3.2.2 Configurations for Customized Call ID Support

You can retrieve customized call ID from every Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter incoming call message. Many buffer types support this feature, including CHANNEL/CONTAINER, VIEW, and FML32. Call ID is composed of fields; you can choose to put one or more fields to each call ID in configuration file. Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Gateway loads and parses the configuration file at initialization, and generates a call ID depending on it when decoding an inbound request and sets this call ID to message.

The maximum length of call ID is 64 bytes. Excessive characters will be trimmed. Trailing spaces will be trimmed no matter what the current length is.

You can specify each field's length. The maximum length of field is 64 bytes. Excessive characters will be trimmed. Spaces will be padded if the actual length is shorter than specified.

If the environment variable CALLID_FIELDS_CFG and call ID configuration file are correctly set for Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Gateway, and Oracle Tuxedo System and Applications Monitor Plus (TSAM Plus) call path is enabled on SNA Gateway, the call ID is collected to the ECID field in the TSAM Plus call path. For more information, see Call Path in Oracle Tuxedo System and Applications Monitor Plus Console Users Guide.

To utilize this support, do the following steps.

  1. Set Environment Variable CALLID_FIELDS_CFG to enable this support, specifying configuration file location and field names.
  2. Set Configuration File CALLFLDS.

For a sample of configurations for customized call ID, see the Sample.


  • This feature requires TSAM Plus( and above).
  • This feature only supports STRING and CARRAY field types in VIEW. If the field type is CARRAY, TMA represents it in hexadecimal characters in upper case and doubles its length (two characters represent one single byte).