopped
- Description: The STOP GATEWAY command has completed stopping the gateway. lmid is the logical machine ID specified for the STOP GATEWAY command.
- Action: None
- Response: None required.
BEA2143E Local Service Name not Unique
- Description: A service of the same name exists for the LMID associated with this service.
- Action: If the error occurs during Oracle TMA TCP for IMS startup, initialization aborts and the program terminates. If the error occurs during processing of an ADD SERVICE operator command, command processing aborts.
- Response: Choose a unique name for the service and retry the command.
BEA2144I Service service-name for LMID lmid has been added
- Description: This is the normal response to an ADD SERVICE operator command.

service is the local service name specified in the SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statement.

lmid is the logical machine ID specified for the ADD SERVICE command.

- Action: None
- Response: None required.
BEA2145I Service service-name for LMID lmid is invalid
- Description: The service name specified in the MOD SERVICE operator command does not exist, or the LMID is incorrect.

service is the local service name specified in the SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statement.

lmid is the logical machine ID specified for the MOD SERVICE command.

- Action: The MOD SERVICE command processing aborts.
- Response: Correct the error and retry the command.
BEA2146E Service must be stopped prior to modifying
- Description: A MOD SERVICE operator command was entered prior to stopping the service with a STOP SERVICE command.
- Action: The MOD SERVICE command processing aborts.
- Response: Issue a STOP SERVICE command and retry the MOD SERVICE command.
BEA2147I Service service-name for LMID lmid has been modified
- Description: This is the normal response for a MOD SERVICE operator command.

service is the local service name specified in the SERVICE TYPE=REMOTE statement.

lmid is the logical machine ID specified for the MOD SERVICE command.

- Action: None
- Response: None required.
BEA2148I System parameters have been modified
- Description: This is the normal response to a MOD SYSTEM operator command.
- Action: None
- Response: None required.
BEA2149E Inbound TCP/IP connection refused: MCB Error
- Description: A connection attempt from a remote gateway was rejected because of a shortage of message control blocks probably due to an allocation of system resource failure.
- Action: The connection is refused.
- Response: Refer this error to the system programmer responsible for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2150S Security Violation: Tran=tran-id, UserID=userid, GroupID=groupid, TermID=terminalid
- Description: A request to execute a transaction on behalf of the given userid failed authorization.
- Action: A security error response is returned to the requestor.
- Response: None required. The message is given for auditing purposes only.
BEA2151E XCF Send Failed Ret=return-code Rsn=reason-code
- Description: An attempt to send a message to OTMA failed.
- Action: A system error response is sent back to the requestor. TMA will then abend.
- Response: Verify the OTMA system parameters, correct any errors, and retry. If the error persists, refer this error to the systems programmer responsible for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2152I Message rejected by LMID(lmid,L) on Inbound Session - Gateway Stopped
- Descriptio: A new request was received by a gateway in a stopping condition. lmid is the logical machine ID specified for the MOD SERVICE command.
- Action: A system error response is sent to the requestor.
- Response: None required.
BEA2153I Service service-name for LMID lmid has been started
- Description: This is the normal response for a START SERVICE operator command.

service-name is the name of the requested service (i.e., the IMS transaction code for the server transaction).

lmid is the logical machine ID specified for the gateway.

- Action: None
- Response: None required.
BEA2154I Service service-name for LMID lmid is being stopped
- Description: This is the initial response to a STOP SERVICE operator command.

service-name is the name of the requested service (i.e., the IMS transaction code for the server transaction).

lmid is the logical machine ID specified for the gateway.

- Action: All outstanding requests are allowed to continue processing unless the IMMED=YES option was specified.
- Response: None required.
BEA2155I Service service-name for LMID lmid has been stopped
- Description: This is the normal response to a STOP SERVICE operator command.

service-name is the name of the requested service (i.e., the IMS transaction code for the server transaction).

lmid is the logical machine ID specified for the gateway.

- Action: None
- Response: None required.
BEA2156I Response received for previously timed out request
- Description: A response was received for a request for which timeout processing had already initiated.
- Action: None
- Response: None required.
BEA2157I Hostname maximum length (256) exceeded.
- Description: The hostname string used in the HOSTADDR gateway parameter is too long.
- Action: If the error occurs during Oracle TMA TCP for IMS startup, initialization aborts. If the error occurs while dynamically adding a gateway, the gateway is not added.
- Response: Contact your network administrator to provide a new hostname less than 256 characters, or use the IP address in dotted decimal format.
BEA2158I Maximum number of hostnames (256) exceeded.
- Description: More than 256 gateways were defined in the configuration using the hostname option of the HOSTADDR parameter.
- Action: If the error occurs during Oracle TMA TCP for IMS startup, initialization aborts. If the error occurs while dynamically adding a gateway, the gateway is not added.
- Response: Refer this error to the systems programmer responsible for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2159I Inbound TCP/IP connection request rejected: Gateway Stopped
- Description: A remote gateway connection attempt to a stopped gateway was rejected.
- Action: A connection error response was returned to the remote gateway.
- Response: None required.
BEA2160E IMS Error Message received
- Description: IMS rejected a service request for a variety of reasons.
- Action: An IMS DFS Error message was returned to the gateway on behalf of a client request.
- Response: Examine the text of the message to determine the nature of the error and take corrective action.
BEA2161E IMS Server Request failed - IMS Unavailable
- Description: The IMS host system required to service this request is not available.
- Action: An error message is returned to the client with the appropriate error and reason codes set.
- Response: Determine why the IMS Host is unavailable and change the configuration to reroute the request to another available Host, if possible.
BEA2162I OTMA Status change detected with status: Old=oldstatus New=newstatus
- Description: The Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter gateway detected a status change with an IMS Host.
- Action The message is logged and displayed to the console.
- Response: Determine why the status of the IMS Host has changed.
BEA2163E OTMAINPIPE maximum length n exceeded.
- Description: An IMS Host was configured with an OTMAINPIPE parameter.
- Action: The message is logged and displayed to the console.
- Response: Correct the configuration information and retry.
BEA2164I Multi-Segment Message Reconstructed
- Description: A multi-segment client response was received.
- Action: None.
- Response: None required. This message is used only when MSGLEVEL is set to DEBUG(10).
BEA2165E Not enough spare sockets available.
- Description: A dynamic configuration change was attempted that required the use of additional TCP/IP socket resources and not enough were available. Message BEA2166E should follow with additional details.
- Action: The configuration change was rejected.
- Response: The TMA TCP for IMS gateway must be shut down to accomplish the change. Consider increasing the value of the SPARESOCKETS parameter for future dynamic updates.
BEA2166E Requested: n, Available: n
- Description: A follow on message to BEA2165E. This message details the TCP/IP socket resources requested and available.
- Action: The configuration change was rejected.
- Response: The TMA TCP for IMS gateway must be shut down to accomplish the change. Consider increasing the value of the SPARESOCKETS parameter for future dynamic updates.
BEA2167E Invalid Command Syntax
- Description: The command was entered incorrectly.
- Action: The command was rejected.
- Response: For correct command syntax, refer to the “Configuring Oracle TMA TCP for IMS” section.
BEA2168E IMS Server Request for Service(service-name) failed: Requested Service not defined
- Description: The service request from a remote client was for an undefined service.
- Action: The client request is rejected with an appropriate error and reason code.
- Response: Update the remote client to request the correct service name or define a new local service with the name requested.
BEA2169E IMS Server Request for Service (service-name) failed:Requested Service not available
- Description: The service request from a remote client was for a service that is temporarily unavailable.
- Action: The client request is rejected with an appropriate error and reason code.
- Response: Determine why the service is currently unavailable and take corrective action, if necessary.
BEA2170E IMS Server Request for Service (service-name) failed: Buffer Size Error
- Description: The service request from a remote client failed due to an internal buffer size error. Typically, this is caused by exceeding the maximum message size of 64K, including internal header data.
- Action: The client request is rejected with an appropriate error and reason code.
- Response: Contact Oracle Support to report the error.
BEA2171E Multiplex Count must be greater than zero (0)
- Description: A GATEWAY configuration statement contained a MULTIPLEX parameter set to zero.
- Action: The configuration is rejected. If the error occurred on initial startup, the TMA TCP for IMS gateway exits.
- Response: Change the MULTIPLEX parameter to a number greater than zero or remove the parameter and use the default (1).
BEA2172E Missing IMSID option for IMS HOST
- Description: A HOST configuration statement was missing an IMSID parameter which is required.
- Action: The configuration is rejected. If the error occurred on initial startup, the TMA TCP for IMS gateway exits.
- Response: Correct the configuration information and retry.
BEA2173E Missing OTMANAME option for IMS HOST
- Description: A HOST configuration statement was missing an OTMANAME parameter which is required.
- Action: The configuration is rejected. If the error occurred on initial startup, the TMA TCP for IMS gateway exits.
- Response: Correct the configuration information and retry.
BEA2174E Missing OTMAINPIPE option for IMS HOST
- Description: A HOST configuration statement was missing an OTMAINPIPE parameter which is required.
- Action: The configuration is rejected. If the error occurred on initial startup, the TMA TCP for IMS gateway exits.
- Response: Correct the configuration information and retry.
BEA2175E Missing OTMAOUTPIPE option for IMS HOST
- Description: A HOST configuration statement was missing an OTMAOUTPIPE parameter which is required.
- Action: The configuration is rejected. If the error occurred on initial startup, the TMA TCP for IMS gateway exits.
- Response: Correct the configuration information and retry.
BEA2176E Cannot malloc for IMS HOST
- Description: Oracle TMA TCP for IMS was unable to allocate storage used to process IMS HOST definitions.
- Action: Initialization fails and Oracle TMA TCP for IMS terminates.
- Response: Report this error to the systems programmer responsible for Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA2177E Host IMSID not Unique
- Description: A HOST configuration with the same IMSID already exists.
- Action: If the error occurs during Oracle TMA TCP for IMS startup, initialization is aborted and the program terminates. If the error occurs during processing of an ADD HOST operator command, command processing is aborted.
- Response: Choose a unique name for the HOST and retry the command.
BEA2178E Missing IMSID option for Service
- Description: A local service definition is missing an IMSID parameter which is required.
- Action: If the error occurs during Oracle TMA TCP for IMS startup, initialization is aborted and the program terminates. If the error occurs during processing of an ADD SERVICE operator command, command processing is aborted.
- Response: Change the SERVICE, TYPE=LOCAL statement to include an IMSID parameter.
BEA2179E Local Service service-name for IMSID IMS-logical-identifier is invalid
- Description: A dynamic configuration operator command (MOD, START, or STOP SERVICE) was entered for a local service that does not exist.
- Action: Command processing is aborted.
- Response: Enter the correct remote name of the local service in the NAME parameter of the dynamic configuration command.
BEA2180I Service service-name for IMSID IMS-logical-identifier is being stopped
- Description: A STOP SERVICE operator command for a local service is being processed.
- Action: The STOP processing continues for the local service.
- Response: None Required. Informational message only.
BEA2181I Service service-name for IMSID IMS-logical-identifier has been stopped
- Description: A STOP SERVICE operator command for a local service has completed processing.
- Action: The STOP processing has completed.
- Response: None Required. Informational message only.
BEA2182E Could not find IMSID IMS-logical-identifier for service service-name
- Description: A dynamic configuration operator command was entered for a local service which did not contain a valid IMSID parameter.
- Action: Command processing is aborted.
- Response: Enter the correct IMSID of the local service in the IMSID parameter of the dynamic configuration command.
BEA2183I Messages Processed = n
- Description: Part of the STATUS display showing the number of service requests processed.
- Action: None.
- Response: None Required. Informational message only.
BEA2184I XCF Messages Received = n
- Description: Part of the STATUS display showing the number of XCF messages received by the gateway.
- Action: None.
- Response: None Required. Informational message only.
BEA2185I MCBs: Allocated = number of MCBs Assigned = number of MCBs
- Description: Part of the STATUS display showing the number of message control blocks defined and currently in use.
- Action: None.
- Response: None Required. Informational message only.
BEA2186I Services: Remote = number of remote services Local = number of local services
- Description: Part of the STATUS display showing the number of services currently defined.
- Action: None.
- Response: None Required. Informational message only.
BEA2187E IMS HOST IMS-logical-identifier is invalid
- Description: A dynamic configuration operator command ( MOD, START, or STOP was entered for an IMSID that does not exist.
- Action: Operator command processing is aborted.
- Response: Retry the command with a valid IMSID.
BEA2188I IMS HOST IMS-logical-identifier has been started
- Description: A START HOST operator command for an IMS host has completed processing.
- Action: None
- Response: None Required. Informational message only.
BEA2189I IMS HOST IMS-logical-identifier is being stopped
- Description: A STOP HOST operator command for an IMS host is being processed.
- Action: The STOP HOST processing continues for the host.
- Response: None Required. Informational message only.
BEA2190I IMS HOST IMS-logical-identifier has been stopped
- Description: A STOP SERVICE operator command for an IMS host has completed processing.
- Action: The STOP SERVICE processing has completed.
- Response: None Required. Informational message only.
BEA2191E Service service-name for IMSID IMS-logical-identifier already exists.
- Description: An ADD SERVICE operator command for a local service has been attempted but the service has been previously defined.
- Action: The ADD SERVICE processing has been aborted.
- Response: Change the service name and retry, if necessary,
BEA2192E Missing LMID option for START GATEWAY
- Description: A START GATEWAY operator command has been attempted but the LMID parameter, which is required, has been omitted.
- Action: The START GATEWAY processing has been aborted.
- Response: Add the LMID parameter to the command and retry.
BEA2193E Missing LMID option for STOP GATEWAY
- Description: A STOP GATEWAY operator command has been attempted but the LMID parameter, which is required, has been omitted.
- Action: The STOP GATEWAY processing has been aborted.
- Response: Add the LMID parameter to the command and retry.
BEA2194E Missing IMSID option for START HOST
- Description: A START HOST operator command has been attempted but the IMSID parameter, which is required, has been omitted.
- Action: The START HOST processing has been aborted.
- Response: Add the IMSID parameter to the command and retry.
BEA2195E Missing IMSID option for STOP HOST
- Description: A STOP HOST operator command has been attempted but the IMSID parameter, which is required has, been omitted.
- Action: The STOP HOST processing has been aborted.
- Response: Add the IMSID parameter to the command and retry.
BEA2196E OTMANAME for IMSID IMS-logical-identifier not unique
- Description: A HOST statement contains an OTMANAME parameter value that already is used in another HOST statement.
- Action: If the error occurs during Oracle TMA TCP for IMS startup, initialization is aborted and the program terminates. If the error occurs during processing of an ADD HOST operator command, command processing is aborted.
- Response: Change the OTMANAME parameter to match the unique OTMA client name of the IMS system and retry.
BEA2197 - BEA2213 Reserved for internal trace messages used only when debugging is enabled.
BEA2214E Response Service remote-service-name for Service local-service-name is invalid.
- Description: The specified RESPONSE service on a SERVICE, TYPE=LOCAL statement was not a valid remote service.
- Action: If the error occurs during Oracle TMA TCP for IMS startup, initialization is aborted and the program terminates. If the error occurs during processing of an ADD SERVICE operator command, command processing is aborted.
- Response: Change the service name and retry.
BEA2215E Response Transaction remote-service-name from IMS Client is invalid.
- Description: The response transaction specified in the Oracle client request/response header is not defined as a local service.
- Action: The client request is aborted.
- Response: Define the response transaction as a local service.
BEA2216E Client request for Service remote-service-name timed out on queue.
- Description: A service request from an IMS client timed out while waiting for an available session on a remote host.
- Action: A timeout error is returned to the response transaction.
- Response: Reconfigure the SESSIONS or MULTIPLEX count for the desired remote gateway, if necessary.
BEA2217I Service local-service-name for IMSID IMS-logical-identifier has been started.
- Description: This is the normal response for a START SERVICE operator command for a local service.
- Action: None.
- Response: None Required.
BEA2218E Required SYSTEM parameter missing.
- Description: The SYSTEM parameter is missing in the configuration file.
- Action: Make sure the SYSTEM parameter is in the configuration file.
- Response: None Required.
BEA2219E Response Message length (nnnn) for Server <server_name> exceeds maximum length allowed (nnnn).
- Description: IMS Server response exceeds the maximum permissible length given in the MAXRSPLEN parameter. THe response is discarded and the request fails.
- Action: Change the MAXRSPLEN value to the response length required. The acceptable value range for the parameter is 1024-8,192,000.
- Response: None Required.
BEA2220E Allocation failed for Message Buffer (Size = <requested size>, SP= <storage pool>, RC = <return code>, RSN = <reason code>)
- Description: OS GETMAIN fails to allocate the requested buffer size. The session is terminated.
- Action: Assuming a reasonable buffer size, this is an abnormal condition indicating a severe storage shortage or corruption of the storage allocation control blocks.
- Response: Contact Oracle Support to report the error.
BEA2221E Deallocation failed for Message Buffer (Size = <requested size>, SP= <storage pool>, RC = <return code>, RSN = <reason code>)
- Description: OS FREEMAIN fails to deallocate the buffer. The session is terminated.
- Action: Assuming a valid buffer point is passed for deallocation, this is an abnormal condition that indicates a corruption of the storage allocation control block.
- Response: Contact Oracle Support to report the error.
BEA2222I Snap dump completed.
- Description: Indicates the end of the snap dump request.
- Action: None.
- Response: None Required.
- Description: Displays the current message level.
- Action: None.
- Response: None Required.
BEA2224 - BEA2500 Reserved for future use by Oracle TMA TCP for IMS.
BEA9999E Unable to locate message number <number>.
- Description: An undefined error code has been generated.
- Action: The gateway is unable to describe an error which has occurred.
- Response: Contact Oracle Support to report the error. Be sure to note the error number listed.