2.4.3 Explicit Attachment of TRANSID for Inbound Requests

Figure 2-36 Explicit Attachment of TRANSID for Inbound Requests

Explicit Attachment of TRANSID for Inbound Requests

The following list describes the process for implicit attachment as illustrated in the figure above:

  1. The CICS/ESA program makes a request to INSVC1, which is a local ATMI service. The SYSID and PROGRAM values in the request identify the local system and the name of the local service. The TRANSID option indicates the mirror transaction to be initiated.
  2. The PROGRAM and mirror TRANSID are extracted from the DPL request and are used to find an exact RNAME match in the DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section of the DMCONFIG file.
  3. The service SERVICE1, which is advertised locally in the ATMI platform application, is initiated.